At this moment!

The sky and the earth changed color!

For the first time, the black natural disaster form exploded so horribly in front of everyone's eyes.

Whitebeard, Rayleigh and others, including the many cadres and captains who had just stood up, all had a drastic change of expression.

"What's going on! Isn't he running out of energy? Isn't he panting and consuming a lot of energy! ?"

Laqilu shouted exaggeratedly, and blocked his arms in front of him to resist the storm of momentum that swept over!

Under the black disaster of Xia Tian, even the attacks of the five people were eclipsed.

But they still attacked Xia Tian.

"The sixth style... Black Calamity!"

A fist swung at Whitebeard Newgate with a terrifying shock slash!

Black was like the night, spreading from Xia Tian's fist at an extreme speed!

First, it collided with Whitebeard's white halo of sword energy!

Amidst the loud bang, the white halo exploded, the atmospheric cracks spread wildly, and a faint green sword energy confronted Xia Tian's black sky.

The entire Marinford shook to an even more terrifying degree.

A large number of naval officers and soldiers who were stunned and sweating all fell to the ground.

The terrifying storm raged, and Laqi Lu, Jesus Bu, Joz and others were blown back, looking ahead in horror!

The sword lights of Red Earl, Shanks, Golden Lion, Rayleigh and the attack of Whitebeard were shrouded in darkness, stubbornly emitting light to make the final resistance.

For a short time, the war seemed to be in a stalemate.

Xia Tian was extremely excited, and all the data templates in the system were rapidly improving!

This was also the reason why their attacks were not directly destroyed and counterattacked.

But at this time, the change happened again!

Beckman and Blackbeard Teach stood together again.

"Thief hahaha... This is a good opportunity!"

Blackbeard Teach gathered all the abilities in his body, and the Momo Fruit and the Dark-Dark Fruit were fully activated.

And Beckman was no longer a pistol, but a spear!

After loading the seastone bullet, the Armament Haki and Conqueror Haki entangled in the bullet in the barrel, aiming at Xia Tian!

"How about joining me after this time? Beckman!"

Blackbeard Teach was sweating profusely, and he did not forget to say to Beckman

"Blackbeard, you think too much. I can cooperate with you because of your ability. After this incident, I will still go with the boss to attack you!"

Beckman seemed very disdainful. While speaking, he directly pulled the trigger!

The bullet was fired! It was a super bullet with armed color, overlord color, Momo fruit amplification, and dark mist blessing of the dark fruit!

Beckman was also pushed back by this super strong reverse thrust!

It has to be said.

Every time Beckman fired, it was extremely sharp, and even the timing was just right.

Not to mention before, let's talk about now.

The rotating bullet penetrated into the black curtain of the black disaster with terrible destructive power!

Under the powerful potential energy, the speed did not decrease at all.


This kind of shooting again.

Xia Tian glanced at the bullet, and the power burst out even more violently!

Under the fist of the Black Calamity, the attacks of the five Whitebeards could no longer resist, and were directly submerged in the Black Calamity and turned invisible.

But at the same time, the power of the Black Calamity also dropped sharply!

Xia Tian simply gave up the black curtain attack to maintain the Black Calamity, and turned around and grabbed the hundred-fold amplified bullet that was shot at.


The powerful kinetic energy came again under the hundred-fold amplification, and kept trying to break through Xia Tian's armed color defense while rotating.

Mars, domineering arc, power Under the tearing of the shock wave and everything else, Xia Tian's extremely strong Armament Haki was also torn open.

Even Xia Tian's body was pushed and dragged backwards on the ground involuntarily.

Seeing the black curtain dissipate, Whitebeard Newgate, Golden Lion Shiki, Red Earl and others' eyes lit up.

Under this attack, Xia Tian finally revealed a flaw!

Whitebeard decisively gave up using Kusugawa Kris, and instead raised his hands to grab the air towards Xia Tian, with a strange posture, shaking violently!

The terrifying power of shock instantly descended on Xia Tian.

The world turned upside down! The sea tilted Even the gravity lost its balance!

In the summer, I looked at the white beard when I was close to the power of this shock fruit. Surrounding each other, under the domineering of extreme use, like six light sprints! Wrapped the young body in the summer. At this moment, the offensive of the five also fell on the summer! Various colors flashed crazy at the moment when they attacked the summer, and the huge destructive power continued to spread! The tide of the big wave rolled towards all directions!

"Xia Tian!!"

Kizaru Borsalino couldn't help but yelled out nervously.

The bullet seemed to have broken Xia Tian's Armament Haki? However, there were still these guys' fierce attacks behind!

"Don't move! The breath of summer……"

Steel Bone Sora stopped Kizaru from rushing forward.

This made Kizaru Borsalino clench his fists, and his whole body was shaking.

However, Kizaru did not wait for long, and the trembling Marinford returned���The sky was calm again.

Xia Tian, who was not visible due to the powerful attack, soon revealed his figure.

The six strong men and others watched intently, feeling very nervous.

Until the black fog dissipated,

Xia Tian still stood firmly in the same place. Whitebeard Newgate, Golden Lion Shiki and others all shrank their pupils and showed their unbelievable expressions.

"This... is this guy's body also made of steel?……"

Blackbeard Teach was so frightened that his whole body trembled.

The power of his Dark-Dark Fruit was clearly corroding his Armament Haki from the hole, and with the interference of the other five and Whitebeard's father, that is to say... he used his body to resist! ?

Xia Tian raised his palm and took a look at the skin and flesh torn by the bullet. It was a little bloody.

There were also some scratches on his body.

"Yes. It hurt me again."

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