"I knew that Lord Kaido would never give up on us!"

When Quinn saw Kaido, he flattered him and looked excited.

It must be said that although Kaido was moody and would do anything to achieve his goals, he was still happy to see these subordinates again.

"La la la la... I'm glad you're all okay, now prepare to evacuate."

Kaido glanced at the group of people coming up from the sixth floor, including Shiki the Golden Lion and others, and without saying hello, he spoke to Jin, Jack, Quinn and others.

"The intern back then has become the king of the sea... But, don't you like fighting? Are you going to retreat like this?"

"Marinford, isn't it lively now, Kaido?"

Golden Lion Shiki got a cigar from somewhere and put it in his mouth, puffing it and saying to Kaido

"And Lingling, it's been a long time since we last met. You can still hang out with Kaido."

Shiki the Golden Lion is an old acquaintance of the two.

Big Mom and Kaido got together on that ship.

At that time, the Golden Lion was already one of the cadres of the Rocks Pirates.

""Join the war?"

Kaido hadn't spoken yet. After hearing what Golden Lion said, Big Mom looked at Barrett, Red Earl Redfield and others.

She couldn't help but feel surprised. These guys escaped and actually wanted to go to the Navy Headquarters to make trouble again?

"Yes, we are all unwilling to leave in such a shameful way, so what do you think? Do you want to go together? If you don't go, we will go first."

Shiki the Golden Lion smiled, and his legs with two knives tied to them floated forward on the ground.

Kaido and Charlotte Linlin are both very powerful now, and of course the Golden Lion wants more combat power.

Especially since these two are both strong, it must be interesting to bring them over to disrupt the situation.

"Shi Ji……"

"The little kid Child Emperor is on his way back to Marinford and will be there soon."

Kaido has long known about the Golden Lion's character of wanting the world to be in chaos.

He himself is even more extreme, even hoping that a huge battle that will sweep the world will begin.

But after being crushed by Xia Tian, Kaido restrained himself! He experienced the feeling of really dying! The feeling that can only be experienced when you are weak!

"Kaido, are you scared? Are you afraid of Child Emperor?"

Even Barrett was surprised and looked at Kaido in surprise.

The King of Beasts was not like this before.

"Because of Child Emperor Xia Tian, are you afraid now?"

Golden Lion Shiki also paused, turned his head and said to Kaido with a slightly sarcastic tone.

In fact, the other prisoners, including the Red Earl, could see that Kaido was afraid of Child Emperor, and even Big Mom's expression was difficult.

This was really incredible for the two of them.

"Lord Kaido……"

Jin knew that Xia Tian's strength made the three calamities despair.

But how could Kaido, the invincible Governor Kaido, be afraid of the fourth admiral! ?

Seeing Kaido's attitude, everyone was surprised.

Kaido didn't say anything, and Big Mom didn't know how to start.

They were indeed full of fear and even fear of Xia Tian!

Recalling the fear of death brought by the move of the living hell, under that little fist, even the air would become a threat of a deadly cage. How could the King of Beasts and the Iron Balloon not be afraid?

"Mom and Kaido were both defeated by Child Emperor in the Kingdom of Totland and were almost killed.

Katakuri looked at the confident Golden Lion Shiki, Barrett and others, and in order not to embarrass the silent Big Mom, he took the initiative to inform the prisoners who had just walked out of the cage.

"What's wrong with that... No, you mean to kill! ?"

Shiki the Golden Lion was still trying to express their cowardice.

But when he reacted, he couldn't help but widen his eyes.

A group of people even exclaimed.

The strongest creatures Kaido and Charlotte Linlin were almost killed by Child Emperor!?

This is too outrageous!

Shiki the Golden Lion looked at the expressions of Kaido and Charlotte Linlin solemnly, trying to find out if they were lying.

But no, Kaido and the other two acquiesced!

The Three Calamities, the Flying Six and others broke out in cold sweat.

If this is true, how strong will this fourth admiral be!?

Kill the Four Emperors, or can he kill Lord Kaido!? Lord

Kaido, who has been captured and executed many times but has not been killed!

Everyone was shocked


At this time, Shi Ji laughed wildly.

"So what! Kaido!"

"Among the Four Emperors, is this all you are?"

Kaido couldn't help but get angry when he said this.

Big Mom also narrowed her eyes and stared at Shiki the Golden Lion unkindly.

This guy is too disrespectful to mock him.

"The Impel Down City was also suppressed by Child Emperor once, Shiki, what qualifications do you have to be so arrogant here!"

Big Mom's voice became sharp, and her eyes were a little dangerous.

"Do you still want to fight me here? Lingling."

Shiki was not at all false, and to be more precise, Kaido's previous internship was still under his team.

Psychologically, Shiki didn't have many scruples about Kaido and the others, and said whatever he wanted.

However, Kaido and Charlotte Lingling didn't want to fight with the Golden Lion.

This guy could fight Roger to a draw. If they fought here, it would be more trouble than gain.

"No, if you want to make trouble, go ahead. We won’t go."

Kaido stood in front of the Three Calamities, but in the end he didn’t make a move.

"That’s right, the three of us didn’t beat Xia Tian before, but now there are three monsters, Whitebeard, Rayleigh, and Red Hair, plus us. Even if Child Emperor is strong, can he still defeat four or five of us?���Can't join forces?"

"The captain of that year can't let us swallow this breath, we have to get our place back."

Shiki the Golden Lion didn't give up at this time, and spoke again.

Captain, of course, refers to Rocks.

With such a terrifying lineup, with their joining in to disrupt the situation, how could the Four Emperors plus the remnants of the old era lose?

But even so.

Big Mom and Kaido looked at each other, and then they were too lazy to pay attention to Shiki the Golden Lion.

Especially Kaido, he had been defeated by Xia Tian more than once, and he had no intention of causing trouble at this time.

Moreover, the purpose itself was to let the prisoners on the sixth floor come out to disrupt the situation. It didn't matter whether they went up or not. To be on the safe side, it was naturally the most important thing to protect themselves.

So, without paying any more attention to Shiki the Golden Lion, Kaido and Charlotte Linlin turned around and left with their men.

"It seems that the two of them were really scared by Xia Tian."

Red Earl Redfield did not expect such a reaction.

Barrett snorted in disdain.

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