
Drake walked out onto the street. There was some noise coming from the restaurant. He fell silent.

But in fact, he was shocked.

"So fast... the fourth admiral defeated Kaido and Big Mom. What about my mission? Continue to enter the New World?"

Drake was puzzled. As an undercover agent of the secret forces, he was supposed to infiltrate Kaido's group, but the Navy Headquarters has not given him any instructions so far.

Similarly, in the restaurant, in addition to discussing public executions and the surprising battle in Totland in the summer, there was a person who bowed his head in thought and did not speak.

That was Trafalgar Law

"Doflamingo... Kaido... Isn't there enough evidence to deal with Doflamingo?"

Kaido was almost killed and was hunted by the fourth admiral. This is good news.

But it seems that Doflamingo was not implicated and was not even called into the Navy.���

The supernovas are all very ambitious guys.

Although they are newcomers, most of them are aiming for the throne of Pirate King.

Of course, in addition to Law and Drake, there is another person with a different purpose.

That is Apu, the Kaiming of the Beast Pirates!

His identity is not known to the world, but now he has arrived at the Sabaody Islands and is hiding in an abandoned house in the lawless area.

His face is full of confusion and helplessness.

"Lord Kaido!? How is it possible! How could he be almost beaten to death by that eight-year-old admiral!"

Apu was holding the photo of the Great Abyss on the sea and the news on it, all in panic. Can this kind of attack be caused by humans? Lord Kaido was almost killed by this level of attack? The capture of the members of the Beasts Pirates before had already frightened Apu, but Kaido was facing three admirals after all.

And he had been captured before, but Apu didn't think it was a big deal. As long as Lord Kaido was still there, nothing would be a problem.

But now that everyone has been captured, Kaido has been seriously injured again, and Wano Country has gone out of control!

Where will he go?

But no matter what, Xia Tian's terrifying strength has been recognized by the whole world.

The accuracy of the news has also been verified.

No matter how arrogant the supernovas are, Bold, and all of them were shocked by Xia Tian’s terrifying strength.

People like Kidd, Law, and Hawkins also understood that the Navy Headquarters changed its usual behavior because of this almost strongest admiral.

Next, the whole world will be turned upside down!

Of course.

As Xia Tian became famous all over the world, coupled with the development of various events, some major plots have been completely changed.

For example, the Straw Hat Boys who came to the Sabaody Islands under the leadership of Octopus Hachi.

After experiencing the Judicial Island incident, Luffy and his crew, the son of destiny, had not yet learned about the public execution, and came here all the way.

Led by Hachi, they excitedly came to Xia Qi’s extortion bar.

However, they did not see Rayleigh.

"What a coincidence, Brother Monchi, Xiaoba, after Rayleigh took the coating tools away that day, he said he had something to do and had to go out to sea."

Although Xia Qi knew it, she didn't tell them what Rayleigh was doing.

"Is that so... Then there is no other way. If Rayleigh is not here, Luffy, you can only find other coaters... Sorry."

Octopus Hachi said to Luffy and others with an apologetic look on his face.

"It's okay, no need to apologize, we are the ones who bothered you."

Luffy smiled and didn't take it to heart at all.

Seeing that the coating was not there, the Straw Hat Pirates discussed sending two people to find the coating craftsman, and the others went around looking around

"You guys seem so anxious to go to the New World. Have you heard about the recent big events?"

Xia Qi said with a smile while holding her chin and smoking a cigarette while looking at the lively Straw Hat Group.

"Big news? We didn't receive any news along the way."

Franky recalled that he hadn't even seen the seagull that delivered the letter along the way.

"First of all, this island is home to 11 super rookies with a combined worth of over 100 million, including Brother Monkey and Brother Zoro."

"So many! ?"

Nami and the others were all shocked.

A pirate with over 100 million is incredible. For example, they themselves

"This is nothing compared to what has happened recently. Have you heard about the fourth-highest admiral of the navy?"

"Well, it is rumored that there is a general who is only eight years old!"

"That's right, not long ago, this Child Emperor defeated two of the Four Emperors, Kaido and Big Mom, in the New World, and almost killed them. Now he is chasing them. This news shocked the whole world."

Xia Qi has a great liking for this group of cute straw hats, and she didn't mind telling them about it.

"Four Emperors!? Luffy, aren't those the four pirates your grandfather mentioned who are closest to the throne of Pirate King?"

Sanji paused while lighting his cigarette and said in surprise.

The Straw Hat Pirates don't quite understand what the Four Emperors represent now, they only know that they are one of the three major forces in the Grand Line.

"Yes, Shanks seems to be one of the Four Emperors."

At this point, Luffy immediately became interested.

"Red-haired Shanks? He was also defeated by the fourth admiral."

Shaki smiled, and was very curious about Luffy and his crew.

I don't know how they got here without any information.

"Of course, the fourth admiral is very powerful, but there is another piece of news that has nothing to do with her."

"There is a public execution of the Whitebeard Pirates' second division captain, Ace the Fire Fist, and all the members of the Beast Pirates. This is the real thing that will happen soon.���event……"

Xia Qi was just talking about the second piece of news, but as she was talking, she noticed that all the Straw Hat Pirates had changed their expressions.

"Ace! Ace from the Whitebeard Pirates! You mean, he was caught and will be executed!"

Luffy's expression froze for a moment, and his expression changed drastically.

Nami, Robin, Brook and others were all like this, they all knew... Ace was Luffy's brother!


New World, Wan Guo Sea.

Big Mom's 34 islands are all her territory, and her power is stable. After years of operation, it seems peaceful.

After all, this is the territory of the Four Emperors Big Mom, and no one dares to mess with it.

But in this sea area.

After Big Mom and Kaido woke up, they didn't even dare to go to the island! What

's even more helpless and aggrieved is that they don't even dare to go out of the Wan Guo Sea! They can only drift in the sea area of more than 30 islands in Totland...

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