Mok naturally noticed Violet’s abnormality, and the corners of his mouth rose slightly. Then, he made a gesture and disappeared directly from the spot.

Violet, who was dancing, changed her face slightly.

However, she had endured humiliation for so many years beside Doflamingo, and she could naturally hide her emotions.

No matter how excited or eager she was in her heart, she would not show it on her face.

After the dance, she found an excuse and left.

Alone, she came to a remote place.

Mok stood there, waiting quietly. Because he knew Violet would come… She would never miss such an opportunity.

Violet gave Mok a noble salute: “Hello, I wonder if you have any instructions for me?”

It must be said that people who have experienced social beatings. And those who have not experienced social beatings are different!

Look at this posture.

It is very low, because she understands that the person standing in front of her is a person who can decide her fate. He is also a person who can decide the fate of the entire Dressrosa Kingdom.

Mok said bluntly: “I have been to the fighting arena prison and met Rebecca.”

He just likes to play straight, why is he beating around the bush?

It’s not the previous life.

With his current strength, if he wants a woman, he doesn’t need those troublesome steps at all.

Someone once said that only ordinary people will go to great lengths to pursue women.

Powerful people, they only choose women!

Someone else said.

Women only ask ordinary people for attitude and emotional value. As long as a man has enough strength, if you find a mistress, she will take care of your emotions and let you have fun.

Even if the mistress gives birth, you have to take good care of the mistress during the confinement period.


Violet exclaimed. If there is anyone else in this world who can make her emotionally fluctuate, it is only Rebecca.

At the same time, she also questioned Mok’s purpose.

After all, looking for her can be understood as wanting to understand the situation of Doflamingo and his Don Quixote family.

But she couldn’t think of any legitimate reason to go to Rebecca who had been imprisoned in the gladiatorial prison for years!

Mok once again gave Violet the two choices for Rebecca.

Violet’s face changed again and again.

But after a moment, she nodded: “I agree… I will do Rebecca’s work. But you must fulfill your promise first. Kill Doflamingo and his Don Quixote. Then, support my father to sit on the throne of the King of Dressrosa.”

“Agree so quickly?”

Mok was surprised, and what surprised him even more was that Violet even said she would help him persuade Rebecca. It really made him unable to do anything….

However, if this is the case, he would be happy to see it.

So Mok made a promise without hesitation: “No problem… Now, use your ability to help me find the location of Sucrose.”

Violet’s eyes lit up when she heard it.

Excitedly, she said, “I’m happy to serve you, Captain.”

She first touched the tips of her index finger and thumb to form a circle-like gesture similar to the “OK gesture”. Then, a thin membrane-like substance was produced in the circle formed by her fingers and placed in front of her eyes.

The ability of perspective and thousand eyes allowed her to quickly find the location of Sugar.

Then, she pointed to the palace with her hand: “At that location… Captain, after you enter the palace, go straight and at the end, that’s where Sugar is. Because that’s the bedroom of the palace.”

After saying that, the expression on her face became a little complicated.

Muttered to herself, “That’s where I used to live.”

“Enter the palace and go straight? That’s easy to find…”

Then, in Violet’s shocked expression, Mok drifted away and turned into a group of invisible air, heading towards Doflamingo’s palace.


But just as he was about to enter Sugar’s bedroom, someone shouted softly.

Mok didn’t hide anymore and showed up directly. At the same time, he turned his head towards the direction where the shout came from.

The next second, he couldn’t help but frown.

Because there stood a guy wearing a quilt-like cloak with circles, holding a cane with a plum blossom logo, wearing a pair of small sunglasses, and always with half a snot hanging from his nose.

The upper part of his hair was bangs, and the lower part was glue-like hanging hair. He was barefoot, with shackles on his feet, his upper lip was untidy, and his teeth were sparse… In a word, it made people feel sick.

Of course, there is no other image like this in the entire One Piece. He is Torrebol, a cadre of the Don Quixote family.

Of course, this is not his real appearance. Because he usuallyHis body was hidden in the mucus, so that others thought he was a fat guy.

In fact, he was very thin.

However, Mok felt a sense of humiliation. He was discovered by such a guy… He now wanted to awaken his observation Haki more urgently.

Otherwise, he would be too passive sometimes.


Torrebol also recognized Mok at a glance, and his eyes were first horrified, then terrified.


This was his first thought, very real… and very sincere.

However, he himself was not a person who was good at speed. How could he run away?

He soon realized this.


Torrebol swallowed his saliva and looked at Mok in fear. He had never felt that death was so close to him.

Mok looked at Torrebol who did not run, shout, or attack.

He couldn’t help but chuckle: “It seems that you are a smart man. In that case, take me to find Sucrose, and then take me to Doflamingo’s treasure house.”

It must be said that he has been coveting Doflamingo’s treasure house for a long time.

You know, this guy is famous for his devil fruit and intelligence business in the underground world.

How come there are several excellent devil fruits in his treasure house.

Trebol heard this, and his face changed again and again.

The treasure house is fine, the devil fruits and treasures are lost. With the strength of the Don Quixote family, it won’t take long to regain them.

But Sucrose is the core of occupying the Dressrosa Kingdom.

It is also the core of Don Quixote’s foothold.

It must not be lost.

Mok glanced at him calmly: “Why? Don’t you want to?”

Torrebol’s thoughts turned rapidly, and finally he forced himself to control his emotions and nodded: “Then I’ll take you to the treasury first.”


Mok was a little surprised. You know, the people of the Don Quixote family are very loyal to Doflamingo. It was hard for him not to think too much when Torrebol agreed so easily.

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