"So, Sakaski and Kuzan have to fight and choose one?"

Xia Tian couldn't help but shake his head and smile. Isn't this a major event after the war on the top?

Akainu also won the battle with Aokiji for ten days and ten nights, and even changed the ecological climate of Punk Hazard. He became the admiral of the navy.

But Xia Tian is here, how can he allow such a thing to happen? It's outdated. The world has changed because of his arrival.

"A fight doesn't take much effort."

Aokiji Kuzan glanced at Akainu. Akainu, who was always too lazy to fight, surprisingly showed no weakness.

Well, I really can't stand Sakaski's bird-like behavior.

"Come on, Kuzan, we came in at the same time, and we haven't figured out who's stronger yet."

Similarly, Sakaski couldn't stand Aokiji's attitude and was furious.

"Isn't this necessary? If the two generals fight, no matter who wins or loses, it will be embarrassing. They might not be able to stop and there will be casualties."

""Five elders, since we can't choose, then don't choose for now. Mr. Zhan Guo will continue to serve as the marshal. This is not an extraordinary period, and it is not appropriate to replace the marshal."

Xia Tian first put down the cup and waved his hands helplessly to Aokiji and Akainu, and then made a suggestion.

"Right, Mr. Zhan Guo, you should continue to serve as the marshal. At least you have to wait until the situation in the world stabilizes before making plans. My request should be no problem, right?"

Zhan Guo was stunned when he heard Xia Tian's words.

The Five Elders and others all advised him, with an attitude of respecting his decision, but when it came to Xia Tian, they made a direct request.

Just looking at Xia Tian's sincere eyes, Zhan Guo hesitated.

If the successor is chosen and Aokiji and Akainu have to fight each other, no matter what the result is, it seems that it will not be very pleasant.

If Aokiji becomes the marshal, Akainu Sakaski may not stay in the Navy Headquarters, and if Aokiji loses, it will probably be the same.

Moreover, Xia Tian can be regarded as a Celestial Dragon and has enough say. He has said that he wants it, so he certainly doesn't want anything to happen.

But seeing Zhan Guo's silence, the Five Elders also went with the flow for Xia Tian's words.

"What Xia Tian said is not without reason. This is the request of the Celestial Dragons. Sengoku, you should accept it and continue to serve as the marshal. The navy needs you now."

"As for Akainu and Aokiji, you don't have to duel anymore. If you really want to be promoted, there will be a place for you in Marijoa, but the position of the Admiral of the Navy is......"

The Five Elders cancelled the duel between Akainu Sakaski and Aokiji Kuzan with just one sentence.

Helplessly, Sengoku, Akainu, and Aokiji could only nod their heads.

"Continue to serve, then continue to serve, Five Elders, Xia Tian, thank you for your trust."

Zhan Guo glared at Kuzan and Sakaski unhappily.

Asshole, it was because of the strong smell of gunpowder between the two of them that he could not continue to retire.

Thinking that Garp had successfully retreated to the second and third lines, Zhan Guo seemed to see Garp's wanton laughter.

The matter of the Admiral of the Navy naturally came to an end with the arrival of Xia Tian.

"While we are here with the Five Elders, I have a suggestion."

At this time, the commander of the entire army, Gang Gukong, slowly spoke to the Five Elders.

"Kong, we are all old men, just speak up if you have any ideas.

The Five Elders thought Kong wanted to talk about the Marshal.

""In this war, I believe you have all witnessed the horror of these pirates. If it weren't for Xia Tian, we would have lost."

Steel Bone Kong began to speak very seriously.

When talking about the war situation before Xia Tian arrived, Sengoku, Akainu, Aokiji, and even Kizaru frowned.

"At that time, I almost couldn't hold on."

The three generals were very frightened. At that time, they were constantly injured and even faced life-and-death crises.

"That's right, there are too many remnants of the old era, the Four Emperors, and the top masters on the sea. The navy is obviously lacking in combat power. My suggestion is...Take advantage of the prestige now established to start the world conscription! Recruit even the fifth and sixth generals!"

"The conditions can be appropriately lowered. As long as the background is clean and the strength is sufficient! After all, there are too many legendary guys outside, too dangerous, we must catch them back, but it is impossible for Xia Tian to take action personally for every one of them."

Gang Gu Kong saw it very clearly, these problems should not be underestimated.

Zhan Guo and the three generals looked at the Five Elders in silence.

Xia Tian looked like he was listening to what you said.

"You are right. Those guys need to be cleaned up by Iron Blood, and they also need to replenish their combat power."

The second elder nodded in agreement.

They all saw with their own eyes how the navy struggled to hold on, and almost fell into ruin.

How could this situation be allowed to happen again?

However, the human resources consumed by the world conscription are not a little bit, which is why the world government did not continue to do so before.

"Not only the combat power of the navy itself, but also the recruited Shichibukai need to be replenished."

At this time, Sengoku also thought of the problem of Shichibukai.

These Shichibukai who were recruited to cooperate with the World Government are not useless.

At present, there are still many points of use.

At this time, everyone remembered that during the war, there were only five Shichibukai present.

Sea Knight Jinbei and Crocodile Crocodile have been eliminated, deprived of the rights of Shichibukai, and now they have fled.

As for Tyrant Bear, he has reached an agreement with the scientist in the Science Department, and soon, he will no longer be a human.

"What do you think of your candidate?"

The fourth elder immediately asked Zhan Guo.

"Yes, among the pirates, there are those supernovas with hundreds of millions of dollars, and there are a few who are still qualified, as well as the recently rumored Whitebeard II, and the owner of the entertainment city in the New World, the Golden Emperor."

These people were all considered by the Warring States, so they were brought up.

"Whitebeard II? I suggest removing this guy from the list of Seven Warlords of the Sea."

At this time, Xia Tian suddenly spoke up.

Whitebeard II, Weevil, wasn't he the mentally retarded guy who caused the tragedy of Zephyr?

Xia Tian didn't want to see such a guy on the list of Seven Warlords of the Sea.

"Whitebeard II? Xia Tian, why did you think of eliminating this person?"

Zhan Guo asked in confusion.

The others and the Five Elders looked at Xia Tian in surprise.

"I've heard of Whitebeard II, and I don't like people like him."

Xia Tian shrugged and gave a willful reason.

"Um......His behavior is indeed not very good."

Marshal Zhan Guo nodded.

It was just a backup option. Considering Xia Tian's special status, Zhan Guo agreed without much hesitation.

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