But surprisingly, whether it was Kong, Sengoku, Garp, Kizaru, Gion, Kake, or Mok’s group.

None of them meant to stop it.


Mok’s mouth corners could not help but rise slightly, because he understood. The former CP9 members were afraid that they would not be able to escape this time.

As a CP, he actually let the Celestial Dragons die in front of him.

This is definitely a capital crime.

Kong, Sengoku, Garp, Kizaru, Gion, and Kake looked at each other.

Good guy!

Originally they were still guilty, but now Lucci, Kaku, and Jabra have escaped. Now they can even be said to be innocent.

The punishment they received can be reduced to the minimum.

For example, Kizaru, Gion, and Kake will definitely lose their promotion awards. However, their own positions should not be lost.

“Let’s go!”

Mok glanced at Kong, Sengoku, Garp, Kizaru, Gion, and Kake, and then chuckled.

First, he killed Saint Rozward and Saint Charlos, and kidnapped Lulia Palace. Now he killed Saint Piter… He felt relieved.

Naturally, there was no need to fight any more.

Compared with the lives of Sora, Sengoku, Garp, Kizaru, Gion, and Kaji, Big Mom’s territory attracted him more.

When he took Big Mom’s territory, he would own half of the New World. It would be enough to set up a government…

Of course, there was another reason. This place was too close to the Holy Land, and the news of Saint Piter’s death would soon reach the Five Elders.

By then, they would realize that they had fallen into his trap.

By then, a large number of strong men would come.

It would inevitably be a bloody battle.

Why bother?

The goal had been achieved.

So, Mok headed in the direction of Joelle Bonnie without looking back.

Jin, Quinn, “Drought” Jack, Shiryu… followed closely behind. Even Sabo, Crow, Mori, and Lindberg followed.

Because if they stayed, they would only die.

After all, they were no match for Sora, Sengoku, Garp, Kizaru, Gion, and Kaji. And Sora, Sengoku, Garp, Kizaru, Gion, and Kaji had no intention of stopping them.

Because if they stopped them, they would immediately face a situation of six against seventeen.

With Sora, Sengoku, Garp, and Kizaru working together, they would naturally be able to hold out until the support of the Holy Land came. If Gion and Kaji were to die….

This was not what they wanted to see.

And by the time the four of them held out until the support of the Holy Land came, they would have paid a heavy price. By then, the navy would probably have lost its entire combat effectiveness.

Only Aokiji would be left.

How could they deter the pirates by then?

Not to mention suppressing the wave of pirates after the Battle of Marineford. It was a blessing to be able to maintain the navy and not be counterattacked.

So Mok took a group of people and returned to Wano Country.

Then, Mok signaled Shiryu.

Shiryu immediately understood the meaning, took a mirror, and went directly to Big Mom’s cake. And Mok led people to recover their strength.


Sora and Sengoku looked at Garp, Kizaru, Gion, and Kake.

Then they began to make arrangements: “Garp, don’t go to the Holy Land, let alone go back to the Naval Academy. Go to the Navy Headquarters immediately and assist Aokiji in taking charge of the Navy Headquarters. At this time, the Navy Headquarters must not have any more accidents.”

At this time, Garp did not play tricks, and nodded solemnly.

“Kizaru… don’t go back to the Science and Technology Department. Go to the New World right now and take charge of the outermost base. At the same time, keep a close eye on all the movements in the New World, especially the Mok Pirates.”

“Gion, Kake… you guys go out right now. Go to the New World as well and take charge of the outermost base. I’m afraid that the death of Saint Pitt will cause a wave… I’m afraid Kizaru alone can’t suppress it.”

Gion, Kake: “Yes…”

Finally, Sora and Sengoku looked at each other, and they understood. Someone in the Holy Land must bear the wrath of the other four Five Elders… But fortunately, Lucci, Kaku, and Jabra escaped.

Then everything has room for reversal.

In addition, with the current situation. Even these four have to hold their noses and suppress their anger first.

If the Navy collapses here.

The entire World Government will be shaken.

But there is one thing to confirm, that is, how are Vergo, Aramaki, Doberman, and Spider Demon.

Since Mok already knew that the navy had attacked Hancock, the four of them were in a very dangerous situation. “Brew…Brew…” Sengoku called Aokiji’s Den Den Mushi. As soon as the call was connected, Sengoku immediately said, “Confirm the situation of Vergo, Aramaki, Doberman, and Onigumo. Hurry…” Aokiji: “Okay!” However, he immediately added”How are you guys doing?”

Zhan Guo said solemnly: “One of the Five Elders, Pit Saint, died at the hands of Mok.”


Aokiji couldn’t help but exclaimed, and then immediately realized how serious the incident was.

No more nonsense.

I hung up immediately and called Vergo’s Den Den Mushi.


A moment later, Vergo answered. The Den Den Mushi turned into his appearance, but at this time, it looked like it was dying.

Aokiji immediately realized that something was wrong: “Virgo, what’s wrong with you?”

Virgo: “Mok knew that we were coming to catch Hancock, and he ambushed us here with Enel early. I escaped, but I was seriously injured. I’m afraid it will take a while to recover… and I’m hiding on Hancock’s daughter island now. I dare not show up before I recover. So… I’m afraid I won’t be able to go back in a month or two.”

“What about Aramaki, Doberman, and Ghost Spider?” Aokiji asked immediately.

Vergo’s expression immediately became heavy: “Aramaki and I ran away separately. Before we separated, he and I were both seriously injured. I don’t know how he is now.” He paused here, and his eyes showed grief: “Doberman, Spider Demon, and many navy officers all died at the hands of Mok and Enel.” “What?” Aokiji couldn’t help but exclaimed. Who is Aramaki? Almost the designated next admiral. Who are Doberman and Spider Demon? They are the top ten elite vice admirals in the Navy Headquarters and the backbone of the Navy. Losing one of them would make Aokiji sleepless. What’s more, there are only two of them? In addition, Admiral Vergo was severely injured and could not return for a while. The Navy has returned to the era when there was only one admiral, Kizaru. The most important thing is whether Aramaki is alive or dead, and whether Vergo can return completely? If they are found by Hancock and Mok’s group, they will be dead. It would be good if these two could come back alive. If not, the Navy would suffer a huge loss. The large-scale conscription and the internal competition of the Navy would be in vain.

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