Xiangxiang Mushroom was slightly stunned when he heard this.

Fur tribe, what a familiar name. Because her mother is a fur tribe.

Baron Dandan did not hesitate at all, and directly attacked Xiangxiang Mushroom who was blocking them.

He was seen, with his upper body as the center, his feet quickly rotated, and hit the enemy’s face when he was not prepared. Don’t underestimate this move.

This move kicked Pedro away in the original book and made him spit blood.

This guy’s strength is still good. Whether it is kicking skills or swordsmanship, they are all impressive.

Xiangxiang Mushroom.

But as if he had predicted it long ago, he lightly dodged the attack with his head to the side. The next moment, he flashed with strong electric light all over his body and counterattacked.


Although Pokumus knew that Xiangxiang Mushroom was of the same tribe and did not want to fight him.

But Baron Dandan was also his partner, and he could not just let it go. Seeing that the other party rushed over in the blink of an eye.

He had to take action.

The samurai sword on his waist was unsheathed instantly.


The blade drew a strange arc in the air and slashed towards Xiangxiang Mushroom. However, this knife did not cut Xiangxiang Mushroom’s vitals.

Obviously, he took into account the feelings of the same race and did not really want to hurt Xiangxiang Mushroom.

He just wanted to stop Xiangxiang Mushroom from attacking Baron Dandan.

However, Qiangbalu also moved at this time…. He saw his legs slightly bent, and then he exerted force. The whole person burst out like a cannonball.

In the blink of an eye, he came behind Pokumus. After that, one after another heavy collision, hit Pokumus’s back.

Under the strong impact force, Pokumus was directly knocked out. Xiangxiang Mushroom dodged in the middle, but did not stop.

Instead, he went towards Baron Dandan from another angle.

Baron Dandan kicked the crutch sword out of the sheath instantly, and then rushed towards Xiangxiang Mushroom with a stab.


At the moment when Xiang Xiang Mushroom was about to be stabbed, his speed increased dramatically. While easily dodging the stab, he slammed his claws into Baron Dandan’s abdomen.

Under the powerful force, Baron Dandan was directly blown away.

But Xiang Xiang Mushroom did not mean to stop, and rushed out quickly. She was a bit clumsy after turning into a bear. However, her speed was completely inversely proportional to her body size.

In a blink of an eye, she caught up with Baron Dandan who was kicked away, and kicked him out.

Baron Dandan’s reaction was also fast, and he twisted his body forcefully, and the whole person spun rapidly in the air. His legs immediately became a high-speed spiral.

One leg directly kicked away Xiang Xiang Mushroom’s attack, and the other leg kicked Xiang Xiang Mushroom hard.


Under the powerful force, Xiang Xiang Mushroom was kicked back and knocked to the ground.

Just when he was about to hit the ground, Xiang Xiang Mushroom turned over in the air. Both legs landed steadily, then bent down, and then suddenly shot out.

Heading towards the Baron Dandan in the air.

“Not bad…”

Mok couldn’t help but praise. Xiang Xianggu’s on-the-spot battle reaction was very fast. The strength was also very terrifying… and she had awakened the Armament Haki and used it skillfully.

You know, when Baron Dandan’s attack just hit her, her abdomen had already been defended with Armament Haki.

So, Baron Dandan’s attack did not hurt her.

However, Baron Dandan also stabilized his body in the air at this time. Seeing Xiang Xianggu’s attack, Baron Dandan swung out a sword.

A powerful slash burst out instantly.


At this time, Xiang Xianggu burst out a strong electric current. Then her speed increased again. She even flashed in the air, successfully dodged Baron Dandan’s attack, and rushed in front of Baron Dandan.

Swung out a claw.


The electric current flashed wildly on her claws. Finally, it hit the round belly of Baron Dandan, directly cutting five cuts on it.

The yolk fell out.

Baron Dandan has three forms: Baron Dandan (normal form), Viscount Chick, and Count Rooster.

The changes in these forms are due to his devil fruit ability, the animal-type Dandan fruit.

When Baron Dandan suffers a fatal injury, his body will rupture and hatch chicks. With each hatching, his strength will gradually increase.

This change in form is part of his ability, allowing him to continuously evolve in battle and enhance his combat effectiveness.

So, those who have not seen him use his ability.

Seeing that his yolk was beaten out, it is estimated that he is dead. However, those who have seen it will know that his strength will surge with this injury.

Sure enough, the next moment.

Baron Dandan immediately transformed into Viscount Chick. At this time, his strength and speed have both increased in quality..

He exerted force with his legs, and rushed out quickly, almost in an instant, rushing in front of Xiang Xiang Mushroom.

Xiang Xiang Mushroom was shocked when he saw this.

However, her reaction was not slow. She dodged the attack by turning her body to the side. Although she dodged the attack. But she found that she was no longer at an advantage in speed.

She was beaten back. But in terms of strength, she still had the upper hand. Otherwise, I’m afraid she would not only lose.

But was directly crushed.

Xiang Xiang Mushroom’s expression changed again and again, she must not lose this battle.

In the shocked expressions of everyone, Xiang Xiang Mushroom’s appearance changed again. The hair on her body changed and turned into black and white.

Especially the ears and eyes, which turned black.


Xiang Xiang Mushroom looked up to the sky and let out a long roar. Then, the current on her body became even more terrifying. Not only the current, but also the strength and power of her body were greatly improved.

“Earth Explosion!”

After turning into a black and white big bear, she stood up and stomped her front feet hard on the ground. A powerful electric current flashed on the ground.

And swept around.


The young chicken Viscount was hit before he could react at all, and the electric current spread to his whole body. He was paralyzed for a short time.

“It’s over…”

The young chicken Viscount was shocked. He had suffered this loss when he fought with Pedro.

Unfortunately, it was too late.

Xiang Xianggu quickly ran towards the young chicken Viscount in the electric current, and then gave the young chicken Viscount a claw. The sharp bear claw directly cut the young chicken Viscount.

The young chicken Viscount changed again, from the young chicken Viscount to the rooster Count.


Shiryu and Ashura Boy couldn’t help but show shocked expressions. Even Jin was the same!

“Is this guy immortal?” Xi Liu was very puzzled. After two fatal injuries, he was not only intact, but also became stronger.

It was outrageous.

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