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“The writing round is over … open! ”
Seeing that the captains were all retreating, Reina directly started the writing round and used Susanoo for the first time.
A layer of purple energy formed a suit of armor on the surface of Reina’s body.
This made the alien visitors who had just broken the ice seal take a step back.
But soon, they glanced at each other and rushed towards Reina again.
” Time is still! ” A tear of blood flowed out of Reina’s eyes. Using Susanoo and time still in a row made his eyes feel the pressure, so blood and tears flowed out.
Reina, who activated the time stop, did not kill the alien visitor on the opposite side. Killing one or two people in such a short time did not have much effect at all.
Instead, he kicked back and kicked the huge machine, and then threw the doctor towards Bree’s mirror world.
By the time everything was done, time had just recovered.
” Retreat! ” As soon as the time recovered, Reina shouted to his partners, and immediately slashed at the enemy, creating conditions for everyone to escape.
However, just when Reina’s slash stood out, a yellow light suddenly lit up on the aliens on the opposite side. All the aliens had a golden shield and formed a side in front of Reina’s slash. The oversized shield blocked Reina’s slash.
” Not good! ” Seeing that the opponent’s speed did not weaken at all, Reina knew that he could not retreat now.
” Explosive Flame Fire Damo ! ”
” Phoenix Seal · Pineapple Gravel! ”
” Rose dance! ”
Marco, Ace, and Vista all tried to buy time for everyone at the same time.
Reina stepped a little further and charged directly towards the opponent.
” Light and Shadow , Thousand Feather Slash! ” The move of former partner Hansen was used again by Reina, and countless slashes were slashed in all directions. He did not seek to hurt anyone, but only to block the enemy.
” You go first! ” Reina shouted after seeing that the rest of the captains had basically evacuated, leaving only Marco, Vista, and Ace.
After hesitating for a while, the three of them immediately flew towards Brei’s mirror world.
At this time, Reina has also been surrounded by the powerhouse of foreign visitors.
” Boom! ”
” Whoa, whoa, whoa …”
” Asshole! ”
As soon as he entered the mirror world, Marko found that the mirror was destroyed, and he punched the ground in anger.
” Now is not the time to say this, Miss Bray, let us go out immediately! Let’s attack from another place to support Reina! ” On the side, Lakeyo was still calm and said quickly.
” That’s right! ” Marko, Ace and the others, just waking up from a dream, nodded quickly and said.
Leaving Atmos to guard the machine, the rest followed Marko, went out from the mirror closest to the position just now, and quickly killed in Reina’s direction.
At this time, Reina, facing the siege of many extraterrestrial visitors, did not panic. With a wave of the ice wheel pill in his hand, he first avoided the approaching extraterrestrial visitors.
But behind him, the attacks of several other people had already hit him, but Reina seemed to not feel it, turned around and kicked the opponent away.
Reina’s strength is strong, coupled with the ability of the Black Emperor after the promotion, ordinary attacks can be absorbed by him, and then converted into energy and played again.
Although the powerhouses of foreign visitors are powerful these days, their attacks did not have much effect on Reina until they did not understand Reina’s ability. Instead, they were forced by Reina’s offensive to be a little embarrassed.
However, although Reina had the upper hand for a while, it was difficult for him to break out of the encirclement. The strongest person on the other side, Reina estimated that he was not lower than the level of 37 or above, and that person was also especially careful with Reina. people.
” Bang bang bang …”
Reina, who was trapped in the center, was constantly fighting with the surrounding enemies. The energy consumption in his body was very fast. If it weren’t for the ability of the Black Emperor, which helped him save some energy, he would definitely have been injured at this time.
” It can’t go on like this! ” Although the time was very short, Reina had already noticed that the visitors from those days had already known his Black Emperor’s abilities, and now there are no ordinary attack opportunities, and their every attack is accumulating Force, step by step to test the limit that Reina can bear.
Just when Reina was going to explode with all his strength to see if he could break through, Marco and the others finally arrived.
” Shen Huo Shiranui! ” Ace , who was a nature student, arrived first and laid countless flames beside Reina.
” Phoenix Seal · Assault! ” Immediately after, Marco descended from the sky, evading an extraterrestrial visitor who attacked Reina.
” Huh , are you okay with the machine? ” Reina, who was back to back with Marko, asked with a chuckle.
He didn’t ask his companion why he wanted to come back, just worried that there was something wrong with the doctor and the machine.
” Of course, don’t worry! ” Marko nodded and said with a grin: ” Kill them and absorb their luck power by the way! ”
” That’s not easy! There are a lot of them! ” Ace said with a smile.
” It’s okay, BIGMOM won’t just watch these guys run away! ” Lakyo also joined the battle and said.
” Oh? What information? ” Reina asked with a raised eyebrow.
” Hey … It’s inevitable, as long as they wipe out the remaining aliens, it’s impossible not to pay attention to these people, just at this time they are entangled by us! Believe it or not, as long as we don’t counterattack, wait until BIGMOM is there. Biankong shot, definitely move towards this side! ” Lakjoo said with a weird smile.
Reina just thought about it for a moment and understood what Lakyo meant, and he also felt that this possibility was very high.
” Who will use it? ” Ace couldn’t help but say: ” As long as the BIGMOM people appear, we will immediately strengthen the offensive and hit the opponent with a poke. The power of luck here, we will But I didn’t say I would give it to them! ”
Obviously, Ace and Lakyo and others have discussed it for a long time, and they want to take advantage of this opportunity to earn a fortune. After all, this kind of opportunity is not often encountered.
As a few people guessed, the battle situation on their side had just entered a stalemate, and Katakuri brought someone to kill the visitor from the sky.
” Don’t worry , Mr. Reina, we are here to help you! ” Charlotte Daifuku attacked the nearest alien from him.
Because of the appearance of Katakuri and others, there was a lot of shock in the visitors from outside the sky, but Reina did not let the captains fight back immediately, but pretended to be weak and said: ” Very good, it’s really time for you to come, We attacked them from both sides! “

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