Indeed, Xia Tian still felt some strength after resisting the attacks of Red Earl and Rayleigh.

With a wave of his arm, he threw both of them away! With the huge force coming, Rayleigh and Red Earl Redfield's eyes changed.

Their bodies were thrown to the side uncontrollably.

With a bang, their ankles fell to the ground, and both of them almost lost their balance, and they were horrified.

"The power of this body is too terrifying.……"

Even in the summer, I am panting and looking exhausted.

""Come together!"

Without much hesitation, Golden Lion Shiki and Red Hair Shanks also rushed up at the same time.

With the blessing of Ryusakura's domineering power, Shanks approached again with Griffin in hand and slashed at Xia Tian's waist at a tricky angle.

Shiki fell from the sky, and the two famous swords on his legs flashed.

Xia Tian waved his arm, shook off Rayleigh and Red Earl, frowned, and ignored Shanks' attack.

He punched the Golden Lion Shiki in the sky.

The air exploded in the fist, and the white air wave rolled, colliding with the blade of the Golden Lion Shiki through the air!


The broken big fist under his feet The ground was covered with dust, which was even more unbearable.

Under the powerful punch, the blade light from Shiki shattered directly, and the whole person could not withstand the powerful impact and flew over. Shanks' slash landed on Xia Tian's waist, but was blocked by the armed color domineering!

The red and black domineering arc burst out crazily!

The rolling dust was accompanied by the raging energy.

The next moment, Xia Tian's other hand slapped Griffin's blade, and his left leg swept across.

Shanks had no time to dodge and was swept away.

At this time, Rayleigh stepped forward to catch Shanks, and the two of them sank into the ground and retreated several steps before stopping.

"Are you okay?"

Rayleigh's eyes throbbed, his mind raced, but he had no idea how to deal with Xia Tian.

"It's okay, Mr. Rayleigh."

Red-haired Shanks felt a slight numbness in his waist where he was swept.

Xia Tian's attack didn't seem to be as fierce as it was at the beginning?

"Don't be careless, I think he's doing it on purpose!"

Rayleigh took a deep breath and watched the Golden Lion Shiki and the Red Earl pounce on him again.

The mind and body skills can reach such a terrifying level. Xia Tian's strength completely broke through everyone's imagination.

"He is deliberately letting us win... to give us the illusion that we can win.……"

Rayleigh felt something was wrong, but there was nothing he could do at the moment.

Shanks was also shocked when he heard this.

Before he could say anything, Rayleigh rushed up again!

So Shanks had to keep up.

The four sword masters fought fiercely with Xia Tian.

The sword light flashed continuously, and Xia Tian's fist was like steel, punch after punch.

Every punch made Rayleigh and others' blood surge, and they couldn't stand it and retreated.

As for those who didn't have time to use their fists, Xia Tian simply ignored them and let them chop them down.

However, Xia Tian's defense was broken by a group of people fighting just now. Now it would not be easy even if they still wanted to hurt Xia Tian.

"If this continues, Rayleigh and the others will not be able to bear it.……"

Beckman had an ugly look on his face. He never thought that Xia Tian would be so abnormal!

Don't you look tired? Are you exhausted?

Why are you still so awesome when fighting with four emperor-level swordsmen?

The power of a punch was so strong that even the air was shattered and exploded.

Rayleigh, Golden Lion Shiki, Red Earl, and Shanks were obviously more tired from surrounding Xia Tian and attacking him fiercely. Their faces began to turn pale!

"How are you guys recovering?"

Beckman turned around and looked at the people who were watching the battle in front of them in shock.

"You can continue!"

Diamond Joz said nothing, he turned into a diamond body and ran towards Xia Tian!

""Everybody! Go!"

Marco had given Whitebeard another powerful medicine to suppress his pain, and then he spread his wings with Blue Flame and rushed out with Joz.

Then, one by one, the captains and cadres stepped forward without hesitation.

They took over from Red-Haired Shanks and the other four and launched a fierce attack!

"Round battle?"

Xia Tian suddenly turned around and did not chase the four people who retreated.

Instead, like Joz, he also rushed over fiercely!

With a bang.

The huge force impact brought a strong wind.

Joz was like a cannonball, and was directly knocked out by Xia Tian! He fell to the ruins of the town in a mess.

At the same time, Xia Tian punched the sea and blasted at the cadres and captains who came in.

The powerful atmospheric storm carried the power of the Tremor Fruit!

Under the shattered atmosphere, Marinfando was a familiar earthquake again!

And this punch bombarded, Marco and more than 20 people couldn't help shrinking their pupils. They all used means to defend!

The fist force of the broken sea rushed forward and pounced on Marco and others.

Suddenly, the flower sword slashed, the blue flame claws and other dazzling attacks blocked the fist force.

Under the huge force bombardment, these attacks were broken directly after only blocking for a few seconds!

Marco and others were directly flipped and fell to the ground, and they were almost spitting blood due to the impact and vibration.

And the unstoppable fist force fell on the sea and exploded into water droplets all over the sky

"Get a Strength Boost……"

"Gain a stamina boost……"

"Gain Armament Haki……"

"Get the Tremor-Tremor Fruit to increase your abilities……"

Under the crazy flashing prompts, Xia Tian could really feel the growth of his strength.

Physical consumption? It was indeed very large, but his own recovery was also very abnormal!

Xia Tian couldn't help but want to raise his head and laugh.

But if he laughed, it would probably make everyone feel weird.

However, at this moment.

A group of cadres were overturned to the ground, and when they gritted their teeth and got up.

Whitebeard Newgate also made another move!

The halo of the Tremor-Tremor Fruit appeared on Kusugawa-Kiri, hitting the monkey, and slashed at Xia Tian through the air!

The sword energy and halo burst out at the same time, destroying everything in front along the ground, leaving deep gullies on the ground.

However, this time Rayleigh and others had learned their lesson, no longer looking for opportunities from the side, but directly rushed forward! A full four huge slashes burst out from four positions in cooperation with Whitebeard!

The powerful sword light of the slash dyed the world with red and blue colors!

Under the violent domineering, the earth collapsed again!

Such a scene is extremely terrifying!

"Good job!"

Xia Tian's eyes became more and more excited.

The stronger their attack, the greater the improvement it would bring to him!

The terrifying black flames soared into the sky, and suddenly the color between the whole world was lost!

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