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Facing the questioning of Vinsmoke Gage , Rayner didn’t care, but waved his hand and said, ” Let’s not say that we are still allies on the surface, even if we are not allies, we Whitebeard Pirates will also I won’t attack other forces casually! I believe that Patriarch Gage should be able to trust us! ”
Hearing this, Gage finally let go of his heart. Just now, he thought that the Whitebeard Pirates were planning to attack them.
In that case, even if the other party doesn’t move him now, it won’t do much to let him go back. It’s just to make the Whitebeard Pirates lose more, but it will definitely not cause any situation where they can’t take down their Germa group. .
” What do you mean by that, Deputy Captain? ” Jiazhi asked in confusion.
Since the Whitebeard Pirates have no plans to do anything to them, why did they say that they should join?
” Well, I won’t hide it from Patriarch Gage, we now need the technical support of the Jemal Group, we have obtained a new technology, which may have something in common with the artificial human technology of Jerma, so I hope you can Join us, let’s study this together! ” Reina nodded and said: ” You should know that a top technological force is enough to change the current world pattern, so if you don’t join us, we will not let You are involved! ”
” So it is! ” Jage nodded and said, ” Although I would also like to see what technological power your regiment has mastered, it is impossible for our Vinsmoke family to become someone else’s vassal! Regarding this, please also ask Your Excellency Reina, forgive me! ”
Reina shrugged and said with a smile: ” Don’t feel sorry … But if the Clan Chief Jage rejects me now … If you want to join us in the future, this may not be the condition! ”
Gage nodded and replied, ” I understand! But we shouldn’t! ”
Jiazhi is still a little confident in the strength of himself and his children. With their android technology, the soldiers under his command are not afraid of death at all. Even if the other party is the Whitebeard Pirates, he also believes that the other party wants to destroy them. , must pay a certain price.
Reina heard the words, nodded with a smile, handed a psychic scroll to Gage, and said, ” This is a psychic scroll, after using it, I can summon my psychic beast! I can give it to you now. The last chance, when you encounter some irresistible force, you can use the psychic scroll. I will rush over and help you once at that time, but once you use it, it means that you express your love to our Whitebeard Pirates. To surrender, we need to join us unconditionally! ”
Gage shook his head and replied, ” No need, I believe I will never use him one day! ”
” Hahaha … Patriarch Jiazhi is very bold, but I think you’d better take it. Even if you don’t need it, this is my promise to you. Maybe it can help you through any danger! ” Reina Instead of getting angry at Gaji’s refusal, he said with a big laugh.
After thinking about it for a while, Gage nodded and accepted Reina’s scroll. He didn’t agree with Reina’s words, but he felt bad and hit Reina in the face at this time.
Anyway, as long as you don’t use it yourself, it doesn’t matter if you take it.
After the discussion, although the two sides did not reach an agreement, after all, they were guests from afar, so Reina asked Ace to take them to the cafeteria, where a banquet was being held, which was considered to welcome their arrival.
After the people from the Vinsmoke family left, Marko chuckled and said, ” What a bunch of idiots, we’ve said it so clearly, and they don’t even have the slightest suspicion! ”
” I can’t blame them, after all … As remodelers, although they have human minds, they don’t have feelings, so when faced with things, it’s understandable that their ability to think is inferior! However, their strength is still good! Reina shook her head and said, ” And the one named Reiju … should have felt something, but she didn’t remind her father for some reason! ”
” Sure enough, this kind of thing is still unacceptable! He actually transformed his own children into transformed people … I really don’t know the brain circuit of that person! ” Marco shrugged and said.
” Speaking of this, I heard that Nuoqigao is pregnant? Is it really okay that you won’t go at this time? ” Reina asked Marko with a smile.
” I want to go back, but Dad said, let me wait for a while. When the doctor goes back, let me go back together again, and I will save someone to escort the doctor! ” Marco said helplessly.
” How can you wait for this kind of thing? Big brother doesn’t know the reason, but I know it very well! You will leave early tomorrow morning. If the doctor hasn’t come out yet, you can go back by yourself. When the doctor comes out, I will send you Let someone escort him! ” Reina shook his head and said.
” This …” Marko hesitated, although he wanted to agree, but he was afraid that Whitebeard had other arrangements.
” Don’t worry! I’ll go and talk to him about the big brother! We won’t have much action recently . We will only act after BIGMOM takes action! ” Reina waved his hand and said.
When Marco heard the words, he didn’t say anything more. He really wanted to go back, and he wished he could go back to Nuoqigao immediately.
The next morning, just as Marko was about to leave, the doctor actually walked out of the laboratory.
To know the general situation, he would not have come out of the laboratory so early.
” Doctor, but what did you find? ” Reina was notified and rushed to the cafeteria immediately, because the doctor was eating in the cafeteria.
” No! ” said Dr. Sière, shaking his head.
” Eh? Then why did you come out so early this time? ” Reina asked in surprise.
” I don’t want to! But there’s a shortage of materials here, so it won’t work if you don’t come out, and the experiment won’t go on! I have to go back to Xuanyue Island immediately! There are more materials over there! And when you are fighting against aliens, remember to give I am also looking for some materials, and I have left the list in the laboratory! Frank is asking someone to disassemble the machine, and when he is done, he will arrange a ship to send me back to Xuanyue Island! ” Dr. Ah Xie said while eating.
Reina nodded and said, ” Just in time, Marko is also going back, so let him escort you this time! I’ll let Little Oz follow you. With his strength, it should be easy to carry the machine! ”
Ah, Dr. Sière was still nodding, but after hearing Little Oz’s name, he immediately frowned and said, ” That guy … I don’t know the severity of his hands. I’m afraid he will damage my machine! ”
” Don’t worry, under normal circumstances, our people will carry it, but in the event of an accident, little Oz can ensure that the machine will not be lost! ” Reina said with a smile.
” Okay! Let them hurry, I want to leave right now! ” Now, Dr. Sière, is more anxious than Marco.

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