"A Celestial Dragon, my brother has become a Celestial Dragon?"

Kizaru couldn't help but feel a little surprised. It's good to be a Celestial Dragon.

Although he didn't become a Celestial Dragon in the same way, he had his brother's identity to protect him. Wouldn't he be able to get a raise in the future? No one would care if he slacked off! ?

Everyone in the navy sighed, and the news spread. All the major branches sighed when they knew that Xia Tian had become a Celestial Dragon.

Time passed day by day.

The broken Marinford was also undergoing repair work. Warships were transporting supplies, and tens of thousands of people were constantly busy in Marinford.

Of course, there were also batches of reporters who came to Marinford in person and took pictures of the post-war tragedy of Marinford, all of whom sighed at the horror of the war at that time.

Seeing it on the spot was even more terrifying than seeing it in the live broadcast.

Just when Marinford was about to complete its reconstruction. Marshal Sengoku went to the office of the commander-in-chief of the entire army, Kong Ganggu

"Have you thought about it?"

Kong's expression showed no surprise, he just sighed and asked

"I have thought about it. The times now no longer belong to us. Moreover, I have made several serious mistakes during my tenure.......Xia Tian has not really grown up yet, I suggest that Aokiji should take the position of Marshal."Zhan Guo wants to retire. After experiencing the war, his desire to resign has become stronger.

"You know, even if you don't become a marshal, you can't quit the navy....Just like Garp, retire to the second line."

Steelbow Kong said helplessly. He didn't want to stay in the navy anymore, so it was not easy to keep him.

All of a sudden, two strong men who fought on the front line of the navy in the old days are going to retire.

"I understand."

Zhan Guo had no objection to this, it would be fine if he could be an advisor and keep his identity as a navy officer.

Steel Bone Sora nodded and ordered someone to summon the three admirals.

As for Xia Tian? He is now a Celestial Dragon, and he is too young. Sora and Zhan Guo did not consider letting Xia Tian take on this responsibility immediately.

Selecting the next marshal is also to pave the way for Xia Tian and give him time to grow up.

Now including Xia Tian, the admirals are all in Marijoa, Akainu, Kizaru, and Aokiji quickly came over.

And when they knew that Zhan Guo was going to step down, the three of them couldn't help but be surprised.

"Kuzan will succeed the admiral? No, I don't accept it."

After Kong told them the purpose of calling them over, Akainu stood up and said with a serious expression.

Sakas basically values the position of marshal very much. It can be said that he has already made becoming a marshal a goal.

Aokiji was also stunned. He didn't expect that Sengoku would actually recommend him to be the marshal.

But how could he let go of the opportunity?

"Sakaski, you are too cruel. It is not appropriate for you to lead the navy."

Aokiji Kuzan also stood up and confronted Akainu.

"Is that so, Kuzan? Your justice is to let those vicious pirates go?"

Akainu knew that Kuzan had let many pirates go, but he just didn't say much at that time.

It's different now.

""Stop arguing, it's disgraceful."

Kong stopped the two of them with a headache.

On the contrary, Kizaru Borsalino looked like he was watching the show.

What is there to argue about the marshal? Working so hard for not much salary

"The position of Admiral of the Navy is of great significance, and you also understand that even if you succeed, it is to pave the way for Xia Tian, who is the light of our Navy."

Zhan Guo shook his head and said. To this, Akainu and Aokiji did not refute, they naturally understood this, although they did not know how many years Xia Tian would take office as Admiral, but the time in between was enough for them to lead the Navy and show their skills.

"Since there is a disagreement on this matter, let's go to the Five Elders to sever the dispute."

Kymbal Sora had no choice but to take everyone to the Power Room.

So, when Sengoku, Akainu, Kizaru, Aokiji, and Sora met with the Five Elders and explained the matter, the Five Elders were somewhat reluctant to see Sengoku step down.

They were very optimistic about Sengoku, and the title of wise general was not for nothing. Moreover, the justice of ruling the sea made the Five Elders think that this was the sense of justice that the navy needed.

"If you want to step down, can't you just let Xia Tian take over?"

The Five Elders still favored Xia Tian.

What's wrong with being eight years old? Just based on Xia Tian's fearless performance in front of Lord Yimu and Lord Yimu's appreciation, the Five Elders felt that there would be no problem for Xia Tian to take over.

"However, Xia Tian is still young, and it is too early for him to succeed the position of marshal."

Zhan Guo and Gang Gu Kong both felt that it was inappropriate.

"He is only eight years old, and he shouldn't be tied up by these things so early. If you give him some time, maybe he can go further on the road to becoming a strong man."

Zhan Guo's words make sense, after all, he is only eight years old.

The five elders also pondered for a while, and finally nodded.

"Then choose one between Aokiji and Akainu."

"Both of you are great generals with strategies and decisions, so let's decide who is better by force."

The Five Elders directly proposed this decision.

There would be no conclusion if they continued talking, so it would be better to speak with strength.

With that said, the tension between Aokiji and Akainu suddenly became stronger.

Marshal Sengoku was even more shocked. If they were to decide who was better by force, wouldn't it be a fight of life and death?

Especially now that Akainu and Aokiji are both determined to become marshals.

Akainu Sakaski feels that he is more suitable to lead the navy with iron-blooded means. Aokiji is too indecisive and has a lot of mercy on pirates, which Sakaski is unhappy about.

Aokiji Kuzan also thinks that Sakaski is too cruel. He will do anything to achieve his goal, and even kills one hundred people by mistake, which is not suitable for a marshal of the army.

But it was at this time.

Xia Tian walked in slowly with a glass of orange juice, washing it with a straw.

"I could already sense the strong smell of gunpowder before my observation Haki was activated. Are the two uncles going to have a fight? Brother, you better sit further away to avoid getting hurt by mistake.

Xia Tian walked in with a smile and sat down on the familiar sofa.

The Five Elders didn't mind this unannounced behavior at all.

Xia Tian's current status and position are different. Although he is still a marine admiral, he is now considered a Celestial Dragon, and is valued by Lord Im.

Kizaru Borsalino lazily greeted him, and Sengoku and Steel Bone Sora both nodded to Xia Tian.

"Well, Sengoku is about to resign as the Admiral of the Navy and retire, and recommends Aokiji, but Akainu is not convinced......"

The Fifth Elder was still wiping his Kitetsu and said nonchalantly.

The position of the Navy Admiral was actually not that important to the Five Elders.

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