Marco was blown away like a cannonball!

Like a blue fireball, he slammed into the ground and created a big hole.


The faces of the Whitebeard Pirates changed drastically, and they shouted anxiously.

"I'm fine……"

In the pit, Marco immediately stood up with all his strength, his left shoulder completely pulled down.

This punch almost crippled Marco's left shoulder!

You have to know that just now, he was in the form of a phoenix.

At this time, everyone saw a sturdy old man suddenly appear on the execution platform!


Whitebeard, Red Hair, and Rayleigh gritted their teeth and looked at the execution platform in amazement.

At this time, Sengoku, the three admirals and other navy officers breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, something almost happened.

"Marshal Kong! It's Marshal Kong!"

"I see, it’s him, the legend of the navy, the former admiral of the navy, and the current commander-in-chief of the entire army!"

"Great! With Marshal Kong's support, our strength has greatly increased!"

The navy cheered, and their morale was greatly boosted!

The pirates' faces changed drastically, and they gritted their teeth, their faces became ugly.

"Just a little bit, just a little bit, and Ace will be rescued!"

"Damn... Why would such an old guy come out? Isn't he older than Garp, Sengoku and other veterans?"

This is like calling a grandfather-like guy to appear!

Even Whitebeard and Rayleigh looked extremely solemn.

Kong, who was standing on the execution platform, was a very strong old man with a broad chest and white hair and beard in the shape of a"mountain".

There was a sutured scar under his left eye. He wore a sleeveless black shirt decorated with medals, showing his arm muscles and hugging his chest, looking coldly at the people below.

"'s been a long time since we last met. I heard that you're not in good health. How about coming to Push City to enjoy your old age?"

Marshal Kong stared at Whitebeard, not taking the fact that he had just knocked Marco away seriously.

"Gulala, even an old man like you who is over a hundred years old is going to play, the navy is just like this."

Whitebeard Newgate didn't pay any attention to what Kong said.

But he couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

It seems that there is little hope of saving Ace in a short time.

Kong is an older top strongman with strong strength. With his joining, whether Xia Tian can catch up or not, it is not so easy for him and Red Hair to break through.

Even the next battle will be a fierce battle.

"Even you dare to attack the Navy Headquarters, so of course I have to stretch my old bones."

At this time, Steel Bone Kong waved his hand.

Behind the towering fortress, a group of soldiers with flying devices flew out densely!

This group of soldiers is very similar to Germa, but more intuitively, this group of soldiers has directly undergone physical transformation!

Following Kong's instructions, they began to rush towards the pirates who were attacking the square below, and quickly joined the battlefield.

""Everyone! Fight hard!"

Whitebeard Newgate's face darkened.

The appearance of Steel Bone Sora not only made up for the high-end combat power, but also brought this group of flying warriors.

As a result, the battle situation took a sharp turn for the worse!

Just as Whitebeard expected, the next battle would be very difficult.

These flying soldiers not only have guns and cannons, but can even fire beams of fire, which are more powerful than artillery shells. They explode when they fall to the ground, creating a large pit.

And Steel Bone Sora did not stay on the execution platform, but directly passed Whitebeard Newgate and Rayleigh and went directly to Red Hair Shanks and Beckman!

The battle situation has changed!

Shanks, who had suppressed Akainu, turned around and collided with Steel Bone Sora!

The extremely powerful domineering color covered the entire field! The sword light and fist power shattered each other and blew in all directions.

Its powerful aftermath even caused many pirates who were close to fly out.

"Young people are to be feared. You were also on Roger's ship back then, kid."

Kong Kong exclaimed as he looked at Red-Haired Shanks who was only pushed back one step by his punch.

Red-Haired Shanks had a serious look on his face and gritted his teeth and attacked again.

Akainu Sakaski took a deep breath and looked around.

He could free up his hands here, so he immediately rushed to help the weak Aokiji and Kizaru.

At this time, Beckman also gave up fighting with Kizaru Borsalino and went to support Red-Haired Shanks.

Kizaru wanted to chase, but was stopped by Jesus Bu's sniper, and there was Diamond Joz in front of him.

"Jesus Bu...your gun is not inferior to Beckman's."

Kizaru Borsalino raised his hands with a smile, as if to indicate that he would not bother Beckman.

And Beckman also joined the battle of Red Hair Shanks, and the two of them tacitly joined forces to fight fiercely with Steel Bone Sora alone!

This scene shocked the audience all over the world, and also made many people who didn't know the strength of Steel Bone Sora witness the terrible strength of the commander-in-chief of the entire army!

Ben Beckman, the man closest to Red Hair in the Red Hair Pirates, the deputy captain, is also a strong man with emperor-level combat power!

And with Red Hair Shanks, the two have already had an extremely tacit cooperation.

But even so, the two emperor-level combat powers have not yet gained the upper hand in the battle with Steel Bone Sora, and fought evenly! The powerful armed color covered his arms, and Sora was completely not afraid of the attack power of the two, and every blow was a head-on collision.

But Red Hair and Beckman became more and more frightened as they fought, and they also understood how terrible the strength of the previous admiral of the navy was.

Such a battle is leisurely.

Although it is evenly matched, But its suppression power is unparalleled!

And with the addition of Kong Gang, the entire battle situation has changed dramatically.

At this point, the pressure began to shift, all to the pirates.

The liberated Akainu and Kizaru joined the cadres of the two major pirate groups to cooperate with Aokiji.

The three admirals joined forces and actually defeated Vista, Laqilu, and dozens of people including Marco who rushed back!

The highest combat power of the navy, the strength is really not a joke.

Whitebeard Newgate's face has become extremely ugly.

Although the battle situation has remained in a balance, don't forget that there is still one of the strongest admirals in history rushing back!

If it really comes to that time, I'm afraid it won't be surprising if they are wiped out and handed over to the navy headquarters!

So, Whitebeard Newgate's fists became heavier and heavier, and Marshal Sengoku also felt Whitebeard's eagerness, gritted his teeth and persisted, and fought hard with him!

The entire Marinford was caught in the continuous tremor of the battle.

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