Long shook his head after hearing this: “The World Government and the Navy are not fools. Even if you can hold back some of their power, they can’t sit still and let the Four Seas fall into the hands of the revolutionaries. The most important thing is that even if we take over the Four Seas, we can’t defend it with our own hands!”

Mok thought for a moment: “Then concentrate our strength and take over the One Sea. As long as I control Wano Country, the Seastone will never appear in the hands of the Navy again. At that time, as long as we seize the opportunity, we can destroy the dozen warships that have been equipped with Seastone. Then they will lose the ability to directly support the Four Seas from the windless zone.

At that time, you just need to guard the entrance, and the Navy can’t attack it.”

“The Four Seas have always been the rear base of the World Government. It is also the largest source of income… If you occupy one of them, it will cut off a large source of income for them. While growing stronger, it will also cause heavy losses to the World Government.”

Long was silent after hearing this.

It’s not that he didn’t have the heart to take over the Four Seas, but the Four Seas were the eyeballs of the World Government. In their eyes, it is much more important than the New World, which is full of pirates and extremely unstable.

It can be said that whoever moves will die!

But now, it is a good opportunity. However…. He is still a little worried. Because in this way, he and his revolutionaries will go directly from the dark to the top.

That will confront the entire World Government and the Navy head-on!

What if Mok cuts off the firewood and lets him rush to the front, then his revolutionaries will suffer heavy losses.

But Mok can see that he is already a little moved. He immediately added a few more sentences: “Don’t worry, I will let people take over the North Sea. East Sea, South Sea, West Sea… You can choose one. When we sit firmly in the two seas, plus the power of my New World, we will really be qualified to be on an equal footing with the World Government.”

Long was shocked: “You still want to move the North Sea?”

Moke nodded: “I have already set up the game, just waiting for the Navy and the World Government to jump in. Then hit them hard, then… there is no need to worry anymore.”

Long was silent at this time.

In the past, he always thought that he was the most courageous. After all, he was doing things with the belief of overthrowing the world government. However, he never thought that he would really overthrow the world government in his lifetime.

The world government has been operating in this world for 800 years.

How can it be overthrown so easily?

Therefore, he has always valued steady development and doing his ideal things. It is inheritance… yes, it is inheritance.

He wants to pass on his beliefs.

In this way, as long as the belief is there, the fire of revolution will not be extinguished. As long as the revolution is not bad, one day, the world government will be truly overthrown.

If he can’t do it, then leave it to Sabo.

If Sabo is still not good enough, then leave it to the next generation.

But this kid in front of him really wants to overthrow the world government in his lifetime!

What a crazy idea.

Long’s eyes began to be a little crazy: “Okay… I’ll go crazy with you. I’ll take care of the West Sea…”

Mok: “Then let’s compete to see who is faster.”

At this time, Long was also aroused by the desire to win. Nodding: “No problem…”

Mok stretched out his hand: “Then from today on, we are allies.”

Long also stretched out his hand.

The two people’s hands clapped together in the air.

It also indicated that the alliance between the two forces was officially reached.

Then Mok added: “Since we have made a bet, I have to kindly remind you. You have to speed up, my people have already reached the North Sea.”

Long’s pupils shrank sharply when he heard this, and then he shouted to the other side: “Sabo, Crow, Mori, Lindberg, follow me…”

Sabo, Crow, Mori, and Lindberg walked out quickly from that direction.

At this time, Long added: “I heard about the bear from Joelle Bonnie, so I’ll leave it to you.”

With Joelle Bonnie as his daughter, he was relieved that the bear stayed here.

What’s more, he had to help the bear regain his sanity, so he must go to Vegapunk. Mok had mentioned it to Joelle Bonnie long ago, so I’m afraid they’ve already prepared for it.

In that case, he wouldn’t intervene.

Long left in a hurry with Sabo, Crow, Mori, and Lindberg. Because they had to go back to the headquarters of the revolutionaries to prepare.

Then, they would go to the West Sea.


Mok also arranged for Perospero, Katakuri, Cracker, Smoothie and his party.

Then he called Shiryu, Jinbei, Yixiao and the others over.

Shiryu looked excited: “Captain, are we going to start a war again?”

Yixiao and Jinbei looked at each other, they didn’t think so. After all, just received Perospero, Katakuri and others.

Wan Guo, just got started.

The situation has not stabilized yet, and it is definitely not a wise move to develop a big war at this time.

Mok: “I think at this time, the World Government has already set its sights on Sucrose and Tama. Sucrose is impossible to show up, but Tama can be released as a bait.”

Shiryu, Jinbei, and Yixiao’s eyes froze when they heard this.

That’s right!

At this time, start a war. It’s better to lead people to the place you have planned and have an ambush.

In this way, you can give the World Government a hard blow at the lowest cost.

They will be so painful that they dare not move again.

In this way, they will have a period of stable development.

Mok said again: “And I will be away for a while… You will be handed over to your position here. Don’t make any trouble for me…”

Shiryu, Jinbei, and Yixiao looked at each other.

At such a critical moment, how can a captain leave?

Mok seemed to see what they were thinking: “I have to go somewhere else to make some big noise. I can’t let the World Government and the Navy use all their energy and military power on us!”

“Divert attention? This is a good idea.” Yixiao couldn’t help but praise.

Obviously, he agreed with this approach.

Shiryu and Jinbei on the side also said that they understood.

Jinbei even made a promise: “Captain, don’t worry! As long as we are here, we will definitely make sure that the people from the World Government will never come back.”

Mok nodded with satisfaction: “Don’t worry! When I leave, I will take the mirror with me. As long as I have it with me, if there is any problem on your side, I can come back quickly.”

After that, Mok set his eyes on Yixiao again: “Yixiao, Perospero, Katakuri, Cracker, Smoothie…you should gather them for others. Let them go this time. Let’s see…if they are really working for us.”

Yixiao: “Yes!”

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