"Boys! Let's retreat!"

Whitebeard gritted his teeth tightly, as if he had spent a lot of effort to squeeze out the words from his teeth.

It was impossible to do it anymore. Even if Newgate didn't want to retreat, he had no choice. He couldn't let his other sons die here in vain.

He couldn't win in one summer, and the punch of Three Thousand Worlds just now almost killed Golden Lion and others!

Except for himself and Red Hair, Rayleigh could resist a little, and the others had no chance of survival!


Although Marco and the others were unwilling to give up, it was not the right time.

With the collapse of the execution platform, Ace was surrounded by the navy. It was almost impossible to get past Xia Tian, not to mention that there were Warring States and the three generals behind him.

"Run! Ace's execution will not continue. Look for another opportunity."

Red-haired Shanks and Beckman took the lead and retreated towards the seaside.

Whitebeard raised his arms again and shouted to retreat. The members of the Whitebeard Pirates also clenched their fists and retreated with ugly faces.

The fleets of the two major pirate groups still have ships waiting at this moment, ready to support.

Joz, Laqilu and others looked back at Xia Tian while running, fearing that he would punch them again.

Xia Tian looked at Whitebeard calmly, and Red-haired and others quickly retreated and stretched lazily.

"That's it. If Whitebeard can recover, I wonder how much improvement he can bring."

The only thing that Xia Tian was not satisfied with was that he didn't experience the true strength of the world's strongest man.

Although Whitebeard would not decline due to old age, his repeated illnesses made it impossible for him to face his full strength in battle.

The same is true for the Lone Red, who can be on par with the Flying Pirates, Whitebeard Pirates, and Roger Pirates. His strength has not yet reached its peak. After all, he has been locked up for decades.

"If they can survive, we will wait until they have recovered their full strength before fighting again. We cannot kill them now."

Xia Tian smiled and watched the pirates retreat quickly. Then he turned his head and looked at Sengoku and others. Sure enough, the navy was anxious.

Steel Bone Kong, Sengoku, the three admirals, Garp and others all rushed over quickly.

The navy in the square cheered deafeningly.

What did they see? Those legendary pirates of the Four Emperors did not dare to continue fighting! They were forced to retreat by Admiral Child Emperor alone!!

""Xia Tian, are you okay?"

Yellow Monkey Borsalino came to Xia Tian's side as soon as possible, and he breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that Xia Tian's wounds were almost healed.

He quickly took Xia Tian's coat of justice and put it on him.

"It's okay, brother."

Xia Tian touched the back of his head and showed his arms to show that he was not injured.

"Xia Tian, why don't you continue to chase them? We can't let these vicious pirates get away!"

Steel Bone Sora looked anxious, both the Red Earl and Whitebeard were big troubles, and this was the first time the Navy had a chance to keep these four emperors and legends!

"Marshal Kong, I have already completed the matter of 50 billion."

Xia Tian glanced at Kong Gang and laughed.

He only said to join the war and defeat these pirates, but did not say to continue chasing them or kill them all.

Kong Gang was stunned, and then said without hesitation:"Add money!" Whitebeard

, Rayleigh and other guys still have combat power, it's not that they are all useless. With Xia Tian chasing them personally, it will be easy to capture them.

However, in view of Kong Gang's relentlessness, Xia Tian had already planned not to chase those who were not killed or disabled by one punch.

After all, catching them is just a one-time payment, and they will be executed by the World Government later. Where can I find these masters?

There are only a few admirals and four emperors in the entire ocean, and if they are alive, Xia Tian can slowly grind out more value.

The difference between a full meal and a full meal every day

"I'm tired, Marshal"

"That punch just now has almost consumed all my energy, and I have no strength left."

Xia Tian shrugged and began to pant, just like before, he was about to fall down at any time.

Garp, Sengoku, and the three admirals all looked at Xia Tian's"performance" with strange expressions.

You have no strength!? You are exhausted!? Who would believe that? Who would start panting when they say they are tired?.....

But Xia Tian didn't want to pursue, and the others had no way to stop him.

They couldn't blame him, nor could they order him. After all, apart from the initial confrontation, they hardly fought again.

Whitebeard and Red Hair retreated quickly, and even the Moby Dick lay in tatters on the edge of the inner bay.

"Well, you must get enough rest."

Kymbal looked at Whitebeard Newgate and the others going away and sighed deeply.

There was only one way, that is, to chase them with Garp and the others. It was almost impossible to leave them behind. Even if it was possible, without Xia Tian's help, it would be a big loss for Whitebeard and the others to exchange their lives.

"Let's see if the three people, Golden Lion, Red Earl, and Barrett, who were hit by Xia Tian, are seriously injured and floating on the sea....Oh, and there's Blackbeard."

Marshal Gang Gukong thought of the four emperor-level fighters who were blown away by Xia Tian, and quickly asked the lieutenant generals to search for them.

"Kuzan, Sakaski, Borsalino, let's go after the prisoners who escaped from Impel Down!"

Zhan Guo happened to think of the prisoners in Impel Down at this time.

Whitebeard, Red Hair, Rayleigh and others could no longer be chased, so Impel Down was the most important thing at the moment.

"Xia Tian, you take a rest here first."

Zhan Guo smiled at Xia Tian, and without saying anything else, he led the three generals to personally arrest the people.

Gang Gu Kong couldn't help but shook his head slightly, and looked around Marinford in silence.

"How much resources and time will it take to repair it?"

Konggu Kong knew that when Zhan Guo took his men away, he actually left the mess of Marinford to himself.

Xia Tian simply waved his hand and walked towards the cheering navy soldiers.

There, there was also a handcuffed Fire Fist Ace.

"General Child Emperor!���"


Xia Tian smiled shyly as the navy shouted enthusiastically.

The Seven Warlords of the Sea watched, and were so shocked that they couldn't recover.

Thus, the war at the top, which was completely different from the original history, ended.

The cheers of the navy, the backs of the pirates fleeing in panic, and the collapse of three thousand worlds with one punch of the Child Emperor.......

These scenes are deeply engraved in the hearts of people all over the world.

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