Do you really think you are the god who can rule the world?

Shen Luo sneered. Those old men, Shen Luo suspected that they may not have left a small place like Marijoa for decades.

How miserable will it be for those who are high and mighty when they fall?

Sooner or later, Marijoa will be trampled to the ground!

Shen Luo sneered, and then returned to his room.

He still has things to do.

He now has several devil fruits, six taken from Cake Island, two taken from Fishman Island, one snatched from the Sabaody Archipelago, and one given by Doflamingo.

A total of ten devil fruits!

It is estimated that there are not many people in this world who can possess so many devil fruits at once. Of course, the Celestial Dragons must be excluded. The devil fruits they have can even be thrown to the slaves to eat casually. In addition, there is Kaido, the Beast, who is estimated to have a lot of devil fruits. Now, does Kaido, the Beast, have artificial devil fruits? There should be none. Maybe Doflamingo's artificial devil fruit plan has not yet started.

What can ten devil fruits do?

The development progress of Kalifa's Thunder Fruit should be mentioned. It can be accelerated with a devil fruit. This kind of investment cannot be made with Bailey's investment, and there is no investment return for Kamiya. It is only effective for Kalifa.

Character template: Kalifa

Abilities: Thunder Fruit, Armament Haki, Observation Haki, Six Styles.

Thunder Fruit - Power of 50 million volts; Direction: Heating (temperature), repulsion, magnetism.

Investment cost: a devil.

Benefit: (select power) 200 million volts [the current upper limit of the body capacity of the Thunder Fruit owner]

There is no upper limit for the Thunder Fruit, but people have an upper limit. The later the development, the more difficult it is. Moreover, Kamiya estimates that Akainu and others may not reach the awakening of the natural system.

"Please confirm the investment direction"

"Lightning Power"

"Confirm investment?"


"Ding! The investment period is 24 hours, do you want to speed up?"

"No need."

There is no need to speed up the time. The result will be seen naturally in the future. Besides, Kalifa doesn't know.

In addition, Esdeath also needs to be invested.

Esdeath's ability is very powerful, but she has a disadvantage that her physical fitness is not strong. Ordinary knives can hurt her. Kalifa is different. Kalifa is a natural ability user who can transform into elements. Only seastone weapons and armed color domineering can hit her.

Esdeath is not good. Her physical fitness is not strong and she is easily injured.

Therefore, it is also necessary to invest.

This kind of investment is equivalent to strengthening, or adding another skill.

Character template: Esdeath

Abilities: Ice Imperial, Swordsmanship.

Ice Imperial: Free creation and control of ice; Mokobotamo [Freeze time and space]; Binglan General [Store energy, create large-scale blizzards]

Investment cost: One devil fruit.

Compared with Aokiji's Frozen Fruit, Shenluo has always felt that the Ice Imperial's ability to manipulate ice is more powerful than the Frozen Fruit. Esdeath has not been able to control the ability to freeze for long. Seeing that she is only in her twenties, there is still a lot of room for the development and application of the Ice Imperial, while Aokiji is almost fifty years old. Esdeath is really powerful.

"Please confirm the investment direction."

Shenluo: Added elementalization to Ice Imperial Tool (non-natural elementalization, immune to seastone and armed color domineering), and the upper limit of Mokobotmo's use: increased from once to three times a day"

"Confirm investment?"


"Ding! The investment duration is 36 hours. Do you want to speed up?"


Regarding the investment in Esdeath and Kalifa, it's done!

Shenluo still has to look at his own. Now there are eight devil fruits left, and he can indeed invest in new characters.

Now, the abilities he usually uses are the Tremor Tremor Fruit, the Ryujin Jakka, and the Ice Imperial Tool, which is rarely used.

It's time to add a new skill.

"System, perform dimensional person detection"

"Ding! Starting dimensional character detection."

Today is Monday,

"Dimensional character detection in progress, waiting time: 10, 9, 8...1, 0"

"Ding! Detection successful"

"Tested characters: Academy City Accelerator, Fate's oldest king Gilgamesh"

"Please confirm the investment."

Accelerator, and Gilgamesh.

Accelerator's vector manipulation, the ability to arbitrarily manipulate the direction of all vectors that are touched by the surface of the body, such as momentum, light, electromagnetic field, etc.

, Shenluo only knows that this is a very abnormal ability, manipulating momentum, electromagnetic, and other things such as light, radiation, infrasound, oxygen environment, and even reflecting all attacks, that is, attacks by abilities and weapons, even if hit by nuclear weapons, it will not be hurt.

It can also kick the thrown small stones at supersonic speed to make the small stones have terrifying destructive power, or manipulate the vectors on the soles of the feet to move at high speed, and even generate tornadoes to make oneself fly.

Just touching the opponent with a finger can manipulate the blood and bioelectric current of the whole body to flow back and cause sudden death. Contacting the atmosphere to manipulate the air to generate a strong typhoon, or compressing air molecules to force the generation of plasma, or even absorbing part of the planet's rotation energy. And transformed into a powerful destructive force.

Shenluo wondered, is gravity included in the range of vectors? Reflecting part of gravity, such as suspending an island, like the flying island of the golden lion, and more importantly, manipulating gravity like Fujitora's smile?

It is true that this ability is very perverted.

However, this ability is also very complicated.

And Gilgamesh's treasure of the king is the most luxurious ability Shenluo knows. It connects to the treasure of the Golden City, shoots out the prototype of the treasure inside in a concrete form, and can also extract the real treasure, the treasure of the king, which contains all the treasures in the world of Gilgamesh.

The treasure of the king is very perverted, unimaginable, noble and luxurious ability.

You can only invest in one, Shenluo wants both vector operation and treasure of the king, but you can only invest in one character.

Accelerator: The investment cost is three demons.

Gilgamesh: The investment cost is four demons.

Shenluo:"Invest in Gilgamesh."

The latter starts with four devil fruits, which is obviously more valuable.

Come to think of it, it seems that compared to the complex and complicated ability of vector manipulation, the King's Treasure is more pure. The

King's Treasure seems to be more qualified as a king.

In addition to the King's Treasure, Gilgamesh also has the Star of the Creation of the World in the King's Treasure, which is quite scary, but the conditions for activation are limited.

"Confirm the investment?"

"Confirmed." ps: I'll keep the vector operations. Although they are good, they are not easy to write, really.

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