The collision and entanglement of the Conqueror's Haki, the sound of the collision of the Armament Haki.

The sudden appearance of the ability, all of this, greeted Xia Tian with a bang!

All the attacks came at him, and even if Xia Tian wanted to stabilize his body, he was trembling all over. The useless defense of the Armament Haki could not completely withstand so many attacks, and some of the power was penetrated.

Then, the front half of the square exploded and shattered!

The whole of Marinford was separated by a huge gully.

Under the violent collision of various abilities and Haki, dazzling light burst out, coupled with the dense arcs of Conqueror's Haki. Except for the attackers, no one can see Xia Tian clearly within a radius of 30 meters...

The strange phenomena in the sky and the earth are still continuing, and the shaking tsunami is still there!

The people in the navy were sweating profusely, and their expressions were nervous.

In front of the live broadcast screen, there was a sound of swallowing throats and... silence.

Everyone, the whole world is like this!

No one dared to say that Xia Tian would not survive, and no one dared to say that the pirates were going to win and succeed.

Everyone was extremely nervous, and their hearts were filled with anxiety.���They were all about to jump to their throats, waiting for the final result, staring at the screen.

How was Xia Tian in this unprecedented offensive?

Until, everything began to calm down.

The sea area returned to its previous state, and the vibration gradually disappeared.

The huge tsunami surged towards an unknown place.

The clouds in the sky were still a distorted spectacle, with bursts of lightning.

The first was the navy at the scene, each of them opened their mouths wide and looked down in surprise.

Whitebeard Newgate, Golden Lion Shiki, Rayleigh and all the other pirates, one by one, retreated a hundred meters with some breath, looking at the direction of Xia Tian with throbbing eyes.

Surprise, shock, disbelief, unimaginable and other complex expressions appeared on their faces!

Even a man with a heart like Whitebeard couldn't help but look horrified.

Xia Tian, standing off the ground! There was a bottomless abyss under his feet!

The sea water was constantly pouring in through the gap...

Xia Tian's small suit was already tattered, but of course he had a smile on his face with his eyes closed.

A wound on his shoulder bled a lot of blood

""So many... so many!"

Xia Tian, who was shocked and amazed by the sight, was now ecstatic!

Resisting the attacks of these guys was not without effect!

The system's prompts had already appeared densely in Xia Tian's mind!

"Gain a stamina boost……"

"Get a Strength Boost……"

"Gained the ability to see and hear the Haki……"

"Gain Armament Haki……"

"Gain the power of the king……"

"Get the complete stage of Beckmann's physical training template……"

"Obtained the complete stage of Whitebeard's Taijutsu Template……"


Just a quick glance at the tips made Xia Tian feel like laughing!

Just this one time was equivalent to opening half of the main template!

The improvement brought by this was really huge, so cool!

Xia Tian opened his eyes, licked his lips, and took a look at the wound and blood on his left shoulder. Not only was he not angry, but he even smiled with relief.

"Is this the limit of my current Armament Haki?"

My whole body was bombarded, and in the gradual disorder, Xia Tian was repelled, and even cut through the Armament Haki defense by Cong Yun!

There was a small cut on the shoulder, which seemed to be bleeding, but it was just a broken skin. But no matter what, I was finally injured!

"This...this is too exaggerated!"

"Xia Tian, what kind of reincarnation is this!?"

Zengoku, Kong Ganggu, Garp, the three admirals were all amazed, and looked at Xia Tian's direction in a daze.

How many powerful attacks were there?

Shanks's domineering straight piercing with sword light? It didn't break.

Rayleigh's Hades Slash? It didn't break Xia Tian's defense either.

In the end, it was because everyone attacked Xia Tian that the Armament Haki became weak, allowing Whitebeard Newgate's ability plus Haki to injure Xia Tian!

"The strongest in history, he is already the strongest in the history of the navy, not just an admiral……"

Sora said in admiration and shock

"My brother……"

Even Kizaru was dumbfounded, this is not fair, his younger brother is so strong, but he can't even show off! ?

The two Five Elders hiding in the dark opened their mouths, wanting to say something but didn't. In addition to being shocked, a hint of fear in their hearts completely enveloped their minds.

This scene is unprecedented! The records of the strong are enough to leave records that no one can surpass.

Eight years old, the position of general, fighting against the strongest man in the world, etc. Eight top strong men, more than twenty cadres joined forces to attack, but... they just broke the skin.

Whether it's the Revolutionary Army, the underground forces, or the major kingdoms, etc.

Everyone was stunned, and at the same time, they found that it seemed normal.

This is just another thick chapter in the legend of the eight-year-old Child Emperor.

"Is he, is he unbeatable?! Why is there such a monster?!"

Shiki the Golden Lion was a little overwhelmed. He had lived for most of his life and was only a hundred years old. He had never seen such an outrageous person,

Rocks!? Rocks was nothing compared to the monster Xia Tian!

"It looks like we are all in trouble today.……"

Rayleigh shook his head, looked at Xia Tian with lingering fear and said,"

Maybe we can't leave. This eight-year-old general is simply unstoppable.

It's so difficult to break the defense, so what's the point of fighting?"

"You seem shocked, but it's actually pretty good."

Suddenly, Xia Tian smiled.

When he took a step forward, the horrified Blackbeard Teach retreated back in fear, sweating profusely.

"I really want to thank you for attacking so hard, without holding back, otherwise I really don't know that my Armament Haki is not strong enough."

Xia Tian raised his right fist, which immediately shocked the Red Earl, Barrett and others.

This guy is going to attack!

Just saying that made everyone feel a little... speechless.

In fact, Xia Tian really felt that it was not strong enough! At least just now, the characteristics of the Armament Haki were broken, and the recoil disappeared.

""It's your turn. See if you can take my punch!"

As he spoke, Xia Tian's black aura reappeared!

Under the ragged suit, including the arms and neck, those mysterious lines appeared! The terrifying momentum burst out!

The sky and the earth suddenly changed color! It was as if covered with a layer of gray mask!

All the people on the pirate side had ugly faces and were shocked. They began to mobilize their strength to resist!

Xia Tian looked at them calmly, raised his fist, and hit!

"The seventh move... the living hell!"

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