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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
Reina did not refute BIGMOM ‘s words, but walked into the conference room with her.
After everyone was seated, Reina smiled and said, ” So … Sister Lingling doesn’t plan to cooperate with us? ”
” Well … Cooperation, both parties have to make money! If this operation fails, what will we get? Nothing! If you can tell me the information in advance, I will naturally send troops to assist. ! ” BIGMOM said with a weird smile.
” Oh? But didn’t we also give you a chance? If Sister Lingling doesn’t want it, she shouldn’t blame us, right? ” Reina also replied with a smile.
” Opportunity? What opportunity? ” BIGMOM slowly lowered his face and said.
In her opinion, their BIGMOM Pirates suffered from this cooperation. Even if the operation was successfully completed, they obtained information from Reina, but using that information, what can they bring to their BIGMOM Pirates? No one knows now.
” It seems that Sister Lingling hasn’t figured it out yet! ” Reina said with a chuckle: ” According to my plan, Sister Lingling will bring the cadres of your BIGMOM Pirates to the front line, so the visitors from the other side will also be bound. We have to go out in full force to avoid being attacked by you, right? ”
Seeing that BIGMOM did not make a sound, Reina continued: ” When you put some cadres into the battlefield, the other side will inevitably have strong people dispatched! But at this time, we directly attacked their backs through Brei’s mirror world, you How will they react when they say this? ”
When BIGMOM heard the words, there was a flash of light in front of his eyes. With the means that the other party could communicate at any time, as long as the things that Reina and the others were eyeing were important enough, then the opponent’s strong man would definitely choose to return to defense at the first time!
” Haha … their people should come back as soon as possible! But at this time, because some of the powerhouses have entered the battlefield in advance, as long as your cadres can hold them back, when Sister Lingling is there, those powerhouses will be angry. The power of luck … isn’t it worth picking up? ” Reina said with a chuckle.
Sure enough, after Reina’s words, the officials of the BIGMOM Pirates looked like they were suddenly enlightened. Even BIGMOM himself knew that what Reina said was very likely to happen.
” But so, didn’t we help you hold back some of the enemies? ” BIGMOM ‘s eldest son, Perospero, stood up and said.
” Then you don’t have to help, let them leave and come to us! ” Before Reina could answer, Ace stood up and said.
” Okay, Ace, we’re here to seek cooperation this time. Even if the cooperation fails, we don’t have to fight. After all, we still have a common enemy! ” Reina stopped Ace with a smile.
BIGMOM also glared at his eldest son, Perospero, and said, ” Next time I’ll just interject, and I’ll serve you according to the family law! ”
” I’m sorry, Mom! ” Perospero immediately bowed, apologized, and returned to the team.
As BIGMOM ‘s most valued son, Katakuri stood there and didn’t speak the whole time. Until this time, BIGMOM asked Katakuri, ” Katakuri , what do you think of Reina’s proposal? How? ”
” We launched a frontal attack to attract the opponent’s attention, and then Your Excellency Reina started to take away important things from the opponent, forcing them to return to the defense. On the way, we suddenly shot and took part of the power of luck. This is indeed a win-win situation. Cooperation! ” Katakuri heard the words, walked out slowly, and said:
” But we are the ones who launched the attack, and we are the ones who provide the route. Can I do it manually, even without Your Excellency Reina, if we use this tactic, we can still gain something? ”
Reina nodded and said: ” After you get our information, if you are hunting for the power of luck, you can indeed use this method, because there is a premise here, that is, you must start with what they value. Otherwise they won’t be in a hurry to get back on defense! ”
Katakuri nodded and said, ” That’s right, so I’m more in favor of this cooperation. After all, a win-win situation is good for all of us! But we need a promise from Your Excellency Reina! ”
” What Chengruo? ” Reina asked with a frown.
” Like the failure of the operation, you will not give us information! After this operation, if the next time we need it, then your regiment must cooperate with us unconditionally! When we need to capture what is important in Your Excellency Reina’s mouth, you The Whitebeard Pirates must send troops to assist and attract the opponent’s attention from the front! Of course, that part of the power of luck will also belong to you! ” Katakuri’s eyes flashed red as he said.
” Well , well … not bad! Reina, if you agree, then this cooperation will be done! ” BIGMOM heard the words, his eyes lit up, and he immediately said with a big laugh.
Reina and Marco looked at each other, then nodded, and said, “That’s it! I understand, but I can only say that if conditions permit, we will follow the agreement! After all, it is impossible for you to need it at any time. , we can cooperate at any time! We have to negotiate a time between us! ”
” Of course! ” said Katakuri, nodding.
” If that’s the case, then our agreement is complete, Sister Lingling … you can prepare. The time for our action is set in the afternoon, how about that? ” Reina nodded and said.
” Well … well ! ” BIGMOM replied with a happy smile.
In the afternoon, the BIGMOM pirate group launched a general attack on the aliens without warning. She even appeared on the battlefield herself. Although she did not directly participate in the war, the aliens also quickly dispatched reinforcements to support her. .
” Then … let’s start acting too! ” Reina said to Bree who was beside him.
” Please come with me! ” Bray said, directly opening the channel of the mirror world, allowing the people of the Whitebeard Pirates to enter.
After entering the mirror world, Reina immediately began to arrange.
” Ace, Bista, Lakyo, you follow me to attack, I will find the target as soon as I go out, and then snatch it. You will follow me at any time to clear obstacles! ” said Reina again . Looking at the tall Atmos, he said, ” Atmos , you and Speedo Kiel are responsible for protecting the Doctor. If the Doctor suffers any harm, I will only ask you! ”
After Reina finished speaking, he looked at the others and said, ” The rest are mainly about destruction and defense. If there are a lot of enemies inside, you will need you to resist their attacks! If there are no enemies inside, you should quickly form a protective formation, Just in case the opponent’s strong man comes back! ”
” Yes! ” The captains nodded in response.

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