“Can you save me?”

At this moment, the female pirate sitting in Lulia Palace looked up at Mok, her eyes full of begging.

Mok raised his eyebrows.

Then he looked at Qiangbalu, who immediately understood.

“Her name is Xiang Xianggu, the former captain of the Xianggu Pirates, with a bounty of 130 million! She is a strong man with special physical skills!”

“Like me, she was secretly plotted by the captured slave team and was finally sold to the Celestial Dragons and became a slave of the Celestial Dragons.”

“A bounty of 130 million? With special physical skills?”

Mok was a little surprised, but in the first half of the Grand Line, the bounty exceeded 100 million.

It is worth recruiting.


The Flame Demon in Mok’s hand swung out again, cutting off the shackles on Xiang Xianggu.

After Xiang Xianggu escaped, he immediately stood up with excitement: “Thank you, Captain…”

Then he stood behind Mok.

Mok turned his head to look at her, then pouted at Lulia Palace: “Take this guy with you, my captain just needs a maid from the Celestial Dragon.”

Tsk tsk!

Female Celestial Dragon… He hasn’t tasted it yet!”

Besides, a female Celestial Dragon as a maid warming the bed, just thinking about it is exciting!

“Ah? ? ? ”

Xiang Xianggu was slightly stunned, and then exclaimed. But she reacted immediately, and now she admired Mok very much!

Killing two Celestial Dragons is fine, but he actually wanted a Celestial Dragon to be a maid.

This is going to heaven!

After coming back to his senses, Xiang Xianggu immediately carried Lulia Palace on his shoulders.

Jiang Baru on the side seemed to have thought of something at this time, and took two boxes from his waist and handed them to Mok: “Captain, there are two devil fruits here, which were just bought by Charlos Saint from the auction house. “This is the devil fruit that Saint Charlos took out and hung on his waist. “Devil fruit?” Mok was surprised. He really didn’t expect that there would be such an unexpected gain. He asked curiously: “What kind of devil fruit is this?” Qiangbalu shook his head: “I don’t know what kind of devil fruit it is, but I know that these two are animal-type.” “Animal-type?” Mok was surprised, then looked at Qiangbalu and then at Xiangshigu. One of these two people is ridiculously strong, and the other has special physical skills. Isn’t this just right? So he said: “Each of you pick one and eat it!” “Ah?” Qiangbalu and Xiangshigu were stunned. This is a devil fruit! And there are two of them. This is the most important strategic material for any pirate group. Unexpectedly, Mok gave it to them as soon as he got it. Seeing the two of them like this, Mok couldn’t help but chuckled: “Hurry up and eat it! It won’t be long before we face a big battle. ”

Qiang Baru and Xiang Xianggu looked serious when they heard this.

That’s right!

Their captain had just killed two Celestial Dragons and tied up another one. It would not take long for the Celestial Dragons to get the news, and then the World Government would send strong men over.

Kill Celestial Dragons!

This has not happened in hundreds of years.

So, without thinking, the two of them chose a box, opened it, took out the devil fruit, and swallowed it.

After a while, the two looked at each other.

Then both of them changed, and finally turned into two giant beasts.

Qiang Baru, Animal-type-Pangolin Fruit.

Xiang Xiang Mushroom, Animal-type-Panda Fruit.

“Oh my god…”

Looking at the two people’s current appearance, Mo Ke was completely shocked. Pangolins are covered with scales, and their defense is very strong… Qiang Baru’s body defense is already strong, and now it is probably ridiculously strong.

And Xiang Xiang Mushroom, who actually ate the national treasure fruit, is amazing. In addition, she has special physical skills, isn’t this a perfect Kung Fu Panda?

At this time, a voice sounded not far away: “If I join, can I let my father go?”


Qiang Baru, Xiang Xiang Mushroom, and Mo Ke all looked towards the place where the voice came from.

Qiao Aili Bonnie’s figure suddenly appeared in the eyes of others.

“Huh? ”

Mo Da was surprised. He didn’t expect to meet Qiao Aili Bonnie here. Although, his observation color captured a person there.

He didn’t care much before, but he didn’t expect that it was Qiao Aili Bonnie.


He looked back at Xiong, then at Qiao Aili Bonnie, and then smiled: “Are you here for him?”

Qiao Aili Bonnie was surprised. She only said father, but didn’t say who it was.

But in a blink of an eye, it seems that there is really no one else here except Xiong.

So he nodded.head.

Mok then looked at Joelle Bonnie carefully. The Parahuman Age-Old Fruit is a devil fruit that can freely control age.

You can make people old or young by touching them, and you can also turn yourself into a child or an old man at will.

Speaking of devil fruits that can make people live forever.

In Mok’s opinion, this is one of them. With this devil fruit in hand, you can always stay eighteen years old, and naturally you will not die of old age.

There is also Ai’s retrograde fruit…

When using the ability, a peach-colored flame similar to a ghost fire will appear on the palm. The flame itself does not have any heat or attack power, and can only activate the ability.

It claims that the age of the things touched will regress by 12 years, and the age of the people touched will also regress by 12 years. If you touch it many times, it may disappear. This ability is also effective for things other than living things, and can make them regress to the state 12 years ago.

The only way to remove the retrograde state is to defeat the ability user.

However, this demon did not indicate whether it can be used on itself. If it can, it can also make people live forever.

Live to thirty-six, give yourself a shot, and go back to twenty-four.

When you live to thirty-six again, give yourself another shot, and go back to twenty-four again.

Then there is no such thing as old age and death.

Of course, the most important thing is that these two people can use their abilities on the target. So as long as Qiao Aili Bonnie is willing, can she keep another person at the same age?

If so. That’s against the will of heaven!

The target is also immortal. As long as Qiao Aili Bonnie doesn’t die…

Is there such a possibility?


Of course, this is still immortality based on Qiao Aili Bonnie’s ability. Perhaps, if there is a chance, you can find pure gold.

As long as you find pure gold, he can directly absorb it with his ability and immediately become immortal.

Because Mok is still very young, there is no situation of facing death due to old age. So, for a while, he didn’t think about it at all.

But the appearance of Qiao Aili Bonnie made him think about it.

After all, no matter how strong a person is, he can’t avoid birth, aging, illness and death. But, after having the power of immortality, things are different…

“Pure gold…”

Mok’s eyes flashed with light.

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