At this moment, Aokiji temporarily put aside the doubts in his mind.

Then, the live broadcast screen cut to him.

In an instant, everyone saw that the person on the screen had been replaced by Admiral Aokiji.

They were all stunned, but then they all showed excitement. Because, next, they might witness history.

“I declare that Vergo has passed the final test. His strength is obvious to all. So, I decided to apply to the Five Elders to let Vergo serve as the admiral of the navy.”



Whether it was the naval officers or the many naval soldiers, they all cheered.

The morale of the navy has been too low for some time. The new admiral took office, which greatly boosted morale.

Although it has not been finally confirmed.

But everyone knows that Vergo’s position as admiral is basically stable.

At this time, the admiral felt much more comfortable.

Before, everyone felt like a stone was pressing on their hearts. After all, if the positions of the two admirals of the navy are occupied by the new recruits in this conscription, then it would be too embarrassing for them, the navy. …… At the same time, in the holy land, the five elders were discussing. Saint Nasujuro spoke first: “The battle between Vergo and Kizaru has already demonstrated the strength of the admiral level. Regarding whether to let him sit on the position of admiral of the navy… everyone should express their opinions!” Saint Pitt, Saint Vochuli, Saint Maz, and Saint Satan looked at each other. Finally, Saint Pitt said: “Vergo’s strength has been demonstrated. He is indeed at the level of an admiral, and he has just eaten the devil fruit. Therefore, his strength will increase rapidly in the short term. Therefore, I think he has the ability to sit on the position of admiral of the navy.” Saint Vouchuri nodded in agreement, and added: “He has always been neutral, so he doesn’t have the same concerns as Taotu and Chatun. Therefore, I agree to let him sit on the position of admiral of the navy.” Saint Maz frowned slightly: “But this This guy’s style has always been very similar to that of a dove. In this way, I’m afraid he will be easily won over by Aokiji and become a member of the dove faction. “Satan Saint immediately waved his hands: “I don’t think so… Yes, his style is very similar to that of a dove. But don’t the Warring States know? Even before Vergo ate the mythical beast, he was a first-class existence among the vice admirals. Would the Warring States miss such a person? I’m afraid he has already been secretly won over…” As soon as he said this, the other four nodded in unison. Even Saint Maz, who had just raised an objection. Nasujuro Saint: “Satan is right. If this guy wanted to join the dove faction, he would have joined long ago. Why wait until now?”

Pitt Saint, Vochuli Saint, Maz Saint, and Satan Saint looked at each other again: “Then it’s settled! Let Vergo become the second admiral of the navy. Three days later, hold his inauguration ceremony!”

Nasujuro Saint added: “Isn’t his ability the White Tiger form of the Mythical Beast? Then let’s use the White Tiger as his admiral title!”

The four of them nodded in unison. This title couldn’t be more appropriate.

On Cake Island.

Big Mom’s face was extremely ugly at this time.

Cracker stood in front of her, trembling….because he didn’t take down Luffy and Law.

Now he regrets it very much.

At that time, he didn’t even do it himself, but just made biscuit soldiers to suppress the two navy. The most important thing is that he showed mercy and wanted to lure out the people behind him.

With his strength, he should have taken down all these guys long ago. Moreover, after crushing these guys for a while, they still haven’t led them out.

He actually planned to take them down forcefully and not waste any more time.

But he never expected that at this time, the Fire Fist Ace from the Whitebeard Pirates came. He rescued all the people… So, it led to such an embarrassing situation now.


Big Mom took a deep breath, and her eyes became extremely unfriendly: “So, behind Luffy and Law, it is this Ace?”

Cracker shook his head: “Based on my previous understanding of Ace, this guy follows the secret rules of our four pirate groups. It is possible to injure and maim them, and directly kill our six brothers and sisters. It is unlikely… So, I speculate that there is someone else behind Luffy and Law.”

“As for Ace coming to rescue people, I think he knows that Luffy has come to our Cake Island to make trouble. After all, this is his younger brother, and it is impossible to leave him alone.”

Charlotte Perospero looked at Big Mom’s face and saw that she did not mean to go berserk, and she did listen to Cracker’s words.went.

He immediately added a few words: “Mom, I think Cracker’s guess is right. There should be someone else, and I think the missing Mondor and Brulee are in this person’s hands.”

Charlotte Katakuri: “If this is true, then we have to think about why this guy captured Mondor and Brulee.”

At this time, he clenched his fists.

He would never allow anyone to hurt his brothers and sisters. Once he finds this guy, he will definitely make him live a life worse than death. Otherwise, it will be difficult to relieve the hatred in his heart.

When Charlotte Katakuri said this, everyone was silent. Aunt Bian was the same!



What is so important about Mondor and Brulee?

After thinking about it, they had no clue.

“Find it, you must find it out for me. Find this guy at all costs. I will drain his lifespan with my own hands, and I will use his soul to make a doll.” As she spoke, an invisible force erupted from the aunt’s body, pressing the children present, each of them was a little breathless. Charlotte Perospero: “Don’t worry, mom! I will definitely beat that guy and bring back Mondor and Brulee.” Mom roared a few times, and finally waved her hand to let them go out. Soon, Charlotte Perospero, Charlotte Katakuri, and Charlotte Cracker left the aunt’s room, and the three walked side by side. The expressions on their faces were more solemn than each other. But no one spoke, and walked away. Charlotte Cracker was the first to say, “The only thing that could make people want something from Mondor and Brulee is their Devil Fruit abilities. Don’t tell you I didn’t think of that…”

Charlotte Perospero and Charlotte Katakuri paused. How could they not see this? If they were really targeting the Devil Fruit abilities of the two, then the person who did it must be someone from the Mok Pirates.

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