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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
The appearance of Katakuri not only blocked the back road of the extraterrestrial visitors, but also caused a commotion among the extraterrestrial visitors.
Because they knew that they might have no reinforcements this time, the moment Katakuri appeared, all the extraterrestrial visitors directly abandoned Reina and others and attacked Katakuri and others.
And Reina did not choose to fight back at this time, but deliberately waited for a while, let Katakuri contact the opponent, and then led someone to kill it.
” Damn it! ” Katakuri’s eyes flashed red, he already understood what Reina meant, but at this time he could no longer make arrangements, he could only slow down his movements and prevent the aliens from entangling him , and gave the aliens the possibility of breaking out, so that they would not drag their BIGMOM pirates desperately.
He had already seen what was going to happen next through his own eyesight.
Sure enough, with Katakuri’s action, the aliens really changed their direction and wanted to break through the gap in the BIGMOM pirate formation.
” Mr. Reina, if we can’t work together, I’m afraid we won’t get anything! ” Katakuri shouted loudly while blocking the enemy.
” It’s Katakuri … do it! ” Reina exclaimed, and then let the captains attack with all their strength. As for who can get more benefits in the end, it depends on their abilities.
Now Reina doesn’t want to turn against BIGMOM . After all, the machine and the doctor are still in the mirror world. If BIGMOM is angered , it will be very unfavorable for them.
The fighting lasted all night, and after the extraterrestrial visitor dropped more than a dozen corpses, he finally retreated and left.
As for the Whitebeard Pirates, in addition to harvesting machines, they also harvested seven or eight powers of luck.
The biggest winner , the BIGMOM Pirates, not only won the island, but BIGMOM also wiped out the aliens who resisted them. Katakuri led the team to block the enemies who attacked Reina, and also gained a lot of luck. force.
When the dust settled and Reina and the others returned to BIGMOM ‘s meeting room, Reina directly said goodbye, because they were basically all injured, just like Katakuri and the others, when the aliens were retreating, they died. The most people lost, but also the most damage to them.
” We still need Miss Bray to accompany us. The things are still in her mirror world. In order to avoid any accidents during transportation, it is the best choice for her to go back with us! When Bray leaves, I will Tell her the secret directly, I don’t know what Lingling wants? ” Reina asked with a smile in the conference room.
” Well … can’t we tell the secret now? After all, the matter is over, and we can’t default on the debt! ” BIGMOM ‘s eyes flashed, and he said with a smile.
” Of course not! ” Reina shook her head and said, ” If Lingling wants to leave things behind, don’t we have to fight? And this time the aliens have suffered such a big loss here, they are bound to be impossible. That’s it, so Sister Lingling should spare some strength to deal with them! ”
BIGMOM’s face changed, Reina reminded her that all this was dominated by BIGMOM in the eyes of the extraterrestrial visitors , so if they wanted revenge, they would definitely turn to BIGMOM , not the Whitebeard Pirates.
Thinking of this, BIGMOM felt that she had suffered a big loss, and now she had to give Reina what she got, which made her even more unhappy.
” Mom, if you’re worried, let Smoothie and I accompany Bree! ” Just when BIGMOM’s face was gloomy and uncertain, Katakuri suddenly stood up and said.
BIGMOM was stunned for a moment, she heard Katakuri’s implication, and said: ” If that’s the case, then you can go with Smoothie! But I have something to tell you, you come with me! ”
Saying that, BIGMOM left the conference room directly, while Katakuri nodded apologetically to Reina and the others, and left behind BIGMOM .
After BIGMOM and Katakuri left, the faces of the Whitebeard Pirates did not look good. Obviously, the other party had an idea about their spoils.
” Everyone , I have ordered the fight all night, and the food will be delivered right away! ” BIGMOM and Katakuri were not around, so Smoothie naturally took care of the hospitality.
In their BIGMOM pirate group, other food may not be available immediately, but desserts can be obtained anytime, so soon, Reina and others began to eat food.
After a while, the barbecue and drinks came one after another. Reina and others were welcome, and they fought all night. Now is the time to replenish energy.
On the other side, after BIGMOM came to another room, he asked Katakuri directly: ” You should know that the thing is already in our hands, right? ”
” Yes, Mom! ” Katakuri nodded and said: ” Not only do I know, I have also entered the mirror world and watched it! That machine is not something we can study now, rather than something that is useless to us. , turned against the Whitebeard Pirates, and even caused unavoidable losses, some of which were more than the gains! ”
” Oh? How do you know that we can’t research anything through that machine? ” BIGMOM looked at Katakuri in surprise and asked.
” It’s very simple, we lack scientists! And even if there are scientists, that kind of machine is not something that ordinary people can figure out! I believe that the Whitebeard Pirates may not be able to figure it out! They should have gotten the news from somewhere to know the machine. It’s very important, that’s why I managed to get one back to study! ” Katakuri said his guess.
BIGMOM pondered for a while and said, ” Are we really hopeless? ”
Katakuri shook his head and said: ” We can’t even figure out the direction, it is impossible to research something, it is better to hand over the machine to them and let them study, and after we get the information, we will make a decision. How to go one step at a time! ”
BIGMOM nodded and said, ” Okay! If that’s the case, then you and Smoothie can accompany Bree for a trip! ”
” And … maybe I can get more information from them! ” Katakuri smiled and said.
” Oh? ” BIGMOM immediately became interested and asked, ” What are your plans? ”
” I plan to take Blyn quietly. They already know Blei’s ability very well, so they will definitely leave Blei, but … Blein ‘s ability can also get a lot of information! ” Kata Curry said with a smile.
” Don’t be careless, they must know about Brin’s abilities! ” BIGMOM frowned and said.
” Don’t worry, Mom, I will be measured! ” Katakuri replied confidently.

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