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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
Smoothie’s words made Marco fall into deep thought. After a while, he sighed and said, ” I can’t answer you now, please wait a moment for Miss Smoothie, and I’ll call Reina! ”
” Please! ” Smoothie replied with a slight smile.
She had long known that the other party would answer like this.
After Marco left, Smoothie immediately took out his vanity mirror and whispered, ” Sister Bray, find a way to spy on Marco! ”
” No, Smoothie … I’ve searched all the mirrors around, but I haven’t found any trace of Reina or Whitebeard. They should be deliberately protecting me! ” Bray’s voice came from the mirror.
” That’s it … Then there’s no other way, but thanks to your previous information, their promises may be very big, you be careful, don’t be discovered by them! ” Smudge heard the words, nodded and said.
” Don’t worry, they won’t find it! ” Bray said confidently.
On the other side, Marco, who left the conference room, went directly to another room. Reina, Ace, and Whitebeard were always here and didn’t leave at all.
It turned out that after learning that Smoothie was coming, they did all this deliberately, in order to gain an advantage in the negotiation process with Smoothie, and even Bree would eavesdrop on their conversation through the mirror, and they were all caught. They guessed it, so they deliberately let Ace out in the play.
” How, what did the other party say? ” Seeing Marco coming over, Ace couldn’t help but ask.
” With the nutrition we envisioned, they don’t need any harvest, and there are no conditions, but they must ask for our intelligence! ” Marko said with a chuckle.
” Deputy captain, do we really want to share the information with them? ” Ace frowned and said, ” Just let them take care of themselves, anyway, without our explanation, they don’t even know what our purpose is. ”
” But what is our purpose? ” Reina asked Ace with a smile.
” Eh? ” Ace was stunned and looked at Reina in surprise.
” Our goal is to defeat the aliens, but can we do it by ourselves? It’s very difficult! So as long as we get the machine in the tent and figure out the principle, it’s fine. As for the news … it spreads out again . How? ” Reina said with a smile: ” And as long as the news is passed on, everyone will be more interested in extraterrestrial visitors, isn’t it better? ”
Reina’s words made Ace suddenly realize, and understand the reason why Reina did it.
” So what? Are we going to directly agree to their cooperation now? ” Marko asked, looking at Reina.
Reina shook his head and said: ” Of course not, we have to make it clear, we want all the information we want! But we must tell them after we have the things. If our operation fails this time, then the information will naturally not tell them. If They agree and we’ll work together! ”
” In this case … they won’t agree! ” Marko said after thinking about it.
” Agree or disagree, let’s see what they say first! ” Reina got up with a smile, first nodded at Whitebeard, and then walked out with Marco and Ace. For the next negotiation, he and Ace were needed. Smoothie came to talk.
Soon, Reina, who came out with Ace and Marco, saw Smoothie who was waiting for them.
However, as Marco expected, when Reina made their request, Smoothie did not agree immediately, but frowned and thought.
” Mr. Rayner, as far as I know, the world government has clearly refused to cooperate with you. Now, only by cooperating with us, your chances of winning are the best! ” Smooch shook his head and said: ” And our cooperation has already Very sincere, don’t want anything, just want information! ”
” How about this? We don’t tell you the intelligence, you follow us to act together, you can see how much, no matter how much! We will not stop you, and we will not deliberately deceive you! In return, this time our actions, our own Have their own harvest! ” Reina suddenly smiled and suggested: ” Turn cooperation into joint action, and you are responsible for providing transportation to the tent, how about it? ”
” This …” Smoothie didn’t know how to answer for a while, which was already beyond her power.
” Of course, if you can’t decide, you can go back and ask Sister Lingling to see what she plans! ” Reina said with a smile.
Smoothie nodded and said: ” Okay, then I’ll go back, Mr. Rainer please wait for my news! ”
After Smoothie left, Marco and Ace both looked at Reina in surprise, not understanding why he wanted to make extra troubles and come up with another plan.
” Haha … don’t give them any interference, they are very easy to see clues. The BIGMOM Pirates are known for their intelligence! ” Reina explained with a smile.
” What if they choose to act together? ” Ace asked worriedly.
” Hahaha … Impossible, with BIGMOM as a person, it is impossible for her to choose to act together. Those outsiders can be hunted at any time, but our information … After this store, it will be gone! ” Reina laughed . said.
Just as Reina had guessed, news came from the BIGMOM Pirates the next day, inviting people from the Whitebeard Pirates to discuss cooperation matters.
” Don’t force this trip! Reina, protect the doctor’s safety! ” Before leaving, Whitebeard specifically urged.
” Understood, don’t worry, big brother! ” Reina nodded, then turned his head and said to Joz: ” We are not here, big brother’s safety is left to you! If there is any emergency, use the psychic scroll I gave you! ”
” Okay! ” Joz replied seriously.
Saying goodbye to Whitebeard and others, Reina took the captains and doctors and headed towards the area where the BIGMOM pirates were located.
” Well ~ Well ~ Reina, your kid is finally here! ” When Reina and the others arrived, BIGMOM personally greeted them at the port.
” Sister Lingling, I brought everyone here, how about it? Have you decided which way to cooperate? ” Reina said with a chuckle.
” Of course! You have used such a big battle, but I’m very curious! But if you go to battle, I can only ask Bray to help you in the past, and I won’t shoot! ” BIGMOM said with a big laugh.
Reina frowned and said: ” Sister Lingling, we naturally don’t need your help in the battle situation on our side, but I hope you can all appear on the frontal battlefield, you don’t need to do anything, just need you to show up and put pressure on them. ! ”
” Well , well … that’s not good! ” BIGMOM said while walking with Reina and the others: ” We suddenly attack in an all-round way, but there will be losses! “

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