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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
Reina and the others were obviously stunned by Whitebeard’s words.
Because they had just plotted against Germa, and now they are going to invite them, which is a bit too coincidental.
And Reina doesn’t have to think about it, the BIGMOM Pirates will definitely launch some actions against Germa.
” Wait … Can we take advantage of this opportunity? ” Lakyo said suddenly.
” Chance? What chance? ” Ace asked, still a little puzzled.
” After the propaganda of the Xu family just now, the BIGMOM Pirates will never let go of a power like Germa, and they definitely want to conquer Germa. I won’t let them go! ” Lakyo said with a smile: ” And our purpose is to subdue … and wait for BIGMOM to take action before we …”
He didn’t finish his words, but everyone present knew what he meant.
Reina and Whitebeard looked at each other, and then Whitebeard nodded towards Reina and said, ” Try it! But don’t go too far, let them do it at best without interfering! ”
If the former Whitebeard, it is impossible to agree to use this method to conquer others, he has always liked to use his own charm to conquer others.
But now as I grow older, I also know that many times there is no way to do what I used to do.
Reina smiled and said, ” Don’t worry, brother, we are not the BIGMOM pirates! ”
Whitebeard nodded, and then ignored the matter. He now only does what he is interested in. Apart from fighting, everyone lets Whitebeard do whatever he wants.
After Whitebeard left, Reina didn’t go to the laboratory either. At this time, he wouldn’t go over to get bad luck.
After separating from Whitebeard, Reina began to arrange staff. On the one hand, he went to monitor the BIGMOM Pirates, and on the other hand, he sent people to Germa to invite them to join the Whitebeard Pirates.
On this day, Reina was discussing with Ace, and Frank sent someone to report, and Germa’s patriarch, Vismoke Gage , came to visit.
” Haha … After staring for so many days, it’s finally here. It seems that they don’t know anything yet! ” Reina said with a smile.
” Why didn’t the vice-captain wait for the BIGMOM operation before going to Germa? That way they are more likely to agree! ” Ace asked in confusion.
” No, BIGMOM will not give us this chance! ” Reina shook his head and said, “If BIGMOM finds them, then they have only two choices, surrender or die! And we have no room to intervene, after all, BIGMOM does not target them. us! ”
” Ah? Then if we look for them now, will they agree? ” Ace asked inexplicably.
” Definitely not! They came so easily, which is enough to prove that they don’t know anything! ” Reina said with a smile: ” But it doesn’t matter if you don’t surrender to us! We can take the opportunity to give them a chance, a When you are in danger, you can always ask us for help! ”
” Huh? ” Ace looked at Reina in confusion and asked, ” What does this mean? ”
” Hahaha … Let’s go, you’ll know when the time comes! ” Reina said with a big laugh.
Soon, when Reina and Ace came to the conference room, Marco and Frank were already chatting with the people of the Vinsmoke family.
” Hahaha … Patriarch Jiazhi, it’s been a long time! ” Lena walked into the conference room and greeted warmly.
” Deputy Captain Reina, it’s been a long time since I saw you. It’s really thanks to you that such a big thing happened in the North Sea this time. Otherwise, the entire North Sea might have fallen. ” Jiazhi said with a smile.
His dream is to make the Wensmoke family return to the glory of the past. You must know that they were the Wensmoke family, but the royal family of the North Sea, and the entire North Sea is under their rule.
” This time I invited Patriarch Jiazhi over, mainly for one thing! ” Reina found a place to sit down and said directly.
“All ears are listening! ” Jiazhi replied with a respectful look.
Although they and the Whitebeard Pirates are allies on the surface, they all know in their hearts that when there is no conflict of interest, they are allies. Once something happens, neither side can stay.
” I hope you, the Germa Group, can join our Whitebeard Pirates! ” Reina didn’t talk nonsense, and went straight to the topic.
” What? ” Gage was stunned for a moment, looked at Reina in disbelief, and then asked with an ugly face: ” What do you mean by this, Your Excellency Vice-Captain? Are you Whitebeard Pirates planning to annex us? ”
Gage’s words fell, and his children who had been sitting all the time also put away their relaxed smiles and became serious.
Although they were very confident in themselves, facing a behemoth like the Whitebeard Pirates, just a few of them had no certainty to retreat.
At this time, Jiazhi was full of regrets. He knew that he should not be so careless, and only a few of them came to the site of the Whitebeard Pirates.
Seeing the other party getting nervous, Reina chuckled and waved his hand, saying: ” Patriarch Gage, don’t be nervous! Our Whitebeard Pirates are not a pirate group that uses such small means! Even if we want to annex you, we will only Launch the battle aboveboard, not with this kind of conspiracy! ”
” Huh ~” Gage breathed a sigh of relief, he still believed this, the Whitebeard Pirates had a good reputation, and with their strength, they really didn’t need such a small trick to deal with the Germa Group.
” Then what does Your Excellency Vice-Captain mean? ” Gage looked at Reina with some puzzlement and asked.
If it wasn’t to annex them, why would they say such a thing? Let them join … This kind of thing is obviously impossible! If it is an alliance or cooperation, he will agree without hesitation, but it is absolutely impossible to join.
” It’s very simple, that’s what it means literally! This time I invited Patriarch Jiji to come over, and I intend to invite you to join the Whitebeard Pirates. As long as you join us, then Patriarch Jiji can still lead the Germa Group, but you only It’s equivalent to a pirate group under our command! Of course, it’s up to you to disagree! But … I advise you here, if you miss this opportunity, if you want to join next time … the conditions are not so good! ” Reina said with a smile.
Jiazhi was shocked, he was not a fool, Reina dared to say this, obviously relying on it, otherwise, as Reina, he would never say such words casually.
” Then you Whitebeard Pirates, are you planning to launch an attack on our Germa group? ” Gage slowly got up and asked.

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