Who could have thought that Xia Tian could fight to such a terrifying scene?

The Second Elder, the Fifth Elder, and the other three Five Elders watching in Mary Joa could not help but feel nervous at this moment.

Xia Tian's strength was completely beyond their expectations!

The strongest man in the world is recognized, and the Five Elders dare not say that they can fight Whitebeard so easily when they join forces.

But Xia Tian did it, and he did not look like he was under pressure at all.

Including now that Whitebeard Newgate released the power of the Tremor-Tremor Fruit to cooperate with Xia Tian with the naginata.

On the left and right, Rayleigh and Red-haired Shanks launched a super strong slash!

At such a time of cutting in, Xia Tian could only resist, but he still had no expression on his face, not like he was unable to do it.

Just as the Five Elders saw.

Xia Tian chose to resist!

Two slashes slashed on his own Armament Haki defense.

Under the huge slashing force, even the remaining aftermath cut through the twisted clouds in the sky.

But it was impossible to break Xia Tian's Armament Haki!

It was as solid as a rock, unable to be shaken at all.

This shocked both Pluto Rayleigh and Red-haired Shanks again.

And Whitebeard Newgate had never expected that Xia Tian could still maintain his strength to fight against him!

"Your Tremor-Tremor Fruit ability is quite good... but come and see, what is this?"

Xia Tian simply ignored the slash that fell on him, and instead narrowed his eyes and spoke to Whitebeard Newgate.

Then, with Rayleigh, Shanks, and Whitebeard looking as if they had seen a ghost,

Xia Tian clenched his other hand into a fist, and a white halo emerged from Xia Tian's fist!

"Shock. Shatter the Sea!"

Shatter the Sea is originally a vibration fist force, and combined with the ability of the fourth template's Shock-Shock Fruit, the power of the second Shatter the Sea is already catching up with the Black Calamity and the Living Hell!

"No! How could he! ? This is impossible!"

Rayleigh and Red Hair were very anxious and didn't care too much.

They joined Whitebeard's side like lightning.

At the same time, Xia Tian's fist had already hit out!

Whitebeard Newgate's eyes couldn't help but widen, and he felt shocked and ridiculous.

Two identical abilities!?

This is impossible! But the facts appeared nakedly in front of him!

On Xia Tian's fist, the power of riot surged, with the sound of tearing and the unique power scene of the atmosphere cracking.

The three of them were shocked and used all their strength to resist!


With this loud noise, the entire Marinford, this sea area was shaking wildly!

On the surface of the sea, under the influence of the power of the two kinds of Tremor-Tremor Fruit, countless tiny water droplets seemed to have lost gravity, and floated up densely in the tremor and rose into the air!

Tremor. Shattered Sea Under the terrible power.

The momentum of the three people's attack was directly shattered, and they were forced to retreat and defend.

Rayleigh and Red-haired Shanks held their swords across their chests. The huge vibration force destroyed their defensive armed color domineering, and their bodies kept retreating, retreating!

Later, they couldn't keep their balance and stepped on the air, falling naturally from mid-air.

Both of them were full of blood and energy, and some of them couldn't breathe, with an ugly look on their faces.

Fortunately, this punch didn't hurt them directly.

But Whitebeard Newgate was different.

Whitebeard Newgate, who was in a state of confusion, encountered such a situation for the first time.

Moreover, in the wrestling just now, his old illness and injuries began to relapse!

Even if he survived the summer's shattered sea, but then, the body with the blood and energy surging from the shock could no longer bear it.

While falling, Newgate couldn't help but spit out a mouthful of blood, and his heart ached!

"Oh no! Dad's illness has relapsed! His broken body can no longer bear such a strong battle burden!"

"Quick, bring out the special medicine!"

Marco and other captains were so scared that they were sweating profusely, their eyes were full of worry, and they rushed to the place where Whitebeard fell.

The Five Elders, Kong Gangu, Zhan Guo and others in the dark were all shocked.

"Whitebeard Newgate is really terminally ill!"

"It seems that there is a great chance of getting rid of him!"

"But... why did Xia Tian have the power of the Zhen Zhen Fruit? What's going on with him?"

The Five Elders were filled with fear and suspicion. Two fruits were already beyond their cognition, and the power of the same fruit?

This was even more outrageous!

"Tremor-Tremor Fruit! It's really the power of the Tremor-Tremor Fruit!"

Garp, Sengoku, Kizaru Borsalino and others all showed incredible expressions.

This is even more shocking than Whitebeard Newgate vomiting blood and retreating!

He knows the power of the Tremor-Tremor Fruit and even uses it to injure Whitebeard Newgate!? Is it really that exaggerated?

"I don't know how my amazing brother could have the power of the Tremor-Tremor Fruit!"

Kizaru Borsalino looked at the shocked and weird looks from Akainu, Aokiji, and the others, and didn't know how to explain it at all.

The same power of the fruit appeared in the world!? Even he couldn't believe it!

The Seven Warlords of the Sea, Hawkeye Mihawk, Hancock, Doflamingo, Crocodile, the navy, and the pirates were all in disbelief.

They were extremely shocked by the things that broke through their cognition and imagination, but they didn't know why all this happened?

"The same fruit ability as Whitebeard Newgate... This Child Emperor, there has never been such a heaven-defying figure in history! ?"

Doflamingo couldn't even laugh anymore, with a look of shock on his face, as if he was recalling the entire history and events to explain this kind of thing.

Multiple fruit abilities, the same fruit ability, were all broken today.

And the most shocked and sad one was Blackbeard Teach.

Whitebeard was vomiting blood and injured, Teach should have been happy, but when he saw the power of Xia Tian's Tremor Fruit, he seemed to be choked.

The ability to destroy the world, two people have it!?

What about himself!? After stealing his father's ability, he still has to be suppressed by Xia Tian!?

But in fact, Blackbeard Teach didn't understand that even if he obtained a more powerful fruit ability, he would be nothing in front of Xia Tian! Vulnerable.

In front of the live broadcast, the audience was stunned.

From the fierce battle at the beginning to the explosion of the power of the Tremor-Tremor Fruit with one punch, the world's cognition was completely overturned!

An eight-year-old boy, General, beat the famous Whitebeard with the power of the Tremor-Tremor Fruit! ?

If you hadn't seen it with your own eyes, anyone who said this would probably be laughed out loud.

This is simply too fantastic!

Xia Tian also knew what kind of shock he would bring to the world after using this ability.

But he didn't expect that Whitebeard Newgate couldn't hold on for a while after it just started.

This old guy has a serious heart problem.

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