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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
” Transportation device? ” When the three of Katakuri heard it, their expressions changed immediately. BIGMOM had planned to detain the machine before, but he suggested Reina to take it away, if it was really so important After they go back, I’m afraid it’s not easy to explain to BIGMOM !
” It doesn’t count! It’s just my speculation, and I estimate that in addition to the equipment here, there are other equipment, the first island where the visitors from the sky came, and even in their planet! ” Reina Shaking his head, he said: ” It’s very likely that what we got is just a unilateral receiver, but we couldn’t figure it out until we studied it! ”
Hearing what Reina said, the three of Katakuri breathed a sigh of relief. They thought that what Reina said was very reasonable. With such a machine alone, I am afraid that it would not be able to teleport.
However, as Reina said, this machine is still very important. If something can be researched, then in the future, in the battle against the aliens from the sky, maybe it will be able to trick the opponent again.
” So … this is the information you have? This is just your guess! ” Katakuri said very dissatisfied.
They paid a lot for this information!
If I brought back such speculative news, my mother would not agree.
” In this operation, you have gained a lot, right? We also lost an island for this, but you have expanded, and the power of luck this time has basically been absorbed by you! This machine For you guys, it’s useless at all! ” Before Reina spoke, Ace stood up and said.
” But … this is our agreement beforehand, isn’t it? ” Smoothie also replied calmly.
” So! Aren’t we telling you the news now? We have completed the agreement! As for the authenticity of this news, it is up to you to judge! We just said what we know ! ” Stand up and say.
The atmosphere in the conference room suddenly cooled down.
” Okay, I understand what you mean, it’s just that I think this news has not been confirmed, but even if it is not confirmed, the discovery of the local tent alone is enough for you to gain something! After all, your BIGMOM Pirates are Known for intelligence, it’s easier than us to determine something! ” Reina waved his hand and said.
Katakuri nodded and said: ” I understand! Then according to our agreement, when we are in action, do we hope that your regiment will show your true skills to cooperate! ”
” Don’t worry, I will definitely do what Reina promised! ” Reina nodded and replied.
” If so, then we will leave first! ” Katakuri heard the words, got up and said.
” Ace, send them off! ” Reina said with a slight smile.
At the port, after Ace and Katakuri said goodbye, the three went directly to the cabin.
” Brother Katakuri, are you going now? ” Bree asked excitedly.
” Yeah! ” Katakuri nodded and said, ” Take Brin, be careful not to be discovered by them, and then use Brin’s ability to find the big butler of the Whitebeard Pirates! That man The strength is not strong, but he is the core figure of the Whitebeard Pirates, and he should know a lot of secrets! ”
” Yes, I understand! ” Bray nodded, and then opened the passage to the mirror world from the mirror in the cabin.
” Sister Brei, why are you here! I’m almost bored! ” After Brei entered the mirror world, Breen immediately stepped forward and complained slightly coquettishly.
” Sorry, Breen … for making you wait for a long time, but this is the place of the Whitebeard Pirates. If something goes wrong, even Brother Katakuri can’t protect us! ” Brei was a little apologetic Said: ” Don’t worry, I’ll look for the target! ”
After comforting Breen, Breen began to look in front of the surrounding mirrors.
” Huh ~ ? ”
Suddenly, Bree stopped walking while walking.
” What’s wrong? ” Brin asked in surprise.
She didn’t see any mirrors around, so Bray stopped abruptly, startling her.
” There is a situation! ” Bree squatted down directly, and there was a broken mirror fragment on the ground, very small.
” This is …” Brin asked curiously.
Brei smiled slightly and said, ” Hahaha … I really didn’t expect that there would be such a harvest! This should be because after they knew my ability, they deliberately smashed the mirror in an important place, but unfortunately they didn’t clean it up. A small fragment of the mirror remains! They don’t know that I can overhear their conversation from here, even if it’s such a small fragment. ”
” Oh? Is there anyone talking around there now? ” Brin was stunned, and then asked happily.
” Of course! ” Breen nodded, then put a hand on Breen’s shoulder, and then she heard the voices of several people talking, among which Reina’s voice was immediately recognized by her.
” Ace, are Katakuri and the others leaving!? ” Reina, who was sitting in the main seat, asked Ace who had just come in.
” Of course! ” Ace nodded and replied: ” It’s Katakuri, and he almost saw it! They still want to get real information from us, it’s so naive! Those luck If the power is taken away by them, it is already a loss, and they still want information? ”
” Okay, don’t talk about it in the past! ” Reina waved and said.
At the same time, Reina glanced at Ace with a vague look.
Ace glanced behind Reina, where there should have been a mirror, but now there is no mirror, but he knew that Reina deliberately set a trap there, so he nodded without leaving a trace, indicating that he already understood .
In the mirror world, the two sisters, Buti and Brin, who were eavesdropping, looked at each other after hearing Ace’s words. From each other’s eyes, they both saw surprise.
Unexpectedly, the information Reina told them before was not real information.
” By the way, Reina, the doctor’s research has already started, right? Can you research something? ” Marco’s voice came from the mirror. When Breen and Breen heard it, they immediately cheered up and continued to listen.
“I don’t know! ” Reina shook his head and said, ” What I said to Katakuri before was true, but it was just concealing some important news! So that machine, in fact, has a role for us. It’s not big! But it’s still very good to get it, at least it can confirm our guess, otherwise the visitors from those days would not have had such a big reaction! ”

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