"Xia Tian left!"

Kaido stood up suddenly, a little bit unbelieving.

Where did Xia Tian go?

"According to the spies of Cake Island, Child Emperor received a call from the Five Elders, asking him to go back to support Marinford!"

Xia Tian left without any scruples. In front of everyone, even when he received the call from the Five Elders, Xia Tian did not avoid it.

"Great! He's gone!"

After hearing the report, Kaido and Charlotte Linlin looked at each other and were overjoyed.

Without Xia Tian, it meant that there was no one to restrain them.

"Now... where should we go first?"

Perospero stood up and asked. He had already lost some of the initiative by not taking action at the beginning.

Now that Xia Tian had left, it became awkward.

"The Kingdom of Totland is not in a hurry, the navy is still there, and there won't be any trouble with the navy watching over the house."

Big Mom grinned and pondered calmly.

Should she still stir up trouble in this matter?

If it was at the beginning, Big Mom would definitely choose to step back and not participate.

But now the battle of Marinford has begun.

Red Hair, White Beard, and even Rayleigh have joined the battle, plus the Seven Warlords of the Sea.

Kaido will definitely not hide away in disgrace. With this calculation, this is almost a fight between three major forces.

In this case, Big Mom herself doesn't want to hide!

In this kind of war of changing times, hiding is not a good choice.

"We can't go to the top war, Child Emperor rushed back as soon as possible, and with the admirals of the navy, even if we disrupt the situation, we have no advantage."

Kaido glanced at Big Mom, and he understood what this old woman was thinking.

He didn't say anything and started to analyze it.

"Why don't we take advantage of the time difference and rescue the people in Impel Down while they are fighting fiercely in Marinford, and do some damage to get back our position."

When Kaido made this suggestion, the officers and ministers of the Big Mom Pirates remained silent.


"It seems to be a good choice. The red-haired kid and Rayleigh have followed Whitebeard to fight Marinford. Then we can disrupt Impel Down. Then...how much of a headache will Sengoku have.……"

After a long silence, Big Mom laughed and agreed to Kaido's suggestion.

"Mom, Brulee and Katakuri have already left. We need to contact them. If we want to get there as quickly as possible, her ability is the fastest."

"Perospero, then you go and make the contact quickly, and the others should get ready!"


As soon as Xia Tian left, Big Mom and Kaido also took action.

At this moment in Marinford, the audience around the world, including those watching the live broadcast, were shocked. No one could have imagined that this public execution would cause a bigger commotion.

Even Red-Haired Shanks and Pluto Rayleigh showed up.

"It will be ready soon, Ace."

Whitebeard Newgate chuckled, opened his hands, and his muscles surged with force, and then punched the air with both fists!

The exaggerated performance of the Tremor-Tremor Fruit shocked the navy in the entire square.

The atmosphere... cracked!

The ocean was shaking!

Just a few seconds later, huge tsunamis rushed over from both sides of Marinford! It was like covering the sky and the sun. If it really hit, it would wash away the entire island!

"He caused a tsunami!"

Zhan Guo couldn't help but shout.

This is the terrifying ability of Whitebeard Newgate, shock!

It can easily cause super earthquakes and tsunamis. It is one of the strongest fruit abilities that can destroy the world!

Red-haired Shanks and Rayleigh watched Whitebeard Newgate's actions, and they couldn't help but be surprised by this terrifying power.

"Newgate used his ability like this many years ago."

Rayleigh looked at the waves coming from both sides and couldn't help but sigh.

Of course, one thing defeats another.

Vibration is inevitable, but the water is restrained by Aokiji. Aokiji jumped up and used the Ice Age to freeze the big waves and tsunamis on both sides.

Then he was knocked down to the sea by Whitebeard, and froze the sea surface of the entire inner bay.

"Restricting the movement of our ships?"

Looking at the spread of white frost, Rayleigh narrowed his eyes slightly.

After a brief surprise, the navy did not panic, but continued to fight calmly.

As the ice froze, at the order of Sengoku, the navy began to attack.

The muzzle pointed at the pirate ship and began to fire. After the large fleet outside approached the ice surface, they also disembarked and attacked on foot.

"Don't worry, attack to the left and right."

Whitebeard Newgate looked at Sengoku, picked up the Den Den Mushi and commanded.

At this time, Hawkeye Mihawk drew out the black knife Night and slashed with the world's number one swordsman, but was blocked by Diamond Joz.

To capture the thief first, capture the king. Yellow Monkey Borsalino Yasakani Magatama also launched a dense attack of light spots at Whitebeard.

But it was also easily taken over by Marco's Phoenix form.

All of this was like a normal battle. If Xia Tian had seen it, he would know that this was the original plot.

The two sides seemed to be testing each other.

But at this time.

Yellow Monkey was not kicked away by Marco as in the original plot.

Instead, there was a sudden bang of a gunshot!

This is completely different from the sound of an ordinary gun, it is stronger and has an unusual feeling!

Yellow Monkey's skin felt stinging. Although his speed is very fast, it also requires reaction speed to support it!

So, while turning around, Borsalino barely avoided the red bullet with the domineering Ryu Sakura that was shot at his chest!

"Phew, it's really scary... Ben Beckman."

Kizaru turned his head and looked at the person who fired the gun. It was Ben Beckman who was standing on the mast, holding a long gun with smoke coming out of the muzzle.

"I almost hit him."

Beckman looked calm, not regretting that his shot missed.

Yellow Monkey Borsalino was light, so fast that ordinary strong men couldn't even touch him, so it was normal that he missed.

"Are you kidding me? If you hit me, I will definitely be seriously injured. If you do this, I really need my brother to come back."

Kizaru Borsalino waved his hand, indicating that he didn't want to be hit by this bullet.

"Child Emperor is still in the New World, right? Kizaru, don't think your brother will come to save you."

Beckman made a move, which meant that the Red Hair Pirates had officially started the war.

Akainu Sakaski stood up with an ugly look on his face.

"One by one... they all deserve to die!"

Chiu... the scorching temperature rolled up! Akainu's two arms turned into magma lava, and he rushed towards the pirate ship with a big fire.

This time, there was no Joz throwing huge ice cubes.

Only after the Red Hair Pirates joined the battle, the three admirals decisively began to take action.

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