The lieutenant generals did not dare to stop him, but fortunately they were able to call Xia Tian.

Suddenly, Xia Tian appeared as if he had teleported. He did not exude a terrifying aura, but his sharp eyes made the men in black feel as if they were falling into an ice cellar. They dared not move at all!

"Who told you to stop? Catch them! Kill those who don't obey!"

The Tianlong people were still immersed in excitement, and they were very unhappy when they stopped.

I didn't even give the order, but my men didn't dare to move because of the words of a general?

Who is the world's noble?

"General Child Emperor, you are meddling too much. We are not making things difficult for you. These guys are all top-class slaves. It is not too much for us to capture some of them and take them back."

The Celestial Dragon snorted, expressing his strong dissatisfaction with Xia Tian's obstruction.

It is a blessing to give you such a big face!

"We have the greatest respect for you."

The other Tianlong people were also very dissatisfied.

Xia Tian laughed, turned his head to look at the people lying in the pool of blood and the panicked people, and then looked back at the Tianlong people.

"Don't get me wrong, you can do whatever you want, but you have to pay."

Money? That's easy.

When the Tianlong people heard Xia Tian say this, they all laughed.

This little brat actually wanted to take advantage of the opportunity to collect some money.

"No problem, as long as you don't stop me, you name a price."

The Tianlong people laughed and said to Xia Tian confidently.

As for money, would the Tianlong people be short of this little money? All the member states in the world need to pay a large amount of heavenly gold every year.

"Not much either."

Xia Tian said as he turned over and looked at the guy lying in a pool of blood. He was breathing out more than he was breathing in. He was hopeless.

"One hundred billion, no Pele, just treasure of equal value"

"How is it? Not expensive, right? The Tianlongs are the richest,"

Xia Tian said with a fake smile.

In fact, Xia Tian himself was also very unhappy. He really overestimated the Tianlongs.

These guys were not bound by the law and had no morals.

He actually thought that these were seven normal Tianlongs with bottom lines.

Who knew that within a few minutes, their bad nature made them rob and kill people on the street.

"One hundred billion equivalent treasures!?"

The expression of the Celestial Dragon froze instantly.

"Are you kidding me!?"

I originally thought that even if Admiral Child Emperor offered a price, it would be at most 100 million Baileys or something.

I never thought that he would ask for 100 billion, which was equivalent to treasure!

Even the navy soldiers and armored guards around were stunned.

The group of CPs in black suits had a dull expression and then turned solemn.

They reacted quickly. It was obvious that Child Emperor was playing tricks on them!

Even the Celestial Dragons could not come up with such a huge amount of 100 billion, and it was treasure!

The vice admirals looked strange, and then they struggled a little.

Admiral Child Emperor was going to make trouble, so what should they, the navy, do!?

So entangled.

No matter how stupid the Celestial Dragons were at this time, they understood that Xia Tian was playing tricks on them.

100 billion?

How much is the celestial gold in a year? Not to mention the treasure.

"I'm not kidding, 100 billion, I'll personally help you catch anyone you like here."

Xia Tian looked calm and indifferent.

"Child Emperor Xia Tian, have you forgotten your identity?"

The Celestial Dragons began to get angry and lost their tempers with ferocious faces.

They had also heard the black-clothed men around them introduce Xia Tian along the way, so they naturally knew Xia Tian's title as the most powerful general.

Xia Tian still laughed and turned to look at the frightened black-clothed men.

These CP people were already sweating profusely and their hearts were trembling.

A person's reputation is like the shadow of a tree. The most powerful general, General Child Emperor who pressed the Four Emperors to the ground, even if he didn't exude any momentum.

These CP people were like facing an ancient beast.

When the Celestial Dragons and Child Emperor quarreled, they were the ones who suffered.

"Identity? The fourth general, Child Emperor, you know very well"

"This is where I block the base of Kaido and Big Mom Pirates. This is where the mission is. If you want to rob here, it will probably affect my mission to some extent. It’s not too much to ask for some money."

It should be like this in Xia Tianyi.

The Celestial Dragons were even more angry.

What do you mean it will affect the mission? It’s irrelevant!

And you want some money!? One hundred billion Baileys is asking for some money!?

"Admiral of the Navy! You are directly under the noble Celestial Dragons of our world! It is your duty to protect and obey our orders!"

The Celestial Dragons roared angrily, but reason told them not to take action.

Not to mention that Mary Geoise had warned them to respect Xia Tian, even if they really started fighting, they might not be able to win.

Because CP told them at the time that

"Admiral Child Emperor, the strongest and youngest admiral in history, not to mention one of the Four Emperors, even if two of them were beaten, the entire CP0 to 9 army together would not be able to defeat this one……"

Moreover, the Five Elders attach great importance to it.

However, even if the arrogant Tianlong people cannot take action, it does not affect their ability to suppress others with their power and status.

"Oh? Listen to the orders of the Celestial Dragons? The Five Elders didn't mention this to me when I took office."

Xia Tian shrugged, not caring at all.

The people around were shocked by this and were dumbfounded.

Do I need to mention this!? Isn't this a consensus, a foundation, something that everyone knows!?


"You'd better get out of the way! We are the descendants of the God of Creation! We are God! Do you know what the consequences will be if we go against God's will?"

"Despicable lowly people! You should just obey God's will!"

"Step aside!"


The Celestial Dragons were completely furious. They used their status as descendants of God to pressure others, and even spoke wildly, exposing their repressed nature to Xia Tian.

Xia Tian frowned at the lowly words that he used to call him an inferior.

The more he cursed, the colder the backs of the black-clothed men around him felt. As they broke out in cold sweats, their expressions became more and more terrified.

Even the two lieutenant generals were so nervous that their fingers were trembling, and they almost ran away with their men.

Because in their eyes, Xia Tian's frown gradually turned into a blank expression, and finally he smiled.

They couldn't see Xia Tian's eyes clearly under his sunglasses, but a bad premonition came to their minds!

These Celestial Dragons are really looking for death!

This is the most powerful general in history!! And on the Cake Island in the New World!

Who knows, Child Emperor Xia Tian really dares to take action directly!


"You, how can you even look like the descendants of God!?"

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