Marinford battlefield.

Whitebeard Newgate punched the air, and the air suddenly broke into pieces!

The ice surface cracked, and even the square of Marinford was shaking!

The powerful force of the Tremor-Tremor Fruit rushed towards the meteor volcano falling from the sky with a swift impact!

The meteor volcano released by Akainu Sakaski had not yet fallen, but exploded under this invisible force and turned into smoke and dust.

"Gulala, lava kid, don't use this trick."

Whitebeard held Kusukimi in one hand, smashed the falling meteor volcano, and rushed to the square with many pirates! A huge vice admiral came to stop them, but he couldn't even withstand Whitebeard's sword and was directly blown away.

""Damn it! Whitebeard!"

Akainu Sakaski was furious, but he could do nothing.

The pirates had already reached the center of the inner bay and were advancing under fire.

The leaders of the two major pirate groups fighting in the front were almost reaching the wall.

What was even more terrifying was that the giant who was almost a hundred meters tall, Little Oz, also appeared on the battlefield!

With one sword, a warship, he rushed towards the execution platform, shouting Ace.

The vice admirals of the giant clan were like children in front of him and were chopped away by Little Oz.

The original plan to melt the ice and make these pirates lose their foothold was completely destroyed by Whitebeard Newgate.

It was completely impossible to proceed.

At this time, Akainu Sakaski wanted to go forward angrily to stop Whitebeard Newgate's steps.

Just as he stepped forward, a slash crossed the distance of the inner bay and slashed over.

Akainu Sakaski could only stop, looking at the man holding the grid with a grim face. Red-haired Shanks of Reifen.

In terms of strength, Sakaski can only fight with Red-haired Shanks, and cannot defeat him. He was even severely suppressed! Shanks did not hold back at this time, everything was for a quick victory before Xia Tian came back.

The sharp blade glowed with blue light, and the slash covered with powerful domineering domineering. Akainu Sakaski did not dare to elementalize in a hurry to receive it.

Even the blade light that was chopped out cut narrow and long marks on the walls of Crescent Bay.

Aokiji was besieged by Marco, Jesus Bu, Laqilu, and Flower Sword Vista!

The four are all famous cadres of the Four Emperors Pirate Group, and their strength is extremely powerful.

Even if they are slightly weaker than Aokiji Kuzan, the four of them joined forces and almost suffocated Aokiji Kuzan.

If it weren't for the development of the ability of the Ice Fruit being strong enough, Aokiji would probably have been beaten to the ground.

"You are the admiral with the highest combat power in the navy, it is not too much for the four of us to fight you alone."

Rakiru even had the mind to tease Aokiji.

The one who was most relaxed was probably Kizaru Borsalino.

Whitebeard Newgate and Red-haired Shanks decided to attack fiercely, breaking all traps with brute force, maximizing their combat power and rescuing Ace as quickly as possible.

The three admirals were all targeted.

Kizaru only had Ben Beckman

"How terrifying! Red Hair actually has such a powerful vice-captain like you by his side."

Kizaru Borsalino had not expected that Beckman could be so strong.

The power and attack speed of the laser beam are strong enough, right? He can just shoot it out with one shot!

The light-speed kick can't even kick his powerful observation Haki perception.

On the contrary, Kizaru, holding the Kusanagi sword, had to be constantly careful of Beckman's attacks.

This was obviously very targeted, and Kizaru's full strength was restrained by Beckman and could not be fully exerted.

Although Beckman could predict Kizaru's movements and block his attacks, he could not defeat Kizaru, and the two of them entangled in this way.

In a corner of the square.

Rayleigh and Garp were fighting each other and talking about the past.

Garp seemed to be pretending, and Rayleigh could only accompany Garp and could not get away.

"Old man, the two of us will just watch."

Garp saw Rayleigh's anxiety and sneered.

What if the navy is at a disadvantage? Garp is not worried at all.

He knows that the navy's strength is far more than that.

And Rayleigh's anxiety is also worried that there will be variables, although Whitebeard is now at an advantage.

And there is a battle that is equally fierce, even more intense than the battle of the admirals.

That is the Seven Warlords of the Sea, Empress Hancock, Tyrant Bear, Gekko Moriah and Doflamingo.

Facing the attack of the Whitebeard Pirates and the Red Hair Pirates, they had to go down to fight.

Diamond Joz led the other captains and the rest of the cadres of the Red Hair Pirates, and the Seven Warlords of the Sea, as well as the Vice Admirals of the Navy Headquarters such as Flying Squirrel and Fire Mountain, fought a fierce battle from the inner bay to the edge of the square!

Both sides are evenly matched, and they have to be cautious one by one when they take action, and the result is that the battle becomes more and more intense.

The navy soldiers dare not approach this area at all.

Otherwise, they don't even know who killed them when they died! A mess

"Gulala...are the kids all angry?"

Whitebeard Newgate rushed straight into the square without anyone stopping him!

When he jumped onto the square, all the sailors' faces changed drastically!

""Whitebeard is coming!"

Someone shouted in shock.

Everyone was shocked when they saw this majestic man.

Could it be that the strongest man in the world was allowed to break into the execution platform and rescue Ace the Fire Fist?

At this moment, in the live broadcast facing the whole world, the audience was all amazed.

Some even thought that the navy was going to lose!

"The three admirals can't escape! Akainu and Aokiji are already injured!"

"Yes, the hero Garp is fighting against the Pluto Rayleigh... Who on the navy side can stop Whitebeard!"

"Is the righteous navy going to lose?……"

"Impossible, how could it be! The pirates had no choice but to hurry up���End the battle quickly and save people, otherwise when General Child Emperor comes back, everything will be too late!"


There were all kinds of discussions. Some people were sweating nervously, some were swallowing their throats, and some were stunned.

The world's top strongmen started a crazy battle. The visual scene alone shocked everyone.

But everyone could see that the navy was having a hard time holding on!

The three admirals might be injured at any time, and the navy's combat power was seriously insufficient.

At this time, Whitebeard Newgate, the world's strongest man, stepped onto the square!

The situation was critical!

"Whitebeard... We haven't fought each other for decades. Let's continue to learn from each other today!"

A golden light shone on the battlefield!

Zhan Guo, who had transformed into a giant Buddha, jumped off the execution platform and took action himself!

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