On the ocean, on a large pirate ship that was reinforced with candy.

Big Mom and Kaido had both woken up.

They were wrapped in layers of bandages, with only their eyes and mouths exposed.

"mom...we can't get to the island, nor can we go too far...the navy has sent in observers, and as soon as we are exposed, they will immediately send people to chase us.……"

Perospero also had signs of treatment, but his injuries were still recovering. He was reporting to Big Mom.

They were like fish trapped in a pond, unable to get out or land! As soon as they went out, they would be warned by the navy. Although it was not Child Emperor Xia Tian who came in person, he made it very clear.

"The admiral said, you just float on the sea. If you dare to go out or land, he will come and kill you personally."

This is a complete insult to the four emperors!

Kaido and Big Mom gritted their teeth and trembled with anger. Even the bandages on their bodies were cracked by their rapid breathing, and traces of blood dyed the white bandages red.

"Child Emperor Xia Tian!! If I have the chance, I will skin you alive!"

Big Mom was full of resentment at this moment. When had she ever suffered such an injustice?

In her own territory, she couldn't even get to the island!

The same was true for Kaido. He was so angry that smoke came out of his nostrils.

Obviously, he was very angry.

The two of them were so resentful that they even forgot the fear that Xia Tian brought to them.

All around, the injured ministers and cadres were all wrapped in bandages. Although everyone was angry.

But there was nothing they could do.

They were angry, but everyone understood that they couldn't provoke Xia Tian now!

Not catching up with them at that time was already letting them go. If they really caught up, they would all be doomed!

Didn't you see that Kaido and Big Mom's wounds were still bleeding, cursing in their mouths but didn't dare to rush out or land on the island directly.

"At our current speed, we can't escape Xia Tian's pursuit in this sea area. But what is his purpose in doing this?"

Kaidou calmed down a little and said strangely.

Not chasing, not caring, and not letting go, what is the purpose of this?

Many ministers were confused about this.

"I don't know what he wants to do...but he definitely doesn't take us seriously.……"

Katakuri said this sentence with great effort, full of bitterness.

He still remembered that when he jumped into the abyss on the sea, he looked up at Xia Tian.

At that time, Xia Tian's mouth corners were slightly raised, and his eyes were full of playfulness. That kind of eyes... Katakuri couldn't help but shudder in his heart when he recalled it.

It seemed that everything was under his control. At that time, Xia Tian had a chance to kill all of them!

"So where is he now?"

Big Mom took a deep breath and slowly stood up.

"Child Emperor...he occupied Cake Island"

"Cake Island, no, the entire Totland Kingdom has become a summer paradise, and he is playing."

Smoothie clenched his fists tightly and said with shameful teeth

"This guy, with those lieutenant generals and major generals, doesn't look like a navy at all, but more like a pirate! After occupying Totland, he developed the entire kingdom in the direction of entertainment!"

"He's been eating, drinking, and having fun these days... He's simply turned the Kingdom of Totland into his own place!"

Charlotte Owen, Charlotte Dafu and others shouted angrily.

When Big Mom heard this, she was shocked!

This Child Emperor Xia Tian has become a local tyrant in Totland!


Big Mom's eyes were red, and her bandaged fingers were shaking violently.

Totland was her dream! Everything she had worked so hard to build was there!

And now it was occupied by Summer!?

"Calm down! Lingling!"

The surging domineering aura was about to burst out, and Kaido immediately stood up to stop Big Mom.

If he didn't stop her, Big Mom would lose her mind and become a mad dog that would only attack randomly.

"Child Emperor Xia Tian just occupied your kingdom to eat, drink and have fun, they did not destroy your order!"

Finally, after a lot of persuasion, Kaido finally comforted Big Mom.

All the ministers were ready to escape, and they were relieved at this time.

Mom couldn't cause damage on the only big ship, otherwise they would have to squeeze on the small boat.

"It is impossible for us to capture Xia Tian alive, or to defeat Xia Tian."

After Kaido felt the real death, he had to admit Xia Tian's terrible strength.

After Big Mom calmed down, she sat with a dark face.

"Kaido... This time I have lost so much money by teaming up with you that I even lost my territory."

Big Mom was very unhappy and even had the urge to capture Kaido and hand him over to Xia Tian.

But thinking about the current situation, it is not surprising that they can't keep Kaido, and they might really take action.

"Lingling, who would have thought that Xia Tian’s strength could reach this level!"

"But, do you want to avenge your previous shame? Or do you just wait for Xia Tian to leave and continue to be your queen in Totland?"

Kaido seemed to have sensed Big Mom's mood changes. Although he knew it, he was not panicked, but he started to talk about this.

"Avenge the previous humiliation? Kaido, even the two of us can't break Xia Tian's defense, how can we avenge the humiliation?"

Big Mom yelled angrily

"There will definitely be a chance! Moreover, our deal can continue. According to the plan, if we can't catch Xia Tian, then we will go to rescue the people in the city of Impel Down on the day of the public execution!"

Kaido looked at Big Mom seriously and spoke word by word.

This was originally planned. Big Mom opened her mouth, but finally fell silent.

Now she is on the same boat with Kaido.

"Katakuri, what do you think?"

Big Mom was a little annoyed and turned her head to look at���Katakuri, who was wearing bandages, asked

"Mom, we have no room to maneuver with the Fourth Admiral now. We have lost face and must move back to Yicheng!"

Katakuri glanced at Kaido and answered solemnly.

In fact, everyone present understood that the purpose of the Navy was obvious from the moment the Fourth Admiral came to Wan Guo.

They no longer cared about the balance and wanted to break the tacit understanding of many years.

First, there was Kaido's artificial devil fruit, and then the public execution of Fire Fist Ace. At the same time, the Fourth Admiral came to Wan Guo to make trouble. They were all targeting the Four Emperors!

The only thing that was hard to see through was what Xia Tian did!

Obviously, he had the opportunity to capture or defeat all of them directly.

Of course, they would not figure it out even if they racked their brains.

In fact, Xia Tian's purpose of keeping them was just to grab more treasures and money and to improve himself in the next battle.

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