
To have been able to hurt me twice like this, I have to say, these guys are not simple.

But Xia Tian was not angry but smiled.

He was very satisfied with this wave of improvement! It was just a little skin breakage, but there were not many such fighting opportunities to improve.

Kizaru Borsalino and other navy officers breathed a sigh of relief. Doflamingo, Moriah and other

Shichibukai couldn't help but tremble all over.

Without waiting for them to say anything, at this time

"Come on, Whitebeard, you all... come together!"

The small suit on his body was already in tatters, and Xia Tian directly tore it off.

Five scars on his body broke the skin, and strange lines began to emerge, all over his body!

As these lines flashed, as if breathing, Blackbeard Teach and other captains and cadres were terrified.

"Impossible... What kind of monster is he!?"

"A series of fierce attacks, all at the right time……"

"After such a hard and fierce attack, he only broke a little skin?!"

A feeling of despair began to emerge in the hearts of Laqilu and others. They had never seen such a terrible person.

No matter which era the strong and fierce men were, they were not as perverted as Xia Tian.

Who are they? The pirate group known as the emperor of the sea! Their power is enough to rival the headquarters of the navy, and they are even the strongest emperor-level combat force in the world, including the world's strongest man Whitebeard, there are as many as eight of them!

All of them came together, but they only beat Xia Tian like this!?

Just a little skin is enough for the sake of it!?

The more they thought about it, the more frightened and panicked they became!

"Gulala... It seems that it is wrong for the world to call us monsters. What is a real monster? The one in front of us is it."

Newgate picked up the Kusunokiri again and said in amazement.

Today, even if he loses, he will admit it wholeheartedly.

The eight-year-old Child Emperor has already stood at the top of the pyramid. Even Rocks will be nothing in front of him.

Golden Lion Shiki and Red Earl, Barrett's face is so ugly that it looks like ink is dripping out. Looking at Xia Tian who only has a broken skin, his heart is trembling. The feeling of regret vaguely emerged in their hearts...

Couldn't they just leave at the beginning? Why did they have to provoke such a scary guy!?

"Too powerful, even the historical descriptions are unmatched.……"

Rayleigh's pupils were throbbing. Isn't this more terrifying than ancient weapons?

No, Child Emperor is simply a humanoid ancient weapon!

Too much is as bad as too little!

"Mr. Reilly...I got you involved.……"

Red-haired Shanks shook his head bitterly. He really couldn't save Ace today, and he also sacrificed his own people one by one.

"Are you discouraged? Why don't you attack?"

Xia Tian suddenly walked slowly towards the pirates step by step.

His smiling voice sounded like a harsh mockery in their ears.

"Fight to the death!"

When it comes to honor, these cadres grit their teeth and persevere.

"Yes, that's it, keep going!"

Xia Tian's mouth was grinning exaggeratedly, with a strong fighting spirit in his eyes.

These guys, don't run away! This experience is not over yet!

Although guys at the level of Marco and Jesus Bu have not improved much, they are still very optimistic after many times.

Especially the eight emperor-level combat power, the improvement brought to Xia Tian is even more gratifying. As soon as the voice fell, a series of gunshots, slashing sounds, sledgehammers and other various attacks covered Xia Tian from a distance!

These pirates are arrogant guys, how could they bear it!

The armed color domineering flowed in his hands again, and he punched out!

The attacks in front suddenly seemed to be stuck in a quagmire, and slowly slowed down!

Then they were suddenly broken, and all were shattered by Xia Tian's punch!

Xia Tian, his steps are still the same, with a big mouth Panting and walking forward.

The first one was, Beckman.

His bullets made Xia Tian feel annoyed. It was okay to break his own Armament Haki.

The most important thing was that this kind of bullet attack could not make him improve anymore.

So Xia Tian... was angry.

However, Red-haired Shanks and others seemed to have seen Xia Tian's target.

He leaped forward and attacked again!

Here, the pirates once again misunderstood, mistakenly thinking that Xia Tian was afraid of Beckman's shooting.


Three consecutive shots of enhanced hundred-fold amplified bullets were fired at Xia Tian!

Beckman didn't even need to aim, he knew Xia Tian would not dodge at all.

It was just that Xia Tian, who seemed to be panting, no longer stretched out his hand to catch it like before, but raised his two fists and swung them directly at the bullets, flattening them directly!

"I won't take it. What can this method do to me?"

Xia Tian curled his lips with some disdain, and walked forward again as if he was very tired.

Beckman, Blackbeard and others were so shocked that their jaws dropped.

Wouldn't your Armament Haki be unable to withstand this kind of attack? Why did you just flatten it with one punch and throw it aside?


Whitebeard Newgate swung his naginata and slashed at Xia Tian from the side.

Under the white halo, he was violently aggressive.

Behind him, the members of the Whitebeard Pirates followed closely!

Xia Tian twisted his body and blocked with his arm, then punched Whitebeard directly with his other fist!

The dark and strange fist force burst out from Xia Tian's fist!

With a bang.

The ground around Xia Tian's feet was bursting and flying like crazy!

With this punch, the sky and the earth changed color!

Marco, Vista and other captains of the squad had not even arrived in front of Xia Tian, and then they were directly knocked back by the huge force generated by the collision between the two.

"He... why, he looks like he's almost exhausted, but his punches are getting stronger! ? He seems to be growing stronger!"

Golden Lion Shiki and Red Earl looked at each other, their eyes were shaking!

Not only the two of them...���Almost everyone watching the battle noticed!

Xia Tian's power was constantly changing and getting stronger during the battle!

Whitebeard Newgate had long known about Xia Tian's terrifying talent, and at this moment he did not find it strange, but was amazed at Xia Tian's endless physical strength.

In less than five seconds.

Whitebeard finally couldn't hold on, and his entire eight-meter-long body was blown away by Xia Tian!

And Xia Tian... seemed to have used the Black Calamity, and his breathing became even more rapid.

"Come on! Come again!"

Xia Tian looked really tired and exhausted, as if he was going to fall to the ground in the next second!

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