Zephyr’s evaluation of Kizaru is that he relies too much on the devil fruit, and this is one of the reasons. Because Kizaru himself is a great swordsman, he can gain a foothold with the strength of a great swordsman.

Sit on the position of general.

Originally, the glittering fruit was the icing on the cake, allowing his strength to reach a higher level.

But he didn’t expect that Kizaru actually put most of his energy on the glittering fruit. This is putting the cart before the horse in Zephyr’s view.

Of course, Kizaru is not stupid.

At the beginning, he chose to focus on the glittering fruit because his swordsmanship had reached an extremely high level. It is too difficult to reach a higher level.

If he focuses on the glittering fruit, his fruit ability will increase rapidly in a short period of time. In that case, his overall strength will reach a higher level.

Originally, he just wanted to improve his overall strength in a short period of time. Then, continue to practice kendo. Unexpectedly… But he never expected that his talent in developing devil fruits was not inferior to kendo at all.

So, it was out of control.

Let him go further and further on the road of developing devil fruit, even to the point of ignoring kendo.

However, his strength has indeed increased rapidly in a very short period of time. Now, relying on the fruit ability alone, he has the level of a general.

From the perspective of Zephyr, as a teacher, with Kizaru’s talent in kendo, as long as he does not focus most of his energy on the fruit ability.

His kendo is definitely far more than that.

At that time, coupled with the powerful fruit ability, he can directly reach the top of the world. Become one of the strongest in this world.

It is better to say that Zephyr looks down on Kizaru than to say that Zephyr is regretting Kizaru’s talent in kendo.

Have you seen Kizaru say this to Akainu and Aokiji?


Is Kizaru really inferior to these two in other aspects?

Not really.

Because Zephyr knows that it is very difficult to improve the talents of these two in physical skills and kendo. It can only be accumulated over time…. So, if you want to improve quickly, you can only improve in the devil fruit aspect.


The ground was directly cut open wherever Kizaru’s slash passed. That’s right, it was cut open, not leaving a cut mark.

“How is it possible?”

Vergo’s face changed drastically, because Kizaru’s attack really shocked Vergo.

“Sure enough, Admiral Kizaru’s swordsmanship has not regressed. Instead, it has become stronger…”

Unlike Vergo, Ghost Spider in the distance was excited at this time. Because he, Kizaru and Akainu were in the same class. He knew the strength of the two very well.

“This is a slash at the level of a great swordsman!

“Admiral Kizaru is actually a great swordsman, so strong…”

All the navy soldiers were excited at this moment.

But the expressions of the vice admirals such as John Giant, Styrex, Mozambique, Kaisha, Gumier, Flying Squirrel, etc. became solemn.

The vice admirals of the Navy Headquarters, the admiral candidates Momosagi (Gion) and Chaton (Kake), were now beside Sengoku, Garp, and Azuru.

Momosagi and Chaton turned their heads and looked at Sengoku, Garp, and Azuru.

“Kizaru seems to be ahead of us on the sword path. ”

As great swordsmen, their strengths are very different. Otherwise, why can Hawkeye, who is also a great swordsman, dominate the world’s number one swordsman for so long?

For example, Momosagi and Chaton, they are also great swordsmen. Otherwise, they can’t sit in the position of admiral candidate.

But Kizaru’s sword made them feel inferior.

Sengoku, Garp, and Ahe looked at each other. They understood what Momosagi meant. However, the three of them didn’t know when Kizaru made further progress in swordsmanship.

If it was before the battle of the top, there would be a problem. If he had reached this level at that time. His strength should be better than Akainu. Even stronger.

However, he did not show it.

If it was after the Battle of Marineford, it was before Aokiji became the Admiral of the Navy, or after.

If it was before, he had the strength to overpower Aokiji and take the position of Admiral of the Navy.


At the same time, Vergo, who was facing Kizaru, flapped his wings and flew straight into the sky. He dodged the attack….

And because of this, the power of this sword was fully demonstrated.

Starting from the position where Kizaru stood, the island was directly divided. The sea water surged up from the ground, and soon a river from the center of the island to the sea was formed.

“Yo… Yo… I got excited and played it big!”

Kizaru put away the Ame-no-Kume sword, and then looked at Vergo in the air and said bluntly: “Your current strength is still a little worse than that of the previous admiral Akainu. But you do haveThe level of the admiral is at least not worse than when I, Akainu, and Aokiji took the position of admiral… I will recommend you to Marshal Aokiji to take the position of admiral of the navy. ”

Obviously, he didn’t want to fight anymore.

Vergo in the air immediately fell and stood in front of Kizaru, and said very politely: “Thank you, Admiral Kizaru.”


Whether it was the strength shown by Vergo or the sword swung by Kizaru, all the navy were excited.

Even Aokiji was very happy at this time.

But when his eyes fell on Kizaru, there was more inquiry. Obviously, he also saw a problem.


At the same time, at the Naval Academy.

Zeff and a group of students were also watching the battle between Vergo and Kizaru.

Zeff here showed a surprised expression on his face. Then, there was a bit of doubt in his eyes.

Muttered: “If you can go to a higher level in kendo, it means that you have not given up kendo. And he has been practicing persistently… otherwise it would be difficult to make a breakthrough. ” As a teacher at the Naval Academy for decades, he understood this much better than Sengoku, Garp, and Ahe. “Has this guy been hiding?” Instantly, he came to a conclusion. But he immediately became confused again: “Why does this guy want to hide? ”

When he thought of this, Zephyr’s eyes narrowed.

He immediately had the idea of ​​telling Sengoku, Aokiji and the others about this. However, he immediately thought of something and subconsciously touched the other arm with his hand.

It was a mechanical arm.

Sure enough, some plots, even if they have been affected by Mok, will not change. Even if Mok took him away before Weevil cut off Zephyr.

However, Zephyr’s arm was still cut off. It’s just that the person who cut off his arm was replaced by another pirate.

Because the result of the Battle of the Top was completely different from the original. And the person who sat on the position of the Admiral of the Navy also became Aokiji.

The Seven Warlords of the Sea were not abolished, but were taken more seriously by Aokiji.

Because, at least before the Navy recovered, they could contain the pirates of the New World. And in this way, the Seven Warlords of the Sea had to add some newcomers.

As in the original, one of them was the one who cut off Zephyr’s arm. So, at this time, Zephyr has begun to turn evil.

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