At this time, a tall male lion fur tribe member wearing sunglasses came over with another person. It looked fierce, but was wearing a pink suit. There was a sword on his waist. Walking side by side with him was a man with a scar on his left eye and a mustache. He also wore sunglasses. What was strange was that he put a cup of hot black tea on his head. He wore a tight suit on the upper body and eggshell pants on the lower body. Because of his slender legs and eggshell pants, the whole person was like a compass. Mok, who had already walked out of the mirror, recognized it at a glance. These two guys were the few foreign members of the BIG MOM Pirates. They were Pokumus and Baron Dandan. Among them, Baron Dandan was a member of the Ashitachi clan and a fighter of the BIG MOM Pirates. He was ranked “Knight” and received the same treatment as other cadres. In the BIG MOM Pirates, whose cadres are almost all composed of the Charlotte family, few people outside the family are awarded the title of “Knight”.

This shows his status in the BIG MOM Pirates.

And this guy’s ability is also very special.

The Animal-type Egg-Egg Fruit has three forms: Egg Baron → Chicken Viscount → Rooster Count. Every time the form changes, the strength will increase exponentially.

Speaking of which, his ability seems very weak.

After all, eggs… are too fragile. But… they have been developed quite well by this guy.

And this guy’s weapon is a cane sword, so he has good swordsmanship.

He is also a kicking master with a bounty of 429 million berries. Although it is just over 400 million, such a bounty is considered high in the BIG MOM Pirates.

Pokumus was originally a famous bad boy in the eyes of the residents of Zou, and left his hometown because of becoming a pirate. A fighter of the BIG MOM Pirates of Charlotte Linlin, one of the Four Emperors.

Bounty of 330 million Baileys, animal-type Turtle Turtle Fruit ability user, can turn into a turtle.

His strength is weaker in comparison. This can be seen from the bounties of the two. However, Mok values ​​him more…

Because with him, Zou can be found.

Then cats and dogs can also be included. After all, there is the trump card of Kozuki Hiwa.

Of course, there is also the trump card of artificial devil fruit and Ayu. At that time, with the order of the two, the entire fur tribe will join their ranks.

It is not impossible.

You must know that the fur tribe is a fighting nation, and each of them has good strength. If it is a moonlit night, the power of a country in the moon lion state is really terrifying.

Mok turned his head and looked at Qiangbalu and Xiangxianggu, you two go up and practice.

Xiang Xianggu, the former captain of the Xianggu Pirates, has a bounty of 130 million!

Qiang Baru, the former captain of the Baru Pirates, has a bounty of 160 million!

Although they are no longer rookies. However, their strength can actually be compared with supernovas.

What’s more, Mok also fed these two people with devil fruits.

Now: Qiang Baru, the animal-type pangolin fruit ability user.

Xiang Xianggu, the animal-type panda fruit ability user.

The strength has definitely increased greatly!

Dandan Baron and Pokumus are just right for them to practice.

Of course, there is another reason, that is, Dandan Baron and Pokumus are not worth it for others to do it.

After all, this time, except for Xiang Xianggu and Qiang Baru, who came.

Which of the others is simple?

Jin, Quinn, “Drought” Jack; Shiryu, Weeble, Gizas Badgers, Ape King Burns, Katrin Diemi, Jinbei; Ashura Douji, Denjiro, Kawamatsu…

Any one of them can crush them in a one-on-two battle.

Baron Dandan and Pokumus were both stunned at this time.

Baron Dandan even exclaimed: “You…you are…the Mok Pirates!!!”

Pokumus also reacted, with a look of horror: “You…how come you are here?”

Mok ignored them, but turned around and ordered: “Quinn, “Drought” Jack, you two act together, go east, and hunt all the cadres of the BIG MOM Pirates you meet. Remember, don’t kill if you can, I want them alive. They will be our capable subordinates in the future.”

Quinn and “Drought” Jack looked at each other when they heard this.

Then they said in unison: “It’s the captain.”

Then they turned around and walked east.

“Gizas Badgers, Ape King Burns, your mission is to the west. The requirements are the same!”

“Katlin Diemi, Jinbei, you are responsible for the north.”

“Denjiro, Kawamatsu, you are responsible for the south.”

“Jin,Shiryu, Weevil, Ashura Douji, the four of you stay here. I don’t think it will take long. The main force of the Big Mom Pirates will be here soon. ”

Big Mom, Charlotte Perospero, Charlotte Katakuri, Charlotte Cracker, and Charlotte Smoothie, these five people are the opponents they have to deal with.

As for the others, let others deal with them.

At this time, Baron Dandan finally reacted. They were facing the highest combat power of the Mok Pirates. He and Pokumus alone could not beat them.

Escape was their only choice, and it was also the wisest choice.

However, when he left, he did not forget his old partner Pokumus and reminded them loudly. Voice: “Pokmus, retreat quickly…” Pokomus turned around and ran after hearing the reminder. Xiangxianggu and Qiangbalu were already prepared, and they looked at each other. This was their first battle in the Mok Pirates, and it was also the first mission assigned to them by the captain. Whether they could complete it or not would affect their future status in the pirate group. So, how could they let Baron Dandan and Pokomus escape? Xiangxianggu exerted force directly, and a layer of hair grew on her body. In the end, the whole person turned into a big bear. “Hey! ”

Moke was surprised, if he remembered correctly.

What he gave Xiangxiang Mushroom to eat was the animal-type-Panda Fruit!

How did it turn into a bear?

The next second, something even more surprising happened to Moke.


Moke saw lightning flashing on his body. Then the whole person rushed out quickly. The speed was breathtaking.

When he was about to catch up with Baron Dandan and Pokumus, he exerted force with his legs, jumped up, and landed in front of the two.

Pukmus couldn’t help but widen his eyes: “Are you also a fur tribe?”

Because he could see at a glance that the bear in front of him was using the unique combat skills of the fur tribe.

Not only him, Moke also recognized it.

But the more this happened, the more curious he became. You know, Xiangxiang Mushroom is no different from ordinary people under normal circumstances.

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