Stussy was still a little uneasy, as she had not yet thought about what terrible consequences might occur.

For a moment, she thought that if the assassination failed, she could rely on the Moon Step to escape. At her level of development, the Moon Step was equivalent to the ability to fly. In this world, the ability to fly can be said to be one of the rarest abilities.

Flying makes it easy to escape, and even if the mission fails, it would be difficult for the Five Elders to blame. This is what Stussy thought.

Shenluo, go to hell! This sea will not allow another pirate emperor to appear!

The flying finger gun came down, an invisible condensed air that flew out from Stussy's index finger and fell from the air.

The speed was very fast, like a real bullet.

At this moment, Shenluo, who had his eyes closed, suddenly opened his eyes.


"There is someone in the sky."

Shenluo woke up, and before Esdeath could react, an ice shield was above them, blocking them.

Then, just as Esdeath was about to speak, a crisp sound came from the ice shield.

"I know!"

After hearing the voice, Esdeath suddenly realized.

Someone is coming to deal with them, maybe just to deal with Shenluo!

Big Mom Pirates?

"Not good!"

In the sky, Stussy saw this and her face changed. However, just when she wanted to retreat, her face changed again.

She was terrified!

Shenluo suddenly appeared in front of her, suspended in the air.

"How is it possible?"

Stussy was terrified. Just as she was about to attack, Shenluo's fist had already blasted over and hit Stussy in the stomach.

He didn't use too much strength, but Shenluo felt that this was enough for a woman, and there was no need to kill her with one punch.


Shenluo had no concept of sympathy for women. This woman was about to kill her, and he was still talking nonsense with her?

Even if the other party was also a beauty.

This punch quickly landed directly on Stussy's stomach. Stussy's face turned pale instantly. After one punch, her stomach was churning. She didn't know how many years she hadn't experienced such pain.

And after this punch, Shenluo hit five more punches, and Stussy completely fainted.

Shenluo dropped her from the air and she landed right on his boat.

Kalifa had come out of the kitchen and just happened to see Stussy slumped on the deck, with blood still at the corner of her mouth.

"She is an important member of the World Government CP0!"

Carly exclaimed.

Esdeath also remembered:"I remember, it was this morning, the woman you mentioned"

"She wants to kill Shenluo."

Esdeath frowned.

"From the World Government?"Shenluo didn't know this woman.

Kalifa nodded:"Yes, a member of the World Government's CP0 organization, a woman with a very high status, how should we deal with her?"

"Kill her directly."

Esdeath said coldly.

Shenluo did not speak, he acquiesced.

CP0, to put it bluntly, is the dog of the Celestial Dragons. She has the closest relationship with the Celestial Dragons, so it doesn't matter if she is killed.

Esdeath said:"I will deal with this woman."

Esdeath dragged Stussy to the basement of the Monarch, and a bloodthirsty smile suddenly appeared on her face.

"It's been a long time since I last used torture. Will I become rusty?"

Esdeath muttered to herself.

"Ice woman!"

Kalifa shuddered. She had heard from Esdeath how she would treat her enemies.

She would use many kinds of torture to slowly torture her enemies, breaking their bodies and finally their minds. She had never met an enemy that collapsed in the end.

Esdeath would not let her enemies die easily, but would make them live a life worse than death, and even ask for death.

""My Lord, it's time for dinner."

Kalifa didn't know what to say. She would support Shenluo in whatever he wanted to do.

It was night, and it was time for dinner.

Kalifa sat next to Shenluo, picking up food for him from time to time.

This picture was quite warm.

"Wearing glasses is not good, Kalifa."

Shenluo suddenly said

"Ah? But I have been nearsighted for many years, and it is inconvenient to wear glasses.……"

Shenluo took off the other's glasses, which were gold-rimmed glasses, the same color as her hair. Shenluo placed one hand in front of the other's eyes, and the disease elimination of the life field was activated, and the invisible power was released. Kalifa was about to speak, but she felt a very special and gentle power in her eyes.

Half a minute later, Shenluo took his hand away.

Disease elimination, myopia is also a disease, eliminate myopia, disease elimination.


"My eyes! I can see things!"

At this time, Khalifa cheered loudly.

"My Lord, I am no longer nearsighted.……"

Kalifa was surprised. She didn't know what kind of power the god had just used. Just by covering her eyes, her myopia that had lasted for many years was cured.

"Let's eat, Khalifa."

"Thank you, sir!……"


After eating, Shenluo returned to the deck. At this time, they were far away from Cake Island.

Shenluo looked at the Tianlong people and could vaguely see the stars, but the moon was not visible because of the clouds.


Shenluo heard Esdeath's crazy voice and Stussy's painful cry for mercy.

"I wonder how long that woman can hold on?"

Shen Luo didn't care. If Stussy died, he would just throw her into the sea to feed the fish.

Beep beep...

At this time, the sound of a Den Den Mushi rang out.

Behind Shen Luo, the sound of a Den Den Mushi came from Stussy's small bag.

Shen Luo was curious. Wouldn't the Den Den Mushi of CP0 be simple?

Shen Luo took out a small Den Den Mushi from the small bag, and then connected it. He didn't speak, and the Den Den Mushi spoke in advance, and it was the voices of several old men.

"Stussy, is it done? Was the assassination successful? Even if it didn't work, you can still make him lose some skin, right?"

"People like Shenluo must be killed!"

"This kid's growth is too rapid. It will affect the structure of the new world, and the long-standing balance in the business department will also be broken!"

"He must be killed!"

Kill me?"

Shen Luo laughed dumbly. He soon understood who the Den Den Mushi was talking to. There were several voices, the voices of old men.

The Five Elders?

That must be it!

But Shen Luo did not speak. He also signaled Kalifa to be quiet when she wanted to speak.

Shen Luo walked in the direction of Esdeath with the Den Den Mushi in his hand. His smile was full of amusement.

""Stusi, why don't you speak? Inconvenient?"

The Den Den Mushi voice came again.

Soon, Shen Luo came to the lower deck of the Monarch.

A room, from the warehouse. Shen Luo opened the door, and Stusi's miserable voice became louder.

Stusi... Anyway, the situation is not good.

I wonder how long it can last?

"Stussy, what happened?"

"How could it be your voice?"

Several old men spoke up one after another

"Don't you understand? I've captured her. You may never see her again in your life. You are the Five Elders, right?"

Shenluo finally spoke, and Esdeath continued to attack.

"Are you Shenluo?!"

"Are you challenging me?"

"You don't know what's good for you!"


When the fourth old man was about to speak, Shenluo interrupted him.

"Stop threatening me. You are a bunch of cowards who only stay in Marijoa. You have never left Marijoa in your life, right? I think you should go out more often. I am afraid that you will never see the outside world again."


Before the old men could continue speaking, Shen Luo hung up the phone.

"Do you really think you are a god who can control the world?"

Shen Luo sneered and left.

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