Conqueror's Haki is a kind of mental pressure.

Seriously speaking, it is only in the third level of junior high school.

And Conqueror's Haki cannot be cultivated. It can only be stimulated when the person reaches a certain level. It is the spirit of the user himself. Only when the person becomes stronger can Conqueror's Haki be strengthened.

Just like the level of the Four Emperors, in fact, their spirit, Conqueror and Haki are at the same level. Unless they become the Pirate King or the King of the World, they can make their spirit stronger, and Conqueror's Haki will also become stronger.

But Xia Tian is a special case. He does not belong to this world in essence!

Relatively speaking, he has no limit! His Conqueror's Haki has no limit!

As long as his own strength becomes stronger, Conqueror's Haki will increase by the same amount.

For example, now, although the proficiency of Conqueror's Haki has not reached the ultimate level, it is more terrifying than those present!

Xia Tian stood in the middle of the execution platform and took only one step.

A golden light flashed in his eyes, like a wave of air, instantly covering the whole scene!

The colorless space was instantly coated with a layer of gold. Even the red and black arcs caused by the full release of Conqueror's Haki by Whitebeard Newgate and Red Hair were suppressed!

Garp, Sengoku, and Steel Bone Sora, who were retreating step by step and holding on with gritted teeth, were relieved.

"It's summer……"

Garp turned around suddenly and looked at Xia Tian, his eyes full of disbelief.

Xia Tian's Conqueror's Haki did not join them, but directly replaced them. He alone directly held up Whitebeard, Red Hair, Red Earl, Barrett, Golden Lion, and Rayleigh!! Sengoku and Ganggukong turned around in shock.

Xia Tian's eyes were slightly condensed, and his Haki surged violently!

Even the reinforced execution platform creaked, and Ace collapsed on the execution platform with an unstable breath.

They retracted their Haki and were stunned.

Kizaru, Aokiji, Akainu and the vice admirals were all shocked.

Above the sky, clouds were surging and lightning flashed.

The sea tides spread out in circles, and the strong airflow hurricanes made the ships unable to lie flat on the sea, and they tilted outwards.

The live broadcast image bugs all fainted at this moment, causing a direct black screen, leaving the people watching the live broadcast at a loss.

The scene became even more chaotic. The pirates were suppressed by Xia Tian's incomparable domineering pressure. They fainted and were blown back and forth by the airflow.

Even Malcon, Joz and other cadres couldn't help but raise their arms to block in front of them. They were shocked and sweated coldly.

They were obviously affected by Xia Tian's pressure!

Whitebeard, Red Hair, and Golden Lion had a deep look of horror in their eyes.

"This is impossible! This is impossible!!"

"No one's Conqueror's Haki can reach this level! And he's only eight years old!!"

Golden Lion Shiki gritted his teeth and persisted, and couldn't help but exclaimed.

Whitebeard, Red Hair and others also understood, and they couldn't understand it in shock.

Child Emperor Xia Tian, why can he block the Conqueror's Haki of six people alone!?

Rocks, Roger, they are the overlords of the sea, and the Pirate King can't have such a terrifying spirit to let the Conqueror's Haki grow to this level!

Unbelievable! Too exaggerated!

How can they understand that Xia Tian, whose soul is not from this world, has no restrictions on the growth of the physical body by Conqueror's Haki.

His Conqueror's Haki can be infinitely powerful!

Although they are both"superiors", their strength is not a little bit stronger.

Xia Tian, who can fully release his own Haki, also raised the corners of his mouth slightly.

Although this confrontation will not allow him to obtain a system upgrade, it can allow him to fully release his own strength.

Even the arc of the collision of Haki was suppressed by Xia Tian,

and such a scene completely shocked the audience. The audience who lost the live broadcast screen for a short time were sweating and anxious.

"What happened? Why is the picture gone?!"

"Could it be the method they released just now!? What on earth is that!?"

"All of a sudden, a large number of navy soldiers fell. Was it poison?"

"That's right, some pirates suddenly fainted, and the sky and the earth seemed to have lost all color.……"

"Three-color domineering, that is the most powerful domineering domineering! A kind of coercive power! A power that only people with natural king qualifications can possess! A power that only one in a million people can have!"

After the black screen, people all over the world started discussing it in an uproar.

The shock spread across the entire ocean!

The existence of the three-color domineering was also completely displayed in front of everyone in the world.

And the picture was not lost for too long.

Just a few minutes later, the picture from one or two angles gradually recovered.

These image bugs woke up!

Everyone looked over nervously, wanting to know what was going on on the battlefield.

When the live broadcast reappeared, Marinford had quieted down.

The clouds above the island were still twisting.

The ocean had calmed down.

Xia Tian stood in the middle of the execution platform, looking down with a smile.

And Jin Sengoku in the form of Buddha, Sora Steel, Garp, and the other three admirals and vice admirals of the navy, all had expressions of shock on their faces.

The same was true for Whitebeard, Rayleigh, and Red Hair on the opposite side, staring at Xia Tian with an unsightly look on their faces.

Except for the vice admirals, the Seven Warlords of the Sea, some of the navy, and some captains and cadres on the pirate side.

Those who had no strength had been cleared out in this contest.

The square seemed to have been baptized by a strong wind.

The audience swallowed their throats involuntarily, and their expressions were shocked.

All of a sudden, at least 100,000 people were lost on both sides combined!

How many���A terrifying show of arrogance?

Even Whitebeard Newgate, who had a turbulent life, couldn't help laughing after being shocked.


Everyone was shocked. What was Whitebeard laughing at?

Pirates, isn't the situation getting difficult? Can't we defeat the navy all at once?

Only Rayleigh understood what Whitebeard Newgate was laughing at.

"One person can fight against the domineering Haki of the six of us. Xia Tian, you don’t belong to the navy, you don’t belong to the World Government."

Even at this moment, Whitebeard is about to regard Xia Tian as"Joey Boy".

Apart from the secret of the final island, what other existence can do what Xia Tian did, like the reincarnation of a great monster?

"I also think that you should not be on the side of the World Government."

Rayleigh's eyes flashed under his glasses and he spoke.

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