In an instant, a terrifying sense of oppression enveloped the hearts of the pirates!

Marco, Bista, Jesus Bu and others all had their hearts pounding!

The air gradually became thicker, making them feel the resistance rising continuously.

The temperature also rose sharply!

In the outside world, the people watching the live broadcast, in the eyes of the navy.

The pirates who gathered together to resist seemed to be covered by a round white translucent cage!

This cage was facing Xia Tian's fist!

"The air is compressing crazily!"

Beckman's eyes were filled with horror, and he could even feel his blood boiling with the pressure!

"Oh no! This is an air cage!"

As if he had thought of something, Pluto Rayleigh began to exclaim. Just like before, when Xia Tian wrapped himself in that fist!?

Only this time, they were the ones who were enveloped!

The extreme sense of crisis spread in everyone's heart. Even if they raised their strength to resist, they couldn't help but panic at this time!

"Blast this cage!"

Whitebeard Newgate watched Xia Tian's fist strike out slowly, his eyes suddenly widened.

He had a hunch that when Xia Tian fully strikes out his fist and the fist force explodes, I'm afraid no one will be able to resist and will suffer!!

So, in this weird air pressure cage, everyone began to fight back.

Shooting, slashing with knives, punching!

As long as this air pressure cage is broken.

Xia Tian just smiled when he saw this.

The air pressure cage is just a prelude, it just draws the scope of hell!

The real killing is done with fists!


The air of the entire island seemed to shake.

Xia Tian's domineering power and so on seemed to be all restrained.

Even Xia Tian could feel that his physical strength, physical strength, and domineering were instantly absorbed by this move!

A rare sense of power emptiness appeared in Xia Tian's heart.

Immediately, the fist was fully extended and struck out!

The invisible fluctuations and invisible fist force made the pupils of top powerhouses such as Whitebeard, Golden Lion Shiki, and Red Earl shrink into dots.

"Over here! Quick!"

Whitebeard Newgate didn't care about so much, and used all his strength to activate the power of the Tremor-Tremor Fruit and blasted Xia Tian with one punch! With Whitebeard taking the lead, everyone also used their moves and blasted out with Whitebeard!

The entire Marinford and the seabed were shaking, and this piece of heaven and earth could not escape the influence of domineering and ability.

In an instant, all kinds of attacks turned into long rainbows, and collided with Xia Tian's invisible fluctuating living hell! The terrifying collision of domineering and the confrontation of power instantly plunged Marinford into the howling wind again, and with the deterrence of domineering, a large number of naval soldiers could not bear it again and fainted.

And the tens of thousands of pirates who got on the pirate ship and looked back were sweating and swallowing their throats.

This is why Whitebeard and Red-haired Shanks asked them to retreat first!

"Under this horrific attack, we can't even withstand the aftermath.……"

An extremely dazzling light burst out!

The pirates on these ships watched the air wave impact and destroy everything around them, and then fell into a state of blindness! Those who were present and watching the live broadcast were all like this, all white.

Then, a roar, low and violent resounded!

Even the Chambord Islands could feel this shocking sound.

The strong wind it generated blew violently, and the direction of Marinford was extremely bright!

A mushroom cloud slowly rose and lasted for a long time!

"What kind of attack happened there?"

The supernovas looked towards Marinford in amazement.

The same was true for the others, some even fell to the ground in fear, trembling all over.

It was too scary!

Although it was very close, it was at least dozens of kilometers away!

The whole world fell into silence, staring blankly at the screen.

After a while, the screen went black and white, as if a video bug was blinking and recovering.

Finally, the scene of Marinford reappeared.

However, there were only two slightly farther perspectives left.

The first thing that came into view was the almost completely collapsed Marinford Fortress!

Only a pile of stones were left scattered on the ground, and it was completely impossible to tell that this was the majestic Navy Headquarters Fortress!

And a golden giant blocked the execution platform. , that was Marshal Sengoku who had activated his ability!

He was not guarding the execution platform, but the densely packed navy officers and soldiers behind him.

Garp, Steel Bone Sora, the three admirals, and the vice admirals raised their hands and used the armed color domineering to block the aftermath.

At this moment, everyone was looking at the front with a look of shock!

Oaks Plaza... is gone!

Completely gone!

The soil was flying, and cracks were scattered!

The island of Marinford, along with the town behind it, was completely destroyed, leaving only a large arc-shaped pit!

Only the place they protected could see what it used to look like.

But the navy didn't care about the miserable situation of Marinford at this time.

Right in front of everyone.

It was Xia Tian who was still standing in the air, breathing heavily.

"The killing hell is really exhausting. I can consume too much energy after doing it twice."

"Well, it was blocked even though it was like this."

Xia Tian panted, muttered nonchalantly, and then looked at the pirates opposite.

At this time, Whitebeard Newgate was barely standing, leaning on his naginata, with an ugly and pale face.

Others, such as Marco, Vista, Jesus Bu and other cadres, all fell to the ground.

Except for being torn, with broken skin and some charred black, they did not fall down completely.

They were just injured.

Golden Lion Shiki, Red Earl, Red Hair Shanks, Pluto Rayleigh and other top strong men were all standing, gasping for breath, as if they had not breathed air just now.

Only Blackbeard Teach rolled on the ground, howling in pain.

But now, there was a flash of joy in their eyes.

"We... blocked it!"

Barrett couldn't help but said in shock.

He almost thought he was going to die!

What a terrifying punch and the subsequent explosion!

The overwhelming power, just look at the mushroom cloud of dust rolling up in the sky!

But in the end, they still gritted their teeth and persisted, and withstood Xia Tian's punch and the subsequent explosion shock!

So, Barrett, Golden Lion Shiki and others couldn't help but smile.

But they were so angry that they grinned and couldn't help but spit out a stream of blood from their mouths...

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