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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
Just when Bree and Breen were eavesdropping on Reina’s conversation, they suddenly heard the sound of the rooms being opened, and they knew that someone should have come in again.
” Deputy captain, the doctor asked me to inform you that the research over there may not be able to be done! ” At this time, a voice that made them somewhat unfamiliar sounded.
” Why? ” Reina asked in surprise.
” That machine is supposed to be protected, so when we disassembled it, it should have activated a self-destruction device inside. Although it looks intact on the outside, it’s completely useless inside! ” Let Bree and Breen’s unfamiliar voices return.
” Damn, we paid such a big price, and we got nothing! ” Ace said in a frenzy.
” No way, things have already happened, then it’s not very useful for us to say these things. It seems that the information we got last time was also incomplete, otherwise this kind of thing would not have happened! ” Reina shook his head. , said.
Brin and Bray, who were eavesdropping, looked at each other. Although they were very surprised at this time, they both saw surprises in each other’s eyes.
” Deputy captain, do you think the aliens really use that machine to make soldiers constantly? ” At this moment, Fire Fist Ace said something that made them feel horrified.
” There shouldn’t be a mistake, isn’t Germa also able to make an artificial human? Although it is not as powerful as the Alien, but we sneaked into Germa’s laboratory, haven’t we seen such a huge machine? Now that the inside of the machine has been destroyed, let the doctor disassemble the machine! There may be unexpected gains in this way! Okay, let’s go! Let’s go to the laboratory to see it too! ” Reina said Then, he gave a few people a wink and left the room first.
When Ace and Marco left, they were still swearing, seeming to be very dissatisfied with the news.
” Sister Bray … what do we do now? Are we going to find that man named Frank? ” Brin looked at Bray and asked.
” No, let’s go back immediately, tell Brother Katakuri the news, and let him make a decision! ” Bree shook her head and said.
” Okay! ” Brin also nodded and replied.
She also felt that the information they knew now might be more than what Frank knew.
But they didn’t know that the last person who came in to report was Frank himself.
At the same time, Reina and the others did not expect that Katakuri would pay attention to Frank, but this time their plan made a mistake and allowed Frank to escape.
After coming out of the room, Reina chuckled and said, “I can’t tell, your acting skills are getting better and better! ”
” That’s necessary, otherwise, if you play wolf killing, wouldn’t you be tortured to death? ” Ace replied with a big laugh.
Wolf Killing is a new game made by Reina after he came to Beihai. It is also a type of board game. Unlike the original Monopoly, it is a game that tests wisdom and observation.
After Reina taught everyone, it immediately became popular within the Whitebeard Pirates, and now it has even spread to the world.
However, about Reina’s ability to make games, everyone is already a little surprised. After all, whether it is the rich man of the year or the wolf killing now, it was all made by Reina.
” Deputy captain, do you think they are really fooled? ” After Ace finished laughing, he asked Reina hesitantly.
” Of course, I felt the fruit energy coming from the mirror. This is the ability I have after absorbing a power of luck this time. Although the ability is still weak, it is so close enough for me to feel it. Here it is! And in order to eavesdrop on our conversation, the other party has been connecting the mirror world to our world. If I still don’t notice it, then I’m an idiot! ” Reina said with a smile.
” It seems that the power of luck is really important! It’s a waste to let BIGMOM absorb so much power of luck this time! ” Marco also sighed and shook his head, saying: ” But this time we The harvest is not small! At least a lot of our previous guesses have been confirmed! ”
” Let’s go, go to the doctor’s side first and see if his work is progressing! ” Reina said with a chuckle.
” It is estimated that the doctor has no time to pay attention to us. I came from the laboratory just now, and the doctor was complaining to my father, saying that the method of dismantling by the deputy captain was too violent, and many places were damaged, and now he can only try to repair it! ‘ Frank replied with a smile.
What he said in the room before was naturally false, in order to deceive Brei who was listening.
But they didn’t know at all that Brin was also in the mirror world, and it was Frank’s idea. Once they succeeded, many secrets of the Whitebeard Pirates would be leaked. After all, Frank was the chief executive of Xuanyue Island. The secret on Xuanyue Island alone is enough for BIGMOM to be delighted!
Soon the group came to the laboratory, just in time to see Whitebeard come out.
” Dad, how’s the doctor here? ” Marko immediately stepped forward and asked.
” Gu la la la … The progress is not bad, but you still don’t bother him, especially Reina, you go in now, I’m afraid you will be talked about by the doctor! ” Whitebeard said with a smile.
” Then I don’t want to go in! ” Reina replied with a smile.
” Well! If you are free, go to Germa’s side. The doctor said that with their help, the research will be much faster! ” Whitebeard looked at Reina and said.
” Germa? ” Reina was taken aback for a moment. They mentioned Germa before, and they just wanted to make some fun for Germa. After all, BIGMOM would never let Germa go after overhearing such news. will come to trouble them.
Although their Whitebeard Pirates and Germa are also ordinary allies, they don’t care about Germa’s life or death.
” Yes, the doctor said that this machine and Germa’s artificial human technology must have similarities. With their help, they can save a lot of time, but if they can’t return to their hearts … then they can’t be allowed to leave afterwards . Yes! ” said Whitebeard, nodding his head.
As a big pirate, Whitebeard still knows this. As their core secret, it is impossible to share it with Germa unless Germa surrenders.
But as one of the major forces in the North Sea, Germa’s strength is also quite good, and it is impossible for them to surrender to the Whitebeard Pirates for no reason.

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