
Mok nodded decisively, but immediately put forward his own requirements: “But after joining, you have to practice physical skills and improve your strength. You are a little weak now.”

Joelle Bonnie was slightly stunned when she heard this, and then nodded immediately.

Speaking of which, this Joelle Bonnie also has a great background.

Her mother is Ginny, the former captain of the Eastern Army of the Revolutionary Army. After being captured by the Celestial Dragons, she was forced to become the wife of the Celestial Dragons. After Ginny gave birth to Bonnie, she was abandoned because she suffered from the Jade Scale disease.

Ginny took Bonnie back to the Kingdom of Solbe and died. After that, Bonnie was entrusted to Big Bear to take care of her.

So Joelle Bonnie has the blood of the Celestial Dragons in her body. She is considered half a Celestial Dragon…If her mother had not suffered from the Jade Scale disease, Joelle Bonnie would have grown up in the Holy Land.

Maybe she can really become a member of the Celestial Dragons.

“Okay, okay… I will work hard to practice physical skills in the future, so that my strength can match the identity of a member of the Mok Pirates.” Joelle Bonnie was overjoyed.

Then, she looked at Kuma, her face full of sadness, and tears flashing in her eyes.

She finally saved him, and from now on, she will never let him leave.

At this time, Mok said: “Kumi has been transformed into an unconscious cyborg. If you want him to regain his meaning, you can only go to Egghead Island once and find Dr. Vegabank who transformed him into this ghost.”

“Egghead Island? Dr. Vegabank?”

Joelle Bonnie’s eyes lit up, and she made a decision in her heart.

“Captain… Can I take Kuma to Egghead Island once?”

As she said, she looked at Mok, her face full of expectation.

Mok smiled and said: “When things here are over, I will go there once, and you can follow me then.”



The five elders in the holy land stared at each other with their eyes bigger than before.

One of them was wearing a white Taoist robe, bald head, and glasses. He was also the only one among the Five Elders who was not wearing a suit, had a beard, and held a samurai sword in his hand.

He was the first to react.

He was Saint Izambaron V. Nasujuro, one of the Five Elders, and his anger had already rushed to his head.

At the same time, he was extremely shocked: “He dared to kill the Celestial Dragons!” Saint Pitt was wearing a dark red suit, and at this time he clenched his fists, and the killing intent had already burst out of him. If Mok was in front of him, he would not hesitate to attack.

“He must die, this guy must die.” Saint Wouchuri, Saint Maz, and Saint Satan looked at each other and nodded.

Saint Vouchuri: “That’s right. For hundreds of years, no one dared to kill the Celestial Dragons. Now Mok has set this precedent. If the world is not made aware of the consequences of killing the Celestial Dragons, then we Celestial Dragons will also fall from the altar. At that time, no matter who it is, it is possible to wield the butcher knife in our hands against us Celestial Dragons.” Saint Maz: “That’s right, at all costs.” Saint Satan: “Notify Aokiji and let Kizaru rush to the Sabaody Islands as quickly as possible.” Saints Nasujuro, Pitt, Saint Vouchuri, and Saint Maz nodded in unison. Although the Navy Headquarters had moved away, Kizaru could still catch up with it at his speed. However, he immediately added: “Sora, Sengoku, Garp, Gion, Kake, notify them and let them all set off.”

Sora: The former Navy Admiral during Roger’s time, now promoted to the commander-in-chief of the World Government Army. Sengoku: The Chief of the Marine Headquarters

Garp: Vice Admiral of the Marine Headquarters, nicknamed “Iron Fist” and “Marine Hero”, served as a trainer for the Marine recruits after the Battle of Marineford.

Gion: Alternate Admiral

Kake: Alternate Admiral

Add to that Kizaru, the Admiral of the headquarters.

Such a lineup is absolutely unprecedented.

Pitt Saint raised his eyebrows at this time: “But we didn’t give them any position of Admiral this time.”

In terms of reason, this time Akainu died in battle, and Aokiji was promoted to the Admiral of the Navy. Then Gion and Kake, the two Admiral Alternates, naturally took the vacant Admiral position.

Otherwise, what is the meaning of the Alternate Admiral?

However, if the positions of the two Admirals were given to Gion and Kake. Then the entire Navy was doves, so they suppressed this matter.

Because they don’t want to see the entire Navy, all of which are of the same faction.

Even when Sengoku was there, there was still Akainu!

Sora, Sengoku, Garp, Aokiji, Gion, Kake, Smoker… and Garp’s disciple Coby. The dove faction has really become a force to be reckoned with, and even has a complete inheritance in the navy.

If it continues to grow, the consequences will be very serious.

But now, we have to rely on them. Look, except for Kizaru who is neutral, all the people dispatched this time are doves.

Saint Wokuri:”The position of the Admiral of the Navy has been given to Aokiji, what else do they want?”

Satan Saint: “You can’t say that. Kizaru has no intention of the position of the Admiral of the Navy. So it is natural for Aokiji to take the position of Admiral in the eyes of the entire Navy. And Gion and Kake should also take the position of Admiral of the Navy in a natural way.”

“Under normal circumstances, it is also reasonable. Therefore, the entire Navy does not see that we gave the Admiral of the Navy to Aokiji, but that we cut off the promotion path of Gion and Kake.”

“Humph…” Saint Wouchuri snorted coldly.

But he did not refute it, because Saint Satan said the facts, and any rebuttal would be dissenting.

Saint Pitt nodded: “Sora, Sengoku, and Garp have already retired, and their spirits have been lost. It is not realistic to expect them to fight desperately. I am afraid that Gion and Kaji may be resentful of us. After all, people are greedy, and we cut off their way to promotion. It is very likely that they will just pretend.

When the time comes, Sora, Sengoku, Garp, Aokiji, Gion, and Kaji may seem terrifyingly strong, but when they really fight, they may not be as strong as we expected.”

After these words came out, Saint Nasujuro, Saint Pitt, Saint Wouchuri, and Saint Maz were silent.

They looked at each other.

Finally, Nasujuro Saint said: “Then give them some benefits?”

Pitt Saint: “Let one of them be the admiral of the navy, and the other one to the army!”

Vochuli Saint nodded: “Okay, in this way, Kizaru, Vergo, Gion, or Kake will become a triangular support. Even with the presence of Marshal Aokiji, it is not a one-man show for the doves.”

But Maz Saint shook his head: “I think that in this way, the power of the doves is still not effectively suppressed… That Aramaki is also quite powerful, why not let him sit on the position of alternate admiral and let him have the power of the admiral.”

Nasujuro Saint, Pitt Saint, Vochuli Saint, and Satan Saint looked at each other.

Is this to establish a fourth admiral?

Of course, on the surface, there are three admirals. But the emphasis is on power!

How different is a candidate admiral with the power of an admiral from a general?

However, this is a good method.

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