After giving the order, Mok finally slacked off.

After a few days of reunion with Yamato, he quickly left Wano Country with a few mirrors. Sure enough, the land of gentleness is the grave of heroes.

If it weren’t for the North Sea, it must be dealt with as soon as possible.

He really wanted to fight with Yamato for a few more days.


However, only by taking over the North Sea can the World Government feel a sense of crisis. Only in this way can the New World be peaceful. He can arrange the next plan to take over the entire New World and become the only king of the New World.

He was very fast, and he had passed several small islands in one day.

But he didn’t expect that he would land on a small island halfway.

He met an unexpected person.

This person is very showy.

He wears a cowboy hat with fluffy decorations on his head, has golden curly hair over his shoulders covering his bangs, handsome appearance, elegant manners, aristocratic dress, and often holds a rose in his hand.

He wears a white cloak behind him, a white shirt on his upper body, dark blue 7-point pants on his lower body, and brown Martin boots on his feet. He wears a special-shaped sword on his waist!

Wherever he goes, all women are fascinated by him.

Not only that, but men also show expressions of admiration.

It can be seen how popular this man is. And such a guy is not only a pirate, but also a very famous pirate, and the bounty is not low.

A bounty of 280 million.

He even debuted as the “Gorgeous Supernova”…..

If the Empress is the most popular female pirate, then this guy is the most popular pirate among men.

He is Cavendish.

Born in the Kingdom of Brujoa, he is the prince of the Kingdom of Brujoa. What’s outrageous is that this guy was a very popular handsome guy in his childhood.

In his later life, because of his high popularity, young women all over the country were unwilling to get married, so the kingdom could only exile Cavendish.

Don’t you think it’s outrageous!

If you ask who is the most suitable for the Sweet-Sweet Fruit among men, he is definitely one of them. Maybe, give him the Sweet-Sweet Fruit.

The power he exerts is even greater than Hancock’s.

After all, Hancock didn’t have such charm when she was a child.

Do you think this is the most outrageous?

No, no, no…

There is something even more outrageous. Three years ago, he entered the New World and debuted as a “gorgeous supernova” with a value of 280 million, which shocked the world at the time. The newspapers even tracked the reports for days, and finally all the portraits on the wanted list were stolen by women.

This is a pirate!

And the most outrageous thing is his talent.

This narcissistic guy claims that he has no devil fruit ability and has achieved his current strength without any effort.

How outrageous do you think it is?

This guy’s strength has reached the level of a captain.

Moreover, this guy himself suffers from a rare special “sleepwalking” symptom, that is, once he falls asleep, he will “sleepwalk” and develop a second personality. This second personality “Cavendish” has twice as strong swordsmanship as Cavendish, who is already a swordsmanship genius.

It’s simply a cheating existence.

-The novel was taken from the (rolyz) website. Close where you’re reading it and support us on our website for more free novels-
If this guy can master this personality, then his strength will be even better.

However, this second personality is bloodthirsty and brutal.

Cavendish left the kingdom and wandered to the Kingdom of Rommel. In the Kingdom of Rommel, once night fell, many people were killed instantly in succession, and even the navy that came to support was still defeated. Because the speed of instant killing was as fast as a gust of wind, people at the time called this murder case committed by an unknown person “Rommel’s sickle weasel”, and Cavendish himself was forced to become a pirate because of his second personality “Rommel’s sickle weasel”.

But he didn’t care at all.

Because this extremely narcissistic guy would be very happy as long as he became the focus of the whole scene.

So, he doesn’t care about killing people.

As long as he can attract other people’s attention.

He will even do anything to surprise everyone to attract everyone’s attention; but if others ignore his existence or steal his limelight, he will get very angry.


Mok couldn’t help laughing.

Because this guy, at this moment, actually quarreled with another guy.

The other party is also a show-off and narcissistic guy. The key is that he looks no worse than Cavendish.

“John, you are a man-made person, and you dare to say that you are more handsome than me? Where’s your face?”

The person called John laughed: “Artificial? You are jealous…”

Cavendish: “I am jealous of you? Envious of you being ugly from childhood to adulthood? Envious of you being so ugly that the whole country is disgusted with you and finally expelled?”

SayAt this point, he paused for a moment, and then immediately added: “Do I need to tell you why I was expelled from the kingdom?…Oh…You really don’t know! Then I’ll tell you, I was expelled because I was too handsome, and all the women in the kingdom fell in love with me, and they wanted to marry me. That’s why I was expelled…”

The smile on John’s face froze there immediately.

This made him feel numb…


Good guy, he was directly broken. Because he was expelled because he was too ugly, just as Cavendish said. This is also the pain of his life…

However, God did not give up.

He has a good talent in kendo, and his strength increased rapidly after he went out to sea and became a pirate.

The most important thing is that during a robbery, there was a box of fruit among the supplies robbed in a small town.

Never expected…

He took one at random and took a bite. Then, he changed and became very handsome. Even comparable to the handsome pirate captain Cavendish in front of him.

The devil fruit he ate is a rare devil fruit with beauty effects.

It is listed as one of the three beauty fruits along with the Slippery Fruit and the Sweet Fruit.

Parahuman-Bouncing Fruit.

Not only can it bounce away all the terrible wrinkles on his face. It can also bounce away the fat on his body.

It can even bounce away his bow legs.

Of course, the ability of this devil fruit is not just that. It can also bounce away the pain and fatigue on his body, and it can also bounce away attacks…

It is definitely one of the top devil fruits in the parahuman system.

This is also his confidence.

If he is not as good as Cavendish in kendo. Then, with this devil fruit, he has the courage to face anyone.

Not to mention Cavendish, he is not afraid of facing stronger people.

Because his devil fruit can bounce away all attacks. Even if the Four Emperors come, he can block all attacks.

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