Circles of golden light bloomed from Shiki's brow.

The powerful lion's might surged out from Shiki's body!

Although its strength was not as strong as Shanks, its size seemed to be no less than Shanks.

In the eyes of the people around him, the golden lion Shiki was now really like an ancient fierce lion!

Combined with Shanks's domineering aura, it covered the navy!

The pressure of one yellow and one red directly disrupted the navy's formation. Batches of soldiers couldn't bear it, fainted, and were blown back by the airflow driven by the domineering aura. Some were almost blown away.

"Red-haired... Shiki!"

Sengoku and Steel Bone Sora's faces changed drastically. If this goes on, the navy will eventually not be able to withstand this kind of pressure and lose their combat effectiveness.

The navy was also very desperate, especially when they saw their comrades in front of them falling down and being blown away one by one.

The people on their side could do nothing. The Conqueror's Haki was too far away for them!

This kind of suppression was simply unsolvable!

Even the vice admirals and the three admirals were greatly affected in their fights with Marco, Beckman and others.

The wind blowing on the body could feel how amazing the pressure of the Conqueror's Haki of Golden Lion and Red Hair was!

However, as a navy, it is very difficult to awaken the Conqueror's Haki, except... the marshal!


Sengoku snorted coldly, and the solemn aura emanating from the golden Buddha changed completely at this moment! The domineering aura belonging to the Buddha Sengoku burst out from the golden body.

Forming a translucent domineering aura field with domineering electric arcs, it collided with the domineering auras of the red-haired and golden lion Shiki!


Marinford was shaken, and at the center of the collision, even the stones on the ground could not help but roll and tremble and float up!

Then a stronger hurricane broke out from the center, sweeping across the entire Marinford!

This time, not only the navy, but also the pirates were affected. Pirates continued to be unable to bear it and fainted.

However, the combined power of Shiki the Golden Lion and Shanks the Red Hair was incomparable!

Marshal Sengoku couldn't hold on for long, and even took a step back.

At this moment, a domineering aura that was no less powerful than Sengoku's descended from the execution platform, and superimposed with Sengoku's domineering aura!

The translucent field immediately became more solid and stronger!

Amid the rumbling sound of the tremor, the collision of the domineering aura made the red and black arcs of electricity spread wildly throughout the venue!

For a moment, neither side could suppress the other.

Marshal Sengoku thought it was Xia Tian who came to help, but when he looked up, he found that it was Gang Gu Kong who was standing on the edge of the execution platform, with domineering aura surging in his eyes.

"What a terrifying scene! The King's Qualification, the Contest between Overlords!"

Doflamingo seemed to be extremely excited, and laughed out loud for witnessing such a rare scene.

Involuntarily, Mingge's Overlord Haki also emanated to resist the aftermath.

"Gulala... Are the old guys showing their fangs too?"

Beside Shanks, Whitebeard Newgate showed his unique smile.

Immediately, a terrifying pressure burst out from Whitebeard's body!

Even in the field where the domineering auras of both sides collided, Whitebeard's release of the domineering aura was so conspicuous.

Like a whirlwind spreading, it instantly merged with the red-haired pressure, coupled with the domineering aura of the golden lion, an even more terrifying hurricane surged!

The stones, weapons, guns, etc. that fell on the ground were all blown away.

Sengoku and Ganggukong's faces changed drastically, and they were faintly unable to hold on. It looked like it was about to collapse.

Seeing this, Red Earl and Barrett knew that this was an opportunity!

An opportunity to crush the navy in momentum!


The clouds above the sky were completely stirred!

Red Earl Redfield and Barrett, both of them released their own domineering domineering aura at the same time!

One was like Shura, the other was like a devil!

The crackling domineering arcs completely enveloped the whole place!

The elites of the navy could not bear it at all. While they fainted one after another, they were blown away by the raging hurricane or rolled on the ground!

"I have never seen such a powerful Conqueror's Haki!"

Hawkeye Mihawk looked at the Haki fields of Sengoku and Steel Bone Sora being compressed continuously, and could not resist at all, and could not help but sigh.

In just a few seconds, the Conqueror's Haki released by the top five people has exceeded that of the top five.

The sky and the earth changed color, and even the sea was surging, with rolling waves.

At this time, a person who was unexpected by the people in the Great Pirate Era stood up, and the surging Conqueror's Haki joined Sengoku's side, and after retreating step by step, he barely resisted a little!

Hero, Garp!

"Vice Admiral Garp actually also has Conqueror Haki! ? How is this possible! ?"

The vice admirals couldn't help but show their incredible expressions.

The talent of a king is not something that everyone can have, and not everyone with Conqueror Haki talent can awaken it!

Especially the navy in the system!

Even the Seven Warlords of the Sea were surprised, but thinking about it carefully, this is not surprising.

A man who can chase Roger and force Roger's pirate group into desperate situations several times, how can he fight against the Pirate King Roger without Conqueror Haki and Conqueror Haki?

"Cap, you can't hide anymore."

"Let me be the last straw that breaks the camel's back!"

Rayleigh grinned, his eyes under the glasses condensed!

The domineering aura belonging to Pluto seemed to be no less than that of the people present, overlapping with Whitebeard's side!

In an instant, the whole scene was even more noisy!

In the eyes of the navy, the world seemed to have lost its color, and there were only six domineering eyes on the opposite side that exuded endless pressure!

The navy soldiers couldn't hold on at all, and even the major generals collapsed.

The terrifying hurricane blew the surrounding warships and pirate ships to the side, and waves went in all directions.

When people are weak and not sober, they can't resist this terrifying pressure and surging airflow at all, and they are hit and fly off the ground!

The domineering arcs are densely packed and surging throughout the field, and even have substantial damage.

Although the people on the pirate side were also affected, they were not as serious as the large-scale collapse of the navy. There were hundreds of thousands of navy, and suddenly there were not even 10,000 standing.

The vice admirals were all affected, and they were all sweating.

Marco, Beckman and others were excited.

If this goes on, the navy will be finished

"I want to rest and refresh myself before I start… Oh."

Xia Tian took off his sunglasses and rubbed his brows, feeling somewhat helpless. He was really tired after traveling such a long distance.

However, there was no other way. If he didn’t take action, the pirates would overwhelm him in momentum.

So, Xia Tian finally stood up!

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