"Is this the ability of the Marine Admiral's fruit?"

"This is the first time I've seen……"

"The navy is in danger this time. Even the marshal has to fight with all his strength!"

"The three admirals were suppressed, and the artillery defenses were unable to stop the pirates' advance... The marshal had no choice but to leave.……"

The audience watching the live broadcast, especially the people of the allied countries, began to worry.

The navy's powerful layout was a little bit overwhelmed!

On the battlefield, Whitebeard Newgate's eyes flashed red as he stepped onto the square!

This is the surge of domineering!

Above his head is a huge golden Buddha statue!

Sengoku's palm was facing down, and with the momentum of Mount Tai, a translucent circular shock wave burst out from his palm, and he pushed Whitebeard Newgate below!

In the state of the heart and body skills bestowed by the Buddha form, even Whitebeard Newgate's eyes were instantly dignified.

The power of the Tremor-Tremor Fruit gathered in his fist, emitting a white halo, and Whitebeard punched the pressing Sengoku!

��Collision! The two violent forces immediately produced a huge destructive force.

The atmospheric cracks spread wildly in the shock wave, and a huge earthquake occurred in the whole of Marinford!

From the feet of Whitebeard, the ground began to collapse in a circle, the stone floor shattered, and was thrown into the air, and then torn into powder by the violent energy of the two.

The center of the violent collision of the shock wave and the vibration force! The light spot arc formed by the domineering color of the king shot wildly!

Even the clouds in the sky were torn apart.

The sea roared!

The naval soldiers on the square, starting from the closest ones, were all blown directly into the air by the air pressure after the two fought, screaming and wailing.

And this... was just the first move of the battle between Marshal Sengoku and Whitebeard Newgate!

""Go! Spread! Stay away from Marshal Sengoku's battle area!"

A lieutenant general shouted anxiously, shocked.

The might of Whitebeard's battle with Marshal Sengoku was the most terrifying on the battlefield.

Even the officers were thrown away by the powerful aftermath.

This was even more terrifying than the battle between the generals!

"Gulala... Sengoku, you are still as good as ever!"

Whitebeard laughed, remembering the grudges between them many years ago.

Before the Great Pirate Era began, Roger had not really become the Pirate King.

Garp and Sengoku, the two of them had been following in his and Roger's footsteps for many years.

Countless fights made them know each other very well.

Sengoku's huge Buddha face was full of solemnity.

The situation at the scene was a little out of control! If this goes on, it may not be possible to make it back in the summer!

The Seven Warlords of the Sea and the Vice Admirals fought with the cadres of the two Four Emperors Pirate Groups. The three admirals struggled to resist the siege. Garp was dragged by Rayleigh, and he had no choice but to stop Whitebeard. The remaining troops were not enough!

In other words, as long as there was a place that was freed up by Whitebeard, there would be no power to guard the execution platform now!

""Everyone! Hold on!"

Sengoku yelled, and started to fight with Whitebeard Newgate directly!

This is the simplest and most time-delaying way of fighting, a test of endurance!

Before the live broadcast, the audience had already been amazed.

Whether it was the major kingdoms or the major forces, they all had a look of shock and solemnity on their faces.

On a small island somewhere, the revolutionary army watching the battle couldn't help swallowing their throats.

"If this continues, the Navy will lose! Aokiji Kuzan is almost unable to hold on……"

The live broadcast was divided into several angles, and the battles in various places were clearly visible.

The revolutionary army present were at least cadres, and they all had sharp eyes and saw the problem at a glance.

"The navy is already at the end of its strength. This kind of consumption is even greater than that of the pirates. There is no way anyone can stop them."

"The navy is really strong enough, and the admirals are really monsters. They can hold out for so long in such a battle."

"Maybe they can really hold out until the fourth general returns.……"

"If the general-level fighters are injured, even if Child Emperor comes back, can he really deal with the combined forces of Whitebeard, Red Hair, and Pluto?"

The Revolutionary Army discussed

"No... the navy is not that simple. Although all those who can take action have already joined the battle……"

Monkey D. Dragon's eyes were solemn and thoughtful.

"The Navy will not leave the moment of life and death to Child Emperor alone. I am afraid there are some preparations, for example... the help from the World Government has not appeared yet."

Sabo, like Dragon, did not draw a conclusion based on the current situation, but thought carefully.

However, he looked at Ace's figure on the execution platform and had a very strange feeling... It was as if he had known him for a long time. However, it was just as they thought.

The situation on the battlefield changed rapidly.

Aokiji was besieged by four cadres, consuming huge consumption and increasing pressure.

Sometimes even elemental evasion to avoid attacks may not be effective, and he can only dodge.

And Flower Sword Vista and others were also very cautious, not giving Aokiji any chance to freeze him.

At this time, the time was almost ripe, and Marco's eyes changed.

"I'll leave it to you guys."

Turning around and spreading his Phoenix wings, Marco actually flew straight to the execution platform!

"Not good!"

Aokiji Kuzan looked anxious, but he was almost slashed by Vista.

"With our joint efforts, don't be distracted, Aokiji."

Jesus Bu seized the opportunity and shot at Aokiji.

Fortunately, Aokiji was prepared and dodged the bullet.

But at this time, Marco had already flown far away!

Others also discovered the Phoenix flying in the air.

Sengoku, Garp, Akainu, and Kizaru were all shocked, and Granny Crane had no time to stop him!

Marco flew to the same height as the execution platform with blue flames.

""Ace! Sorry for the long wait!"

Finally, there was a chance to rescue Ace.

Marco's face was full of excitement. Even Ace looked a little silly. Looking at Marco flapping his wings in front of him, tears were about to fall.

"I'll let you out right now, and then you can go back with us!"

Marco went up to unlock Ace's shackles without hesitation.

Seeing that Ace was about to be rescued by Marco! All the navy members were dragged, their faces were extremely ugly, but they had no choice but to watch.

The people of the Whitebeard Pirates and the Red Hair Pirates were overjoyed and smiled.

It's almost there, it's about to succeed!


A figure appeared on the execution platform as if teleporting!

The terrifying fist force surged, and a fist hit Marco who lowered his head and was about to claw at the shackles!

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