Everyone was blocked. For Celtics guard Dana Barros, if he didn't choose to challenge Harper, he could only pass the ball to Stephen Jackson!

Barros naturally would not choose to challenge Harper, and could only pass the ball to Stephen Jackson as arranged!

Although Stephen Jackson came up with the intention of doing it right away, he didn't expect that he would have to do it himself so soon!

The first moment he received the ball, although there was no one three meters in front of him, Stephen Jackson still made a fake move on the spot, but with just such a fake move, Rodman jumped out like an octopus!


Jackson's first shot was blocked by Rodman as soon as it left his fingertips!

"Hey, kid!" Rodman glanced at Stephen Jackson with disdain:

"Didn't your mother tell you that children should not interfere in adult games? What are you thinking? Are you qualified to shoot at this time?"

"Don't you know me?"

Stephen Jackson asked back.

"Me? Ha!" Rodman laughed so hard that he peed himself: "There won't be a rubbish supporting player like you in our team's video analysis class!"

"Hehe!" Stephen Jackson grinned: "That's great!"

Rodman is a jerk, and unfortunately, Stephen Jackson is also a real jerk!

Although jerk is very jerk, he can burst out with different power after being stimulated!

Restart, the Celtics reorganized the offense!

Restart, Han Yi stood a little higher, but for Rodman and Pippen, we don't care where you stand, no matter where you stand, we will be your left and right goalkeepers today!

The ball was kicked out, and suddenly Ben Wallace came around to do a pick-and-roll for Han Yi!

Han Yi separated Rodman with the help of the pick-and-roll, leaving only Pippen to hold on. With the height, Han Yi still received the high lob from his teammate!

But as soon as he landed, the double team came around again, and he was still two meters away from the three-point line!

Even if he received the ball at this position, it would be quite difficult to launch an attack directly!

"So, how will you attack this ball, Han Yi?"

Pippen sneered, "Do you still want to show off your fancy and useless ball control that seems like a joke? It's too easy for me to steal it without the referee to help you!"

Han Yi didn't have time to joke with them. He raised the ball with both hands to a height that Pippen and Rodman could never touch, and then passed the ball at high speed, directly hitting Stephen Jackson!

Rodman and Pippen showed a black question mark expression at the same time: You, Han Yi, caught the ball so hard, and then passed it so easily? Then why did you catch the ball? Just let your teammates pass it to this little brat, and it's over. Anyway, we won't defend him at all!

But Han Yi's outrageous operation has not been completed yet. Han Yi actually took Rodman and Pippen, two great defensive gods, to do pick-and-roll for Stephen Jackson!

Rodman and Pippen couldn't help but show the expression of an old man looking at his phone on the subway: What kind of trick is this?

Normal pick-and-roll is that the unguarded person sets the pick-and-roll for the heavily guarded ball handler, helping the ball handler to get rid of the defense and launch an attack.

And what are you doing, Han Yi? Your own ball handler has no one to defend, and you can play freely, but you bring two defensive experts to set the pick-and-roll for him. Wouldn't this reverse pick-and-roll force your own ball handler to death?

Rodman alone is not something Stephen Jackson can deal with, let alone Pippen + Rodman, a defensive combination that is one of the top few in history!


"Not good!"

When this pick-and-roll was formed, Pippen was the first to see through Han Yi's intention, but it was too late!

When this lightning pick-and-roll was completed, Han Yi handed the defender to Jackson, and he rushed to the basket like a dragon entering the sea!

And Stephen Jackson didn't hesitate at all and directly hit the ball! This is a tactic Rick Pidino just drew up. Jackson was focused and executed it perfectly!

If the person who received the ball was someone else, such a high-speed pass would most likely be a turnover, but because it was Han Yi who received the ball!


When Han Yi stepped on the free throw line, he just got the basketball. Three-step layups were too slow!

Han Yi took a step forward and took off directly!

This was already the critical moment of the game. No matter how timid Luke Longley was, he knew that he was the only one under the basket now!

Defend Han Yi? That was completely impossible. Han Yi rushed over like a big white bear facing Luke Longley flying in the air. It was definitely impossible to stop him, but Luke Longley still had the confidence to exchange the two points that must be scored for two free throws——


It's good to have confidence, but your confidence is inflated, which is your fault!

Luke Longley just rushed to Han Yi, and before he could push him, Han Yi's dunk was completed, and the rest was - inertia to lift his leg!


Another sound, this time it was Han Yi's big foot that opened the way, and directly kicked the 250-pound Luke Longley out of the baseline!


One step slower, one step slower again!

Although Luke Longley was kicked in the body, his body hurt, but his heart hurt more. Last time facing Han Yi's flying dunk, he chose to hide because he was scared. This time facing Han Yi's flying dunk, he chose to stop it desperately. The result was exactly the same. The only difference was that compared with dodging, he was kicked hard.

So the conclusion is: facing Han Yi who kills the basket, it is better to roll as far as possible. This kind of demon is not something that small characters like us can withstand.

Stephen Jackson raised his hands excitedly when he saw Han Yi complete the dunk, and said to Rodman who had just criticized him:

"This ball is for your mother, Dennis!"

"You TM!!"

Rodman was furious and tried to pull Jackson's jersey, but was stopped by Pippen:

"Dennis, calm down, don't make mistakes at the critical moment of the team..."

Phil Jackson had no doubts about Han Yi's face-to-face slam dunk against Luke Longley, but he was full of doubts about Stephen Jackson who had just passed the ball to Han Yi!

Although the pass was open and closed, it was not simple. It took the little time that Rodman and Pippen could not react in a flash. If it was a little slower, it would have been a mistake!

But in such a lightning reaction time counted in microseconds, this guy passed the ball. The Celtics had a guy who could pass this kind of ball, and I didn't know it until the fourth game of the series?

"Who is that guy who just assisted Han Yi?"

Phil Jackson yelled at the assistant coach: "Why don't I have any information about him?"

The assistant coach said aggrievedly:

"Coach, this guy is Stephen Jackson, a second-round pick in the same year as Han Yi, wearing No. 42 jersey, 2.03 meters tall, weighing 200 pounds, playing the No. 2 position, a high school player, with good scoring ability in high school games. As for the NBA, he has only played in the garbage time of the regular season and played for two minutes in the entire playoffs. We really don't have more information about him!"

Phil Jackson, who has always been calm, couldn't help but stand up and frowned:

"Is this your Celtics' killer move? You haven't used it until now, right?"

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