But at this time, Katakuri, who had given face to Blackbeard Teach, said nothing and directly released all the prisoners who were still alive.

Barrett, Crocodile, and even the Red Earl were not left behind.

The glutinous fruit formed a key to unlock the lock, extending out to open the confinement of the seastone.

"Hahahaha... Or let us out? Do you want us to go out and make a scene?"

Barrett pulled down the cell door and walked out.

"Even if you don't want to, you can't disappear and become unknown after you leave."

Katakuri turned around and said coldly, and wanted to take people away.

"What is the situation outside now? Whitebeard actually teamed up with others?"

The old Red Earl walked out and asked in a hoarse voice.

This was very surprising to these old guys. Whitebeard Newgate's character would actually team up with others?

Under the title of the world's strongest, no one would have thought of this.

"That's right, I don't know how it's going now, I only know that the Whitebeard Pirates have joined forces with the Red Hair Pirates, and there's a Pluto Rayleigh... They're all going to save Fire Fist Ace"

"Hahahahaha… Rayleigh that guy is out to cause trouble too? I can’t believe he’s coming out."

Golden Lion Shiki kicked the prison door open and floated out.

"Fire Fist Ace is Roger's son."

At this time, Blackbeard Teach said with a sly smile.

"Hmm? Roger's bloodline! ?"

The Red Earl couldn't help but turn his head sharply.

The Golden Lion Shiki was also stunned for a moment.

"So that's why the Navy Headquarters had to go to war, why did Whitebeard, Red Hair, and Pluto Rayleigh come together to attack!"

Golden Lion burst into laughter, and Red Earl and Barrett also looked surprised.

"Roger, he actually left his bloodline, hahahaha... it's really unexpected."

Speaking of this, Golden Lion Shiki turned his head and looked at the Red Earl, Barrett and others.

"What about Child Emperor?"

This question seemed to have attracted the attention of the prisoners on the sixth floor.

The Three Disasters even had a flash of fear in their eyes.

"He protected Mom and Kaido in the New World! To prevent us from joining the war, and I was the one who sneaked here to save you when Mom told me to."

Katakuri only knew about the battle in Marinford at this time. At that time, Sengoku had not yet told us that Xia Tian was rushing back.

"Is that so... Hehehe, even if Child Emperor is here, it doesn't matter. Whitebeard and Red Hair are both attacking the Marine Headquarters, plus Rayleigh, there are really a lot of old friends."

"How about Redfield, Barrett, are you interested in going to the Navy Headquarters to get involved?"

At this time, Golden Lion Shiki said with a smile, looking forward to it.

Obviously, he wanted to go, and Barrett and Red Earl Redfield also wanted to go to the Navy Headquarters to get involved.

Barrett, needless to say, had been cultivating his body for more than 20 years, but was punished by Xia Tian with a few punches. He still felt depressed. If he came out at this time, it would be as chaotic as possible!

And Red Earl Redfield was purely a nostalgic person. Garp, Sengoku, Rayleigh, Whitebeard, all of them were people from his era.

And he also wanted to go and make trouble with the Navy again. In a wave, join hands with these old guys to continue fighting Xia Tian.

And more importantly, he was taken to Impel Down by Garp after being exhausted by Steel Bone Sora!

Both of them nodded in agreement to Shiki the Golden Lion's proposal to go to the Marine Headquarters to cause trouble.

Crocodile didn't say anything, while Sea Knight Jinbei was thinking about going with them and gathering some useful information for Father Whitebeard.

But Bondiwaldo, known as the World Destroyer, looked uninterested.

He hated the World Government, but he also didn't like Shiki the Golden Lion and others.

"If you want to go, go by yourselves. I'm not interested."

Waldo left without saying anything.

The people from the Beasts Pirates and Katakuri didn't bother to pay attention to them. Instead, they were a little surprised that these legendary figures were going to the Navy Headquarters to disrupt things.

They thought they would make a scene, but they didn't expect them to go to the Navy Headquarters to make a scene so directly.

But this is indeed a once-in-a-century opportunity.

Blackbeard Teach was standing aside, feeling a little uncomfortable. It was a successful step to gain these powerful crew members who were willing to join.

But now this monster Barrett and the Golden Lion, Red Earl Redfield are actually going to the Navy Headquarters!?

"Originally, they wanted to wait for the navy to gain an advantage, and it would be best if Whitebeard's old illness relapsed and he was seriously injured and died... But after they got involved, the situation was different."

Blackbeard Teach always wanted the terrifying ability of the strongest man in the world!

Only the ability of the Tremor-Tremor Fruit made Blackbeard Teach watch and think about it for decades. After finally obtaining the Dark Fruit, he was even more eager in his heart.

"Follow them... maybe there will be a surprise."

Blackbeard also knew that following them to the Navy Headquarters was the best option.

But suddenly, there was a movement at the entrance of the passage.

A strong sense of power was sensed by the people present, and there was also a shock above.

"This is... a fight! Who is it?"

There was some distance above, and even the Red Earl could not sense who it was.

So everyone on the sixth floor rushed up to check.

Only when they went up did Katakuri, the Three Calamities, Blackbeard, Shiki the Golden Lion and others realize that it was the World Destroyer Bondiwaldo who had no interest in leaving just now, fighting with Kaido with a mace!

Big Mom was watching calmly on the side.

Obviously, Bondiwaldo was no match for Kaido at all!

It had only been a short while since the battle, and Waldo was beaten back by Kaido again and again, and finally he couldn't stand it and couldn't escape, and was beaten up. He was even almost thrown into the big hot pot below.

"You are so weak. I have heard of your name as the world destroyer before, but I didn't expect you to be just like this."

Kaido said disdainfully as he beat Waldo to death.

Just now, he was arrogant and said"Don't get in the way", but now he is lying down.

"Lord Kaido!"

The Three Calamities and the Beasts Pirates were overjoyed when they saw Kaido, and they all walked over.

Kaido was obviously much happier when he saw Jin and the others, and even Big Mom was smiling at Jin.

In the crowd, Blackbeard Teach looked at Bondivaldo who was about to fall to the ground, and his eyes gradually changed.

He had strange thoughts.

"If I remember correctly, the ability of the world destroyer is the Momo fruit! A fruit ability that increases a hundredfold!"

Blackbeard Teach's heart began to get excited.

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