"If you can survive, that's it."

""Eighth Style, Three Thousand Worlds, Collapse!"

Xia Tian shouted loudly, and his small fist hit out with a bang!

Instantly, an extremely terrifying pressure descended!

The wind stopped.

The vibration stopped.

Time seemed to be slowed down, and in everyone's visual state, everything became extremely slow.

Invisible waves rippled out from Xia Tian's fist, covering the four people who escaped, even Whitebeard, Red Hair and all the other pirates were within the range.

Although the fist power could not be seen, under the terrible impact, large areas of soil were directly smashed to pieces, like a hurricane, invading all the way.

Above the sky, the rolling and twisted clouds stopped, and the lightning flashed and slowly extended at a weird speed.

The sea was also frozen, as if everything had stopped moving, waiting for the power of the three thousand worlds to burst out.

"Not good!"

Even though they still had strong thoughts, the pirates just couldn't pull themselves away, and their eyes were filled with fear.

Whitebeard Newgate burst out with extreme power, and the white halo fought against the confinement from Xia Tian's fist.

The cracks in the atmosphere burst out and spread wildly from all over the body.

Red-haired Shanks, Rayleigh and Beckman all desperately burst out with dual-color domineering, trying to break the confinement of their bodies.

Finally, before the fist power of the three thousand worlds arrived, they were freed from the infinite slow state.


Whitebeard couldn't help but yelled.

The three of them worked together and ran to the front of the crowd in the shortest time to hold up the defense.

The same was true for Golden Lion Shiki, Red Earl, Barrett and Blackbeard Teach while they were escaping. They tried their best to break through, and although they succeeded in the end, the collapse of summer had already arrived!


A large mouthful of blood spurted out of Blackbeard Teach's mouth. The domineering aura on his body and the defense composed of the black mist of the Dark Dark Fruit did not last even for a second before being directly annihilated by the invisible fluctuations of summer.

The body was in a weird posture, and boundless pain enveloped Blackbeard.

Behind him, Badgers, Lafitte and others did the same, even The big barrel that was facing Xia Tian's punch exploded half of its body, and blood spilled into the sea!

This was also the bad luck of the big barrel. He was killed by Xia Tian's punch before he could even scream. The

San Juan Wolf was even bigger. Other parts of his body were fine, but one of his arms was blown off by the punch.

Badgers, Lafitte and others were in a relatively remote position, but they could also hear the sound of bones being broken. Then, including Blackbeard, all of them were hit by a high-speed train and thrown away.

Even if they didn't die, they would have lost half their lives.

On the other side, the three people in the sky, Golden Lion Shiki, Barrett, and Red Earl, faced the incomparable shock of the Eighth Style Three Thousand Worlds. Fear.

Fortunately, they were freed from that stagnation, but the three who could not escape or hide could only choose to turn around and fight!

The armed color domineering directly covered the whole body, and the inorganic matter, sea water, and umbrella sword all resisted in front of them.

The three of them gritted their teeth tightly, welcoming the arrival of the fist!


The result was that the sea water directly turned into mist and dissipated in the air, the inorganic matter was annihilated, and the Red Earl's umbrella sword was directly thrown away.

The invisible and transparent terrifying fist force was not hindered at all, and it hit them directly.

The two arms of Barrett blocking in front of him exploded directly, flesh and blood flew everywhere, and even the bones were directly cracked!

The Red Earl and the Golden Lion Shiki were the same. The three of them spit out a large mouthful of , tinnitus, dizziness, and almost lost consciousness due to Xia Tian's blow, and his whole body was blown into the sky.

The only ones who were not so miserable were Whitebeard, Red Hair, Rayleigh and other pirates who were just on the edge of the punch. Xia Tian's main target was those who escaped.

But even so, the three of them who stood in front of their men could feel a terrible power coming. Looking at the land disappearing on the ground, the three who tried their best to resist were almost knocked to the ground.

Fortunately, Whitebeard's shock force exploded, and together with Rayleigh's underworld energy and Shanks' domineering aura, the three of them held on.

Xia Tian used all his strength in one punch, and was slowly recovered by time.

"The power is good, several times stronger than the living hell!"

Xia Tian smiled with satisfaction, and never looked at Blackbeard, Golden Lion and others who were blown away in the sky and on the sea. At this time, a strong wind blew, and Xia Tian's hair was blown by the wind.

Marco and others recovered. Although they could not move, they all saw that the three people fought hard to resist, so that the people behind them were safe.

But Whitebeard, Rayleigh, and Red Hair Shanks all had blood flowing from the corners of their mouths.

The punch of the collapse of the three thousand worlds, even the impact of the edge is not so easy to receive!

Newgate glanced at the three people who disappeared in the sky. Now they have been completely blown away and can't be seen. I don't know whether they are dead or alive.

These three guys have long been known to be unreliable, but I didn't expect them to be so unreliable. They didn't even breathe and turned around and left. Now they are okay, right? Even if they are not dead, they have shed a layer of skin.

""Retreat, Whitebeard, everyone!"

Beckman looked at the sky that Xia Tian was bombarding with horror.

That piece of sky that stretched for thousands of miles, now even the clouds were invisible, all of them were blown away by Xia Tian's punch.

What a terrifying punch! Why keep fighting? If you keep fighting, you will die!

Facing Beckman's suggestion and looking at the mess in front of him, Red-haired Shanks sighed.

"Back off, Whitebeard......"

Ace can't be saved, and now there's no execution platform. The Navy probably won't continue.

Besides, Xia Tian is still standing there, who can get past him? It's good enough to hold on until now.

"But, Ace, I want to save him!"

Whitebeard's eyes showed a look of discomfort, looking at the navy, tightly clenching his fists.

Marco, Vista and others looked at Whitebeard and didn't say anything for a long time.

Dad had no injuries on his back, and retreating like today was unprecedented.

"Back off, Dad...."

Marco looked embarrassed, and he and the other captains bowed their heads and tried to persuade them.

It wasn't that they didn't want to save Ace and gave up halfway, but the Child Emperor standing there was simply invincible.

If they continued to fight like this, Dad's body would definitely not be able to withstand it. Marco and his men didn't want to, nor could they bear to see Dad continue to fight.

"Whitebeard, if his life is gone, how can we save him?"

Red-haired Shanks sighed and shook his head.

Xia Tian did not continue to attack with punches at this time, which was the best opportunity to retreat. If he did not leave, it would be too late when the people behind him, such as Zhan Guo, reacted.

Now Xia Tian just retracted his fist, feeling the consumption of this punch and the powerful changes in his body.

After punching, Xia Tian actually did not plan to continue to attack.

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