
"Pluto Sword!"

Rayleigh began to emit a blue breath.

The netherworld breath, like that from the Asura Hell, brought a terrifying and trembling sense of oppression.

As Rayleigh raised the sword in front of him, all the breath seemed to be sucked into the sword in his hand.

The true form of Pluto... appeared!

For Rayleigh now, using power like this would put a great burden on his gradually aging body.

But in this form, whether it is speed, strength, or the power of swordsmanship, it is explosively powerful!


With a flash of his figure.

Rayleigh had disappeared from the spot and rushed towards Xia Tian at a speed that could not be captured by the naked eye.

Red-haired Shanks also held the sword with one arm, and the thick and domineering domineering aura from his body was like a real fluid wrapped around his whole body!

Even Whitebeard, Golden Lion and others, as well as Garp and Sengoku, all changed their eyes.

Today, there are only a handful of people who can use domineering aura as terrifying as Red-haired Shanks!

However, like a red meteor, Shanks followed closely behind Rayleigh and launched an offensive against Xia Tian.

"It's really not easy."

The strong men in the pirate world are really good at what they do, and Xia Tian was even more delighted.

The black aura on his body became more turbulent, and he clenched his fists and rushed towards the two of them!

A fierce battle that surpassed visual tracking unfolded in mid-air.

Rayleigh and Shanks' swordsmanship are of the same origin, and the speed of their swords is amazing!

Xia Tian's eyes condensed, and Rayleigh's sword with the azure dark energy had already slashed from the left.

He raised his hand to block, and the sword body and Xia Tian's arm collided in the air!

The domineering and fierce battle triggered an explosive arc of electricity.

Red, blue!

Even when it fell to the ground, it exploded into a burst of dust and fell into a pit.

After Rayleigh's attack, he immediately turned around and applied it to the sword. With the momentum on his back, the next sword slashed towards Xia Tian's right side with even more powerful force!

Xia Tian would not just passively receive the attack. His right fist was filled with a fierce black aura, and he smashed directly towards Rayleigh's sword! He did not retract his other hand, but opened his five fingers and grabbed in one direction!


The attack trajectory of Red-haired Shanks, who was following Rayleigh, was right there, and Xia Tian grabbed the blade directly!


Rayleigh's sword was directly smashed open by Xia Tian, and the blue aura exploded, raising a strong airflow.

The other hand was holding Shanks' Griffin blade, and the two people's terrifying domineering auras were fighting fiercely.

The red and black arcs swept below with the strong airflow, shocking the rolling waves!

"As expected of Pluto Rayleigh, the Four Emperors Red Hair... This battle experience is really strong."

Xia Tian saw Shanks let go directly, turned around and kicked him.

Rayleigh gathered his strength again, replenished the blue underworld energy, and his figure circled behind Xia Tian like a ghost.

Xia Tian simply ignored him, and instead the system prompts in his mind flashed wildly.

"Obtain Rayleigh's swordsmanship template……"

"Obtain Shanks's Taijutsu Template……"

"Gain mastery of Conqueror Haki……"

Including basic attributes, prompts flashed one after another, making Xia Tian excited.

Rayleigh's eyes flashed, and he stabbed Xia Tian's back with a sword!



Rayleigh broke Xia Tian's black flames, and then pierced through the justice coat with a sword. When it was about to touch the skin, the armed color domineering blocked the sword, making a sound of metal colliding!

"What kind of armed color is this!?"

Absurdity flashed through Rayleigh's mind, and he looked at the mysterious pattern flashing on Xia Tian's back in disbelief.

Pluto's sword, can't pierce it!?

At this time, a huge and extremely powerful momentum rushed towards Xia Tian!

It was Whitebeard wielding the naginata Kusukumokiri!

Holding the knife with both hands, he jumped to a place higher than Xia Tian, and chopped it down with one knife!

The naginata with red and black colors was rioting, and there was a faint white halo flashing in it.

Red-haired Shanks's leg also whipped Xia Tian's back at this time.

Attacked from front and back, everyone was stunned!

The navy showed a worried look.

However, the next second, Xia Tian's armed color swelled domineeringly, the pattern became bright, and the arrogance of the black disaster rushed straight to the sky!

Rayleigh and Red-haired Shanks could not withstand the surging impact and retreated.

Whitebeard used only his hands to hold down his naginata!



A huge impact force erupted, and the powerful energy even set off an invincible typhoon!

This made the lieutenant generals and those cadres almost unable to stand, and they all lowered their bodies to stabilize the domineering gale blowing from above!

The collision of armed color and domineering color even made the original arc flash with dazzling light!

The ground below collapsed and cracked directly, and a large area of the ice surface in the inner bay collapsed and shattered.

It was not until the dazzling flash faded that everyone could see clearly that Xia Tian’s fist from bottom to top collided with Whitebeard’s naginata in the air!

The sky was full of clouds, and it was like the end of the world.

The audience in front of the live broadcast screen were speechless watching such a fierce battle.

Xia Tian’s eyes were shining with incomparable excitement.

"Gain a stamina boost……"

"Get a Strength Boost……"

"Obtain Whitebeard's Naginata Template……"


There were more tips than when he fought with Rayleigh and Red Hair!

This was the improvement that the strongest man in the world brought to Xia Tian.

And until now,

Rayleigh found that Xia Tian was just resisting directly and was unscathed!

"This is the reincarnation of the gods in mythology... How could such a human exist!"

Shocked, even after traveling around the world, Rayleigh still couldn't stop the shock in his heart.

At this time,

Whitebeard Newgate was sweating faintly.

He felt that fighting with all his strength was too much of a burden on his body.

He could only make a quick decision! Do it as soon as you think of it. On the blade of the naginata, the white halo of the Tremor-Tremor Fruit ability suddenly appeared!


Like the sound of shattering glass, cracks with green energy light spread like a spider web.

Even Xia Tian could feel the power of this knife, the power was rising wildly, and a vibration force descended on himself.

At this moment,

Rayleigh and Red-haired Shanks stepped forward again.

Two huge sword lights, one above and one below, slashed at Xia Tian's childish body!

It was another excellent opportunity to fight!

But Xia Tian didn't want to be so passive all the time.

"Good... then it's my turn!"

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