Xia Tian laughed, and laughed loudly.

Then, with a thought, a powerful and incomparable domineering aura rose to the sky!

Invisible waves rippled the entire Cake Island!

The momentum of a god descending to the earth changed the color of the sky and the earth, as if covered with a layer of mystery!

The originally clear sky suddenly attracted endless heavy dark clouds, making the entire sea area dim.

The clouds were visibly surging, and there were bursts of thunder and lightning!

The sea roared, and huge waves surged up and hit the shore. The sound of the tide echoed with the thunder in the sky.

In an instant, everyone was shrouded in boundless power!

"Child Emperor Xia Tian!? He is fighting with someone!!?"

On the other side of the sea, Kaido, Charlotte Lin Lin and other ministers all sensed the breath of Xia Tian.

On the sea, there were gusts of wind coming from the direction of Cake Island, with a suffocating breath in the wind.

The sky was covered with dark clouds, and the originally calm sea surface was turbulent.

This could not help but make everyone in the Big Mom Pirates feel nervous and surprised.

What... happened?

"Is it Xia Tian!? He released his aura!?"

Momotosagi, Chaton, Hina and others reacted immediately and ran towards Xia Tian.

Could it be Kaido and Charlotte Lin Lin attacking? Or other enemies?

They arrived at the scene and felt the aura and wind pressure hitting their skin. They were stunned.

Xia Tian stood on the street. The seven Celestial Dragons in front of him rolled off the slaves, each of them was full of fear and couldn't even move.

Those men in black and the armored guards fell to the ground and lay there, as if a huge rock weighing tens of millions of pounds had fallen on them..

Only the common people and the navy were not suppressed by Xia Tian's aura, but everyone could feel Xia Tian's terrifying aura that made the world change color, like a god descending to the earth!

Even the ground under Xia Tian's feet kept cracking and spreading.

Lifting his legs and walking forward, leaning forward slightly, Xia Tian had a mocking smile.

Under the pressure of Xia Tian's aura, the world in the eyes of these Tianlong people seemed to disappear, and only those eyes full of deterrence and horror were left in their sight, constantly expanding!

It occupied every inch of their hearts, so the Tianlong people... were scared to death.

"Now, who is more like a god?"

Xia Tian's tone was very calm, but it sounded like thunder in the ears of the Celestial Dragons, and they all turned pale.

Fortunately, Xia Tian did not continue to exert pressure.

He raised his eyes and looked at Taotu, Chatun, Hina and others who had rushed over and were stiff.

"Hina was shocked... General Xiatian actually attacked the Celestial Dragons.……"

People like Hina, Momosagi, and Chaton belong to the traditional navy, and their attitude towards the Celestial Dragons is deeply rooted. Although they are influenced by Garp, they cannot change the common sense that the Celestial Dragons cannot be disobeyed.

So now it seems that Xia Tian's overwhelming momentum overwhelms the Celestial Dragons, making them piss on the ground in fear, which is simply beyond cognition.


Chatun and the other navy officers and soldiers swallowed their throats, feeling their mouths dry.

"Admiral Child Emperor... This is a taboo... The Navy cannot attack the Celestial Dragons under any circumstances! This is rebellion!"

Chatun muttered in a low voice. He didn't dare to say it out loud at all.

Xia Tian's observation Haki was so strong that he could faintly hear this inaudible voice and turned back to give Chatun a look.

You are the one who talks too much.

Now that the pressure has stopped, the frightened Celestial Dragons have finally reacted. They don't even have time to wipe their snot and tears. They are busy looking for Den Den Mushi. They look like they are going to complain to their parents.

But at this time, they really don't dare to say another word in front of Xia Tian.

Even the men in black have sad faces.

"Beat them to death... It's none of our business."

This is what CP thought. They really didn't dare to take action. Xia Tian's might completely crushed their will.

Xia Tian also seemed to be very interested in this. This group of Celestial Dragons didn't beg them, but instead found Den Den Mushi and gathered together.

"The five elders... woooo... we were beaten by Xia Tian!"

"He was rude and did not take his identity as a descendant of the Dragon God seriously.……"

"You guys should make the decision for us! He relied on his strength and didn't take his identity seriously at all. He even took action.……"

"The dignity of the Celestial Dragons will be completely destroyed.……"

Seven Celestial Dragons surrounded the Den Den Mushi and started to cry as soon as the call was connected.

They said Xia Tian was a despicable person who despised the descendants of God.

The scene just now almost scared them to death.

Now, except for asking the Five Elders for justice, they had no other way to deal with Xia Tian.

Everyone stared at this scene in a daze, and their expressions changed from shock to strangeness.

They looked at the Celestial Dragons, and then looked at Xia Tian, who was leisurely and had no worries about the Celestial Dragons complaining to the Five Elders.

"He is worthy of being called General Child Emperor. He is so calm.……"

Everyone around sighed.

The navy officers, including Momosagi Gion, Chaton, Hina, and the two vice admirals of the branch, all looked unhappy.

If Xia Tian complained to the Five Elders, he might be severely punished!

Disrespecting the Celestial Dragons, or even attacking them, he might be stripped of his rank of general and expelled from the navy!

But the navy officers were actually overthinking.

After the Den Den Mushi listened to the Celestial Dragons' complaints in silence, the sound began to come out.

"Shut up! Behave yourself!"

"Have you forgotten what I told you? If you must go, you must respect the summer when you get there! Not only must you respect it, but you must also obey the instructions, otherwise you can forget about continuing your visit.���"Get back here!"

The Fifth Elder shouted angrily from the Den Den Mushi.

Not only did he not blame Xia Tian for his behavior, he even told the Tian Long people to follow Xia Tian's arrangements.

"As for being beaten? You asked for it, you useless bastards."

With a cold snort, the Five Elders hung up the phone, leaving the seven Celestial Dragons dumbfounded.

With their frozen expressions, their hearts were trembling.

What's going on?

Why didn't the Five Elders say a word about Xia Tian's offense against God, and even blamed them for everything. They did tell them, but... but who is the world's noble now?

The Celestial Dragons were confused. They wanted to file a complaint, but they were scolded instead.

The people around them also heard it, and were extremely shocked in their hearts.

"What the hell is going on here? This is unscientific!"

"Shouldn't Xia Tian be punished for offending the Celestial Dragons and defaming the reputation of God?!"

Chatun felt sick and slapped his face, feeling like he was dreaming.

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