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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
Because no suitable island was found, Reina’s plan had to be suspended.
Bray and Smoothie were also sent back to the BIGMOM Pirates by Rayner due to the suspension of their plans .
Although BIGMOM asked the two of them for the first time, but since the plan was not really implemented, they did not know what Reina was looking for.
” Mom, although we don’t know what Rayner is looking for, we can be sure that what he is looking for is in the tent in the other party’s control area! It’s just that we didn’t find a tent with a mirror! ” Small Ji smiled slightly and said: ” But Reina has never been in the area we control, so … we can find it by ourselves! ”
” Oh? Don’t you guys know what you’re looking for? ” BIGMOM asked with some interest.
” We really don’t know, but it doesn’t prevent us from taking a look first. If … it’s obvious, we can also see it! Even if we can’t see it, but we have a tent with a mirror, then it will be with the Whitebeard Pirates. In the negotiation, we can take the initiative! ” Smoothie said directly.
” Well … Well, then Smoothie, Bree! You two just go check it out and see if you can find a tent with a mirror in the area we control! ” BIGMOM said with a big laugh.
” Yes, Mom! ” Smoothie and Bray responded quickly.
After a few days of forehead exploration by Smoothie and Bree, they really found a mirror in a tent, but they didn’t dare to check it out, for fear that they would be shocked by the grass.
” Oh? Take me to see it! ” BIGMOM heard the report of the two, and immediately came to the spirit and said to Bree.
Bray didn’t talk nonsense, directly opened the mirror world, and brought BIGMOM and Smoothie to the mirror they found again.
” Is it here? ” BIGMOM asked, looking at the unremarkable mirror in front of him.
” Yes, Mom! ” Brei nodded and said, ” I can feel that there are many powerful people around the mirror, so I don’t dare to easily connect to the mirror world! ”
” You’re doing a good job, well … Smoochy, let’s inform Whitebeard tomorrow to see what conditions they can fire. If it’s suitable, cooperate with them. If it doesn’t work, we’ll do it ourselves! ” BIGMOM said excitedly.
She knew what it meant.
Not to mention, the power of luck brought by the sudden attack on the opposite powerhouse can make her a lot of money, not to mention that there may be other discoveries on Whitebeard’s side.
” Yes, Mom! ” Smoothie returned with a sigh of relief.
Fortunately, she and Brei found such a place, otherwise they really don’t know how to explain to BIGMOM .
And BIGMOM didn’t act recklessly, and killed her directly, which also relieved her.
Because it is now clear that cooperation with the Whitebeard Pirates can maximize the benefits. If they act on their own, they will not only be shocked by the grass, but also may lose important information.
The next day, when Smoothie came to the island controlled by the Whitebeard Pirates, Reina was not there, and it was Marco, the captain of the first team, who received her.
” Oh? Mr. Rainer isn’t here? ” Smoothie asked with a twinkle in his eyes.
” Yes, he has something to do, so he left, and I can’t tell when he will come back! ” Marco said with a smile while handing the Smoothie red wine.
” That’s really a pity, I came to tell him good news! It seems that we can only wait until he returns … Or if he comes back too late, he may not be able to wait for the news! ” Small Ji shrugged and said regretfully.
” Oh? I don’t know what important good news is? If you don’t mind, you can tell it, or let me tell Dad! ” Marco replied with a chuckle.
Smoothie did not continue to hold on to it, but drank the red wine in the wine glass in one gulp, and said, ” I found what you were looking for before! On the island controlled by our BIGMOM Pirates, there is a tent with a mirror! ”
Marcora’s eyes seemed to widen a little, she sat up straight, and asked, ” Is what you said true? ”
” Of course, if this kind of thing is a lie, wouldn’t it be easy to expose? ” Smoothie replied with a smile.
Anyway, the location is in the area under their control, and only Bu Lei can move there. She is not afraid of the other party’s tricks.
” Alas …” Marko sighed and said, ” If only you had come earlier! ”
” Huh? ” Smoothie frowned and looked at Marko in confusion.
” You should know that our request is to appear directly in the tent, but unfortunately we couldn’t find a tent with a mirror before, so yesterday Reina set off to go to the world government for cooperation! One of their CP9 members is The person with the ability of door door fruit can open a door in the air! ” Marco shrugged and said.
Smoothie was startled, looked at Marko with some surprise, and asked, ” So … you are planning to cooperate with the World Government? ”
” No! ” Marko shook his head and said, ” If we can, we don’t want to cooperate with the World Government! Otherwise, we won’t be looking for you in the first place! Although Bree’s ability is more limited, there is always a chance. That’s why Reina came to you as soon as possible! To be honest, we guess there are some very important things in those tents, but if we show up directly nearby, the other party will definitely destroy it in the first time! So if we can’t directly If we appear in the tent, we don’t have the slightest chance! ”
” What’s in the tent? ” Smoothie asked, frowning.
” Sorry! ” Marko shook his head and said, ” You know, we can’t share this kind of information! ”
Smoothie was speechless. She didn’t expect Reina to go to the World Government to cooperate. She could feel that the Whitebeard Pirates really discovered a big secret.
” If that’s the case … Captain Marko, I don’t guarantee that we won’t launch an attack on the enemy’s tent before you! ” Smoothie was silent for a while, then said directly.
Marko nodded and said: ” Of course, although our cooperation could not be completed, it was all agreed before we started, you will assist us, and any information you obtain during your actions is yours! Judging from your current information, it is indeed in your best interest to launch an attack on the tents in the area, and we have no right to stop it, nor can we stop it! ”
” You can understand! In fact, our cooperation is the best. It is not friendly to both of us to pull in the World Government! ” Smoothie still tried to persuade Marko, hoping that he could call Reina back.

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