"What a horrific scene this is!"

"It was like a super bomb went off! The Navy Headquarters Fortress with such a long history... was gone!"

"No, it's the entire Marinford! Are these guys still human?"

After the audience around the world saw the whole picture clearly, they were all numb. From the tattered ground, it can be clearly seen that a huge crack spanned from the original square, and half of the island was almost directly separated.

Especially the person in the duel was only Admiral Child Emperor, while the legendary pirates such as Golden Lion and Red Earl on the opposite side vomited blood!!

However, spitting out a mouthful of blood did not make their breath unstable, but instead made their bodies unobstructed, and they felt relieved.

But Whitebeard Newgate was sweating profusely, clenching his teeth tightly, and staring with wide eyes, as if he was holding back something.

"Are you okay?"

Shanks turned around and asked his companions behind him. There was still some dust on his face, and he looked quite embarrassed.

"Boss, we are fine!"

Laqilu is thick-skinned and tough.���The fat body doesn't seem to be injured.

"We successfully blocked it!"

Vista laughed and stood up again with the others.

But now the pirates were a little out of breath.

Obviously, the previous collision had consumed a lot of their energy.

"His condition... is very bad!"

At this time, Beckman looked at Xia Tian, a hint of surprise flashed across his eyes.

Xia Tian's hands drooped naturally, and he was also breathing heavily.

"This time, it really drained a lot of my energy."

The strength of the body is recovering rapidly, and Xia Tian is not worried about the large consumption.

The body that has been improved through systematic training is not only powerful in various abilities, but also has an amazing recovery!

Especially the small template for fast recovery that was obtained before has accelerated a lot.

However, Xia Tian's foundation is now too big, so naturally the recovery is not that fast.

"However, this duel has really improved a lot!"

There was a burst of surprise in my heart, not only in the basics, but also in the feeling that the Armament Haki was about to reach the ultimate limit! With this level of improvement, Xia Tian was looking forward to how strong he would be after the battle.

However... the two major pirate groups and the legendary pirates on the opposite side seemed to have misunderstood something?

"His Living Killing Hell consumes a lot of energy! He can't use it anymore!"

""Good opportunity! Everyone! Hold on!"

Beckman's eyes lit up, and the others were also delighted.

This was the first time I saw Child Emperor Xia Tian...

"That's right, he has his limits too!"

Golden Lion Shiki was the one who consumed the least energy. Now, seeing Xia Tian gasping for breath and looking like he had consumed a lot of energy, he immediately became excited, moved his feet, and immediately flew into the air!

"Hahahaha… Xia Tian, are you running out of energy?"

The Golden Lion Shiki moved his palm, and the warships that were rippling on the sea began to take off!

One after another, they circled over Marinford!

"Oh? Shiqi, you seem to think you have seized the opportunity.

Xia Tian was not in a hurry, but looked up with a smile.

The navy had already recovered from the shock of such a horrifying scene.

"Xia Tian is consuming a lot of energy! It seems we have to go up to help!"

Garp and others saw that the situation was not right. Xia Tian seemed to be breathing in the distance?

That must be very consuming.

Yellow Monkey Borsalino couldn't bear it any longer. Suddenly, his whole body glowed and he was about to go up to fight with Xia Tian.

"No, brother, Mr. Warring States!"

"This battlefield is still mine!"

Xia Tian's observation Haki immediately sensed the navy members who wanted to come to help behind him, and stretched out his hand to stop them.

This is not possible, the pirates on the opposite side are full of his experience points.

Seeing Xia Tian's obstruction, the navy members also stopped for some reason.

Perhaps, they also want to see how far Xia Tian can fight?

"How arrogant, Xia Tian……"

Barrett laughed and stood up regardless of his pain.

Seeing that Xia Tian actually stopped the other navy members from coming to support, the pirates were even happier.

You asked for this!

Marco, Beckman and other members of the two major pirate groups surrounded them.

Rayleigh, Red-haired Shanks and others began to prepare their killing moves seriously!

"Arrogant? Am I arrogant?"

"Are you really surprised that you are fine after taking my killing hell? But I admire you for not running away and thinking about defeating me.

Xia Tian smiled, and his unmoved look made everyone a little suspicious.

"Are you just pretending to be strong?"

Beckman narrowed his eyes and raised the muzzle of his gun.

He fired an armed bullet at Xia Tian!

Even if it was an ordinary bullet, it still had great power.

But in Xia Tian's eyes, whose body could move at supersonic speed, the trajectory of the bullet was clearly visible.

He stretched out his hand and grabbed it!

Bang! Bang!

Two sounds.

The sound of the gun being fired, and the sound of Xia Tian crushing the bullet.


The gunshot was like a signal for attack.

Whitebeard Newgate, Golden Lion Shiki and others launched another round of fierce attack!

More than a dozen warships floating in the sky suddenly fell!

With a hissing sound that broke through the air, they fell fiercely on Xia Tian's head.

This time, Xia Tian did not burst into the black disaster form. Soon, the warships fell, one after another, and fell to the ground, submerging Xia Tian's figure and shattering all over the ground.

However, this impact had no harm to Xia Tian's body at all.

Xia Tian pushed away the warship pressing on him casually, and his expression did not even change.


With a ding!

A long sword with a blue light slashed on Xia Tian's raised arm!

The fierce collision of the two-color domineering created a huge storm.

This is the slash of Pluto Rayleigh!

"Sure enough, these old guys are still very strong."

Xia Tian said to himself, and he had already raised his arms to block it.

A red light flashed in his eyes, and in the brief picture of the future,���Tian saw another round of fierce attack from Red Earl and others.

The rakuzen-like Armament Haki suddenly flowed through his body!

As expected.

Although Red Earl also consumed a lot of energy, he now rushed forward with a full moon sword!

Together with Rayleigh's sword, it chopped on Xia Tian's arm, but it was the same. It was firmly blocked five centimeters away from Xia Tian's skin.

The terrible power began to rise again!

"What a scary guy... He still has such a strong fighting power!"

Doflamingo's scalp was numb and he was amazed.

"It's true that he consumed a lot of energy... But they all ignored Xia Tian's ability to recover!"

Eagle Eyes Mihawk couldn't help but show shock in his eyes.

His sharp eyes discovered the secret, why Xia Tian was so fearless!

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