Kong and Sengoku stood in front of the Holy Land, their hearts in their throats.

But they had to go in.


The two sighed together, and then walked into the Holy Land with their heads held high.

Who are Saint Nasujuro, Saint Vouchuri, Saint Maz, and Saint Satan?

The highest authority of the World Government.

How well-informed are they?

As soon as the battle was over, they got the news. So, when Kong and Sengoku walked in, the four knew why they came.


The four looked over at the same time, their eyes were very complicated.

Especially Saint Nasujuro and Saint Vouchuri, you know, they went to the Sabaody Islands with Saint Pitt. But they didn’t expect….

Mok really set up an ambush in the Sabaody Islands.

Letting Kizaru inform them that the attack on the Holy Land was just a conspiracy to force them to return to the Holy Land.

So, if we talk about responsibility this time.

The two of them are also responsible.

But who are they?

One of the Five Elder Stars, the highest authority in the World Government. Why should they take on such a responsibility in person?

So, they looked at Sora and Sengoku with unfriendly eyes. They even asked, “Where are Garp, Kizaru, Gion, and Kake? Such a big thing happened, why don’t they come?”

At this moment, they were already thinking about who should take the blame.

Sora and Sengoku looked at each other, and at the same time said in their hearts, “Sure enough!”

They were both admirals of the navy, and they were able to sit in this position. Not only are they extraordinary in strength, but their brains are not much worse.

Therefore, they can judge from the expressions, eyes and tone of Nasujuro Saint and Wokuri Saint.

The result is the same as they expected.

This is to take someone to take the blame.

However, the two of them were prepared. So they no longer gave Nasujuro Saint and Wokuri Saint any chance, and directly pointed out the key issue.

Kong: “Mok has learned about Vergo, Aramaki, Doberman, and Ghost Spider raiding Amazon and capturing Hancock. This time Mok is targeting us because of this.”

When these words came out, the faces of Saints Nasujuro, Wokuri, Maz, and Satan changed drastically. Because this matter was ordered by the four of them and the dead Saint Pitt.

So, this time, not only Saints Nasujuro and Wokuri, but also Saints Maz and Satan looked at Kong and Sengoku with extremely unfriendly eyes.

As if to say, what does this mean?

Are you two here to accept the punishment or to ask for punishment?

Seeing this, Zhan Guo immediately added: “Just got the news, Mok seems to have known the news earlier. So, he led people to ambush Vergo, Aramaki, Doberman, and Ghost Spider in the Amazon early. Vergo was seriously injured and is now hiding in the jungle of the Amazon. I’m afraid he won’t be able to come back in a short time.” “Aramaki was also seriously injured and his whereabouts are unknown. His life and death are a mystery. Doberman, Ghost Spider and three thousand navy died in the battle…” “What?” Even the four people who are the highest authority in the World Government, Nasujuro Saint, Wokuri Saint, Maz Saint, and Satan Saint, couldn’t help but exclaimed at this time. Because what Zhan Guo said means. The two general-level combat forces they just selected are gone. Although Vergo is not dead, Aramaki may not be dead. But in a short period of time. They definitely can’t take action, and the most important thing is that they are even in danger of being hunted down. I was so anxious! Without these two people. The navy suddenly returned to the state of having only one admiral. Moreover, it lost two of the best of the navy’s elites… The strength of the navy suddenly fell into an unprecedented low.

If it weren’t for the large-scale conscription, which brought many admiral-level strongmen, it would be even weaker than when the Battle of Marineford just ended.

At the same time, the four people also reacted, why Garp, Kizaru, Gion, and Kake didn’t come.

I think they have reached the place where they should go most at this time!

Sure enough, the next second Sora said: “I asked Garp to go back to the Navy Headquarters. After all, there is only Aokiji there. It’s safer to have him in charge.”

“Kizaru, Gion, and Kake, I asked them to go to the front line of the New World. With the three of them to deter, as long as the Four Emperors don’t take action, I think the other pirates won’t make too much trouble.”

Saint Nasujuro, Saint Wouchuri, Saint Maz, and Saint Satan looked at each other.

I have to say that Kong and Zhan Guo are indeed worthy of being the admirals of the navy. This arrangement is very appropriate, timely, wise, and correct.


They are holding back a lot of anger in their hearts, making them furious. But they just find people and things that can let them vent.

The most important thing isWhat matters is that, at this moment, let alone taking the blame.

These people, they still have to coax them well.

Because the navy really can’t stand the tossing… The most important thing is that the death of Saint Pitt must not be leaked. Otherwise, there will be huge waves on the sea.

The reputation and status of the Celestial Dragons and the World Government will also be hit hard. At that time, the Celestial Dragons will no longer be untouchable gods.

The World Government will no longer be convincing.

After all, even Saint Pitt, one of the highest authorities, died at the hands of Mok. Doesn’t this mean that the Mok Pirates are stronger?

They can think of it, so can Kong and Sengoku.

The two looked at the changes in the expressions on the faces of Saint Nasujuro, Saint Wokuri, Saint Maz, and Saint Satan without leaving any trace.

After seeing that they have achieved the desired effect.

The two took advantage of the victory to pursue.

He added: “We can guarantee that the Navy will suppress this matter. The death of Saint Pitt will never be leaked. But the CP…”

Saint Nasujuro, Saint Wouchuri, Saint Maz, and Saint Satan’s faces turned completely black.

What is CP?

It is a department directly under the Celestial Dragons and their personal guards. It is only one level lower than the Knights of God… But such a person has escaped now.

Even the members of the original CP9 who were originally in the Holy Land have successfully escaped.

Under the power of Bruno’s Door-to-Door Fruit, when they went to catch people, they had already disappeared.

It was really a waste.

So… I am so upset!

And now the most important thing is that Lucci, Kaku, and Gabra witnessed everything with their own eyes.

And the people of the original CP9 have already learned about Saint Pitt’s death.

Under such circumstances, it is really too difficult to suppress Saint Pitt’s death. Even if we take a step back, Lucci, Kaku, and Jabra are afraid of being hunted down by the World Government.

They dare not make the death of Peter Saint public.

But there is still the real boss, Mok!

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