The rolling lava kept getting bigger!

The powerful force of the volcanic eruption immediately shocked many pirates in the square.

This was the ability of Admiral Akainu, magma!

And Sakaski's big fire-breathing punch was aimed at Beckman who fired the gun.

"You're so exaggerated right now, why don't you say hello first? Sakaski."

The knife flashed, and the blue slash flashed at an extremely fast speed, cutting off Akainu's big fire!

Suddenly, the magma lava burst, and the fireball fell to the ice.

This is exactly what Red Hair Shanks used Griffin to cut off Akainu Sakaski's big fire!

"There's no point in dealing with pirates, Red Hair. It's because of you Four Emperors that there are more and more evil pirates!"

"The treasure of the Pirate King is nothing but a mirage, a reason for you to commit evil deeds!"

Sakaski looked at Red-haired Shanks with great solemnity, expressing his disgust for the Four Emperors.

"Sakaski, not all pirates are like this."

Red-haired Shanks thrust his sword across the sky, pointing it directly at Akainu

"If you want to save people, you have to be prepared for annihilation!"

A powerful lava fist swung out from Akainu Sakaski's arm.

The scorching flames with thick smoke attacked Red-haired Shanks!

Shanks said no more. He and Akainu Sakaski were old rivals.

On Griffin's long sword, the armed color domineering and the domineering color domineering were added, and the magma of Akainu was split again. A huge blade flashed, and it went towards Akainu without reducing its momentum.

And Akainu couldn't stand in the middle of the execution platform and fight with Shanks all the time.

The body burst out with magma flames, and it pushed towards the blade light...

Below, Hawkeye Mihawk watched Red-haired Shanks and Akainu start a battle, and silently retreated. With

Red-haired Shanks there, Mihawk didn't want to take action at all.

"Where are you going, Hawkeye?"

Doflamingo smiled strangely and turned his head to ask

"I only agree to fight the Whitebeard Pirates, Red Hair is not within the scope of the agreement."

Hawkeye Mihawk calmly walked in another direction without looking back.

And Sengoku also noticed Hawkeye's powerful fighting power comparable to the Four Emperors, and knew that Hawkeye would not take action with Red Hair around.


At this time, Sengoku's pupils suddenly shrank.

On the Foss in the inner bay, Pluto Rayleigh moved!

Moving at a ghostly speed, even the vice admirals below could hardly catch his figure. He rushed straight to the execution platform at a high speed. At this momentum, even Kizaru Borsalino, who wanted to stop him, had no time!

And Aokiji Kuzan was still at the edge of the inner bay.

Rayleigh wanted to take advantage of the gap when the three admirals were not on the execution platform and free Ace from Sengoku as quickly as possible!

Those seastone handcuffs only require one sword. Once they are up, no one can stop them in a fight.

And Ace is not an ordinary person without any power.

It must be said that Rayleigh's idea is very good.


Marshal Zhan Guo was shocked. He never thought that Rayleigh would play such a trick.

He had to take action!

Looking at Rayleigh rushing up vertically from below with a sword in his hand, Zhan Guo was full of solemnity, and his arms began to glow faintly. He couldn't leave the execution platform so easily.

Because Zhan Guo himself was the last line of defense of the execution platform.

At this moment when the navy was in a dilemma, an unexpected situation appeared!

A huge fist completely covered with armed color appeared in front of Rayleigh.

The speed of this sudden appearance was so fast that Rayleigh had been paying attention but didn't react all of a sudden.

The coat of justice squeaked in the wind.

The fist collided with Rayleigh's sword!

The red and black domineering formed an evil burst of lightning arc!

The powerful force of the two collided, causing the execution platform to shake.

Fortunately, the execution platform was tough enough.

Rayleigh's originally sprinting figure was not strong enough in the collision, and was knocked to the ground!

The navy soldiers on the ground hurriedly dispersed, but at the same time, they also cheered after they recovered.

"It's a hero, our navy's hero has taken action!"

After landing on the ground with a thud and removing the force, Rayleigh looked at the center of the execution platform with great solemnity!

The one who took action was a man with white hair, frowning brows, and even his body was shaking because of the intense struggle in his heart... Iron Fist, Monkey D. Garp!

Only he could stop Pluto Rayleigh head-on when the three admirals were not around.

"I didn't ask you to do it! You did it yourself!"

Zhan Guo immediately breathed a sigh of relief and leaned his head out to shout at Garp.

"Stop talking nonsense! I am a navy officer!"

Garp shook his head in pain, then looked at Rayleigh, the Pluto, who a group of navy officers and soldiers dared not approach.

"Rayleigh, long time no see. I'm afraid it's impossible to get through here."

Kapu took a deep breath and said


Rayleigh was surprised, then he smiled as he thought of something.

He didn't feel sorry for almost saving Ace.

It wasn't that easy, and he never expected Garp to do it.

"You are worthy of the word justice behind you, but Garp, can you bear to watch Ace die on the execution platform like this?"

Although Rayleigh understood Garp, he did not give up persuading him.

It was Garp who adopted Ace and helped Ace survive from childhood. Rayleigh already knew this.

"I have given him a way... but this is fate. I have my own position, and this is his own choice."

Garp looked up and sighed deeply.

But at the same time, he also expressed his attitude. Monkey D. Garp is a veteran.

People all over the world watching the live broadcast could not help but marvel and were shocked.

Today's events in Marinford were very exciting.

This is just the beginning.

The Four Emperors Red Hair has already fought with the Navy Admiral Akainu.

The two admirals Aokiji and Kizaru confronted the ship's deputy and other cadres on both sides of the Red Hair and Whitebeard Pirates.

Under the execution platform, the legendary pirate Pluto Rayleigh almost succeeded in the attack, but was finally blocked by a punch from the legendary hero of the Navy!

The two are legends to each other, have achieved each other, and are old rivals.

Garp has been chasing the Pirate King Roger for many years, and the Roger Pirates also fought with Garp in that era.

"Your strength is really not behind at all, Garp. No wonder Roger admired you so much till the end."

"Don't mention that guy to me. If we want to get over it, we have to catch up first, Rayleigh."

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