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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
” Are you ready? I’m going to open the door of connection! ” Brei looked at Reina behind him and asked.
” Can you feel the number of enemies around you now? ” Reina looked at Bree and asked.
” No! I can’t sense what’s going on on the other side! ” Bray shook her head and said.
Reina pondered for a while, then said: ” Okay, then it’s okay for me to go out first? ”
” No problem, as long as I go out last, or I don’t go out! After your world is over, I can go out again! ” Bray said with a smile: ” As long as you remove the danger outside, then I can open the link The door, you can check the situation outside at any time! ”
” Well, you stay here, it’s safer here! ” Reina nodded and replied.
Then he nodded towards the rest of the captains, and then walked towards the mirror first. Behind him, Marco, Ace, Vista and others also hurriedly followed.
Reina, who came out of the mirror first, immediately looked around to see if there were any enemies after coming outside.
” Huh? This is the inside of the tent? Did you make a mistake? ” Marco, who was behind Reina, said in surprise after he came out.
Yes, their location is definitely not suitable for a tent, because the area where they are located is much larger than the tent, and there is a door in front of them.
” This … Vice-Captain, what should I do? ” Ace also asked after observing the surroundings.
” Since this is the case, there is no need to worry about it so much. Push forward at full speed and look for the target! ” Reina immediately made a decision.
In fact, at this time, he was already a little skeptical. That seemingly ordinary tent may have some magical places. For example, it looks small, but it actually has a very large space inside, and it is an independent space.
But now is not the time to study this, Reina, Marco, and Vista took the lead, directly destroyed the door of the room, and rushed out.
When they rushed out of the room, they immediately felt the breath of some strong men.
” As expected, Marco, you are in the middle of the command, Bista, Ace! Attack with all your strength! ” Reina, who was the first to rush out of the room, immediately found that they were in a larger room. In the center of the room stood a A huge instrument with what looks like a human body taking shape.
” Sure enough, our guess is correct, Reina, be careful not to damage the instrument! ” The doctor, who was protected by the captains in the middle, saw the huge instrument in the center, his eyes lit up and said.
” Got it! Solve the enemy first! ” Reina rushed towards the enemy closest to him at the fastest speed and replied.
There were not many enemies in this room, only four people, so Reina didn’t deal with the machine immediately.
As long as these four people are under control, they will have enough time to get the machine away.
However, at the moment of seeing Reina, three of the other four rushed towards them, while the other went straight to the machine body, intending to destroy it.
” You can’t let you destroy such an important thing! ” A flame blocked the opponent’s face, and Ace appeared from the flame and said with a chuckle.
” Cut! ” On the other side, Bista also sent a slash to the alien who was closest to him.
” Phoenix Seal · Feng Li! ” Marco charged directly towards the last enemy in the air, their purpose was to stop and entangle the opponent.
” Reina, leave it to me here, go and help the doctor! ” Reina just fought against the opponent, and Lakeyo rushed up with the rest of the captains and took over Reina’s battle.
Their main role now is to protect the machine from being destroyed by the powerhouses from outside the sky, so the captains did not say anything moral, and they all swarmed up.
On the other hand, the doctor has begun to observe carefully on the console, trying to understand and master this huge machine.
However, after Reina came over, he directly pulled out the power supply, and then the ice wheel pill flashed in his hand, and several slashes cut off all the lines around the machine.
The doctor who was researching was stunned for a moment, and looked at Reina angrily. He had just researched something before being destroyed by Reina.
” Doctor, now is not the time to study this thing! ” With that said, Reina touched the machine with both hands, trying to put the machine into his inventory, but unfortunately he was unsuccessful.
” Reina! ” At this time, Jin Gudo, who did not know when he was carrying a mirror, ran towards him.
Reina’s eyes lit up and immediately called Bree.
” Is this your goal? ” Bray asked, emerging from the mirror.
” That’s right, Atmos is handed over to you, is there any problem! ” Reina asked, facing the tallest Atmos.
” Leave it to me! ” Atmos nodded, put his hands on the machine, and slowly lifted the machine up.
” Be careful, be careful! ” The doctor was on the side, looking very distressed. If this thing is destroyed, it will be a big loss.
” Help me in the past! ” Reina stepped a little and rushed directly to the alien visitor closest to him. He didn’t forget that there were still enemies to be resolved.
And I don’t know why, his vision can only be used in this room. He can’t feel the outside situation at all, and he doesn’t know when the reinforcements of the other party will come back, so he must transfer the machine away as soon as possible. .
” Boom ~~”
Just as Atmos and the others were carrying the machines towards the Mirror World, the wall of the room was suddenly blown open, and a dozen strong men from outsiders appeared in front of their foreheads.
” Block them! ” Reina glanced at the machine that still needed time to move away, shouted loudly, and rushed towards the other person first.
But the other party’s purpose is very clear, they are not here to fight Reina and others, but to stop their actions, so everyone shot at Atmos at the same time, in order to destroy the machine.
” Four worlds are frozen! ” Bing Lun Wan completed the swastika solution in an instant, and then directly activated the ultimate move. Countless cold air froze everything around, except for Atmos, the entire room, including the sky that appeared. Visitors are frozen.
” Ka swipe …” But in less than three seconds, the frozen alien visitors began to struggle out of the ice.
” Let’s go first! ” Although Reina only gained a short time just now, but seeing that the machine is about to fully enter the mirror world, Reina shouted and made all the members retreat.

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