Rebecca, who was in the prison of the fighting arena, was still excited at this time.

Because she got a piece of news, that is, Doflamingo had one leg cut off by a guy named Mok.

This is definitely the only good news she has received in more than ten years.

How can she not be excited?

She really wanted to go out and shout loudly to vent the grievances in her heart for many years.

“Who are you?”

At this moment, a cry of surprise came from the position where the guards were on one side.

“???” Rebecca was puzzled.

Because no one should come at this time. Moreover, it was not her turn to fight today.


A scream sounded, and then a figure fell heavily in front of the cage where she was.

Rebecca’s pupils shrank sharply, because she could see at a glance that this guy was the guard of this area.

Surprisingly, someone dared to kill the guard here.

Rebecca was extremely shocked, because this was equivalent to declaring war on the entire Don Quixote family, and even provoking Doflamingo.

In the Kingdom of Dressrosa, who has the courage?

Who has the strength?

“Tap, tap, tap…”

A sound of footsteps sounded, and every step seemed to step on her heart, making her very excited.

Because, in her opinion, such a person is a “good person”!

Soon a mighty and handsome man came in front of her. Just one glance, Rebecca’s pupils shrank like needles.

Although she had never seen this man in person, the portraits of this guy and his crew had already spread all over Dressrosa.

It can be seen how much Doflamingo was afraid of him, fearing that he would sneak in.

But in her opinion, how could such a person “sneak” in? He came in openly, could you, Doflamingo, stop him?

Seeing Rebecca’s expression, Mok knew that she recognized him.

The corners of her mouth could not help but rise slightly: “It seems that you know me.”

Rebecca nodded excitedly: “You cut off one of Doflamingo’s legs.”

After the excitement, she added: “I don’t know, why did you come to me?”

Rebecca is not stupid, Mok is clearly coming for her. But she really can’t figure out, what can Mok value about her?

The only thing she can show is that she is young and beautiful.

If a person like Mok is short of young and beautiful women?

As long as he wants, what kind of women are not there?

Mok doesn’t like to beat around the bush, and said bluntly: “I have taken a fancy to you and Violet. If you are willing to become my women. Then I will help you take back the Kingdom of Dressrosa.”


Rebecca didn’t expect that the other party really took a fancy to her beauty. What’s more, he actually took a fancy to Violet, who is her…

The guy in front of him actually wanted them to share a husband.

Simply simply…..

Rebecca was extremely annoyed, but also extremely excited. She was annoyed because the man in front of her was too much. She was excited because she finally saw the hope of restoring her country after so many years.

However, she reacted quickly and immediately retorted: “But even if I don’t agree, you will take action to get rid of Doflamingo, right?”

“After all, you have already formed an irreconcilable feud.”

Moke nodded: “That’s right.”

Rebecca: “Then why should I agree?”

Moke smiled: “This time I came to get rid of Doflamingo. But you have to understand that getting rid of Doflamingo and getting rid of the entire Don Quixote family are two different concepts.”

Rebecca raised her eyebrows: “What do you mean?”

“If you don’t agree, I will only get rid of Doflamingo. I won’t touch the others… because their strength can’t cause any impact on me. Or after killing Doflamingo, I will directly take them as my younger brothers and let them be used by me.”

As he spoke, Moke’s eyes lit up, as if he was quite interested.

Rebecca’s pupils shrank, because Mok could do this. The most important thing is that for Mok, this is the best choice.

Because, in this way, the benefits can be maximized. Everything of Doflamingo can be used for his own benefit.

“Gurgle…” Rebecca swallowed her saliva.

She even felt a little desperate.

Because once Mok replaced Doflamingo, the Dressrosa Kingdom would never have a chance to restore its country.

Seeing that the time was almost right, Mok immediately added: “Just to tell you, your father and grandfather are still alive.”

After that, he left without looking back.


Rebecca exclaimed, her eyes widened, her expression seemed happy and worried.

“Come back! Please explain the matter clearly.” Looking at Rebecca who was leaving, Thor was shocked.I was so anxious.

Mok didn’t stop, but he left a sentence: “I don’t want to deceive you… So, think about it! I will come again tomorrow… But remember, tomorrow is your last chance.”

After that, Mok disappeared.

Rebecca stood there blankly, muttering to herself: “So, Dad and Grandpa are still alive?!!!”

Mok walked out, and the corners of his mouth couldn’t help but rise slightly.

Rebecca’s dress is really the same as in the original book, so cool… It’s also convenient to do things. Of course, the most important thing is that her figure is top-notch!

She should be straight, curvy, and thin, and her legs are long and straight.

The key is that she is still tender and tender.



Violet has long brown hair, beautiful light brown pupils, a red flower on her head, a flamenco dance costume, and a flower in her mouth.

She is dancing flamenco!

There are many people watching. However, while dancing, her movements could not help but freeze for a moment. Because she saw a person in the crowd.

The people here were attracted by her dance and might not have noticed it. But she saw it at a glance on the stage.

There was a flash of excitement in her eyes.

She had been under Doflamingo for many years, so she naturally knew much more than Rebecca, and she knew how terrifying Mok’s strength was.

Of course, she also knew what kind of person Mok was.

This was the ruthless man who killed Admiral Akainu!

At the same time, she also understood. This was her only chance to kill Doflamingo, destroy the entire Don Quixote family, and restore the kingdom.

How could she not be excited?

She had much more experience than Rebecca, so she understood that if she wanted to get something, she had to pay something.

Especially when she saw Mok’s eyes, she understood.

What did she need to pay to get Mok’s help… She bit her lips lightly, just a little entangled, and she had already made a decision in her heart.

She must satisfy Mok… at all costs.

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